A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restored 96

Chapter 96

The car hummed softly as Felix and I drove back from Tilly’s house, the happiness I was feeling from the warmth of our reunion lingering in the air. The setting sun cast a golden hue in the sky.

“I’m so happy we got to see Tilly again,” I exclaimed, my heart still brimming with the joy of our reunion. “It was…surreal,” I beamed up at him, “Thank you.”

Felix looked away from the road and glanced at me for a second, a fond smile playing on his lips. I’m starting to think you missed Tilly more than you missed me.”

I rolled my eyes at him, and he grinned for a short second.

It’s like finding a piece of myself I thought was lost. You won’t understand it, Felix. And guess what? We made plans for lunch next week!”

“That’s fantastic, Flora, Felix said, his eyes reflecting my excitement. “You should call her over to the house.”

“We were thinking of going out. Getting some drinks.” I informed him,

“I’ll appoint a bodyguard, then.”

“A bodyguard?” I exclaimed. It was more to myself. “That’s not necessary, I think.”

“I’ll decide what’s necessary.” That was enough to shut me up. I guess he needed me to have a bodyguard more than I needed one.

As the conversation flowed, I caught Felix stealing glances at me. His gaze lingered on the dress I was wearing. I couldn’t help but smile at the look on his face. He was trying to be respectful, I guess, but his eyes kept zeroing in on my chest.

“Where did you get this dress? It’s nice,” he asked, “Really compliments your…features.”

I giggled. I glanced down at the dress, my fingers lightly tracing the fabric. “It’s a gift from Tommy, my best friend,” I replied, a soft smile playing on my lips. “He gifted it to me on my last birthday, Isn’t it lovely?

Felix’s eyebrows raised, and he nodded, no expression on his face. “Yeah. Seems like he’s really thoughtful.”

“He really does,” I agreed, my heart warming at the thought of Tommy. I hadn’t met him in very long. “He’s been really good to me. Helped me out a bunch of times.”

“I’d love to meet him, then.

I nodded happily, “Yeah, you definitely should!”

Felix reached over and gently squeezed my hand, his silent acknowledgment of the joy that radiated from within me.

“I don’t want you wearing things other men have bought you,” he commented lowly. My eyes widened, and I suddenly burst into laughter. I couldn’t help it. He was so cute jealous

He looked pissed, but he remained silent for the rest of the ride.

I think I fell asleep at some point, because when I woke up, we weren’t home. The car smoothly glided into the parking lot of an upscale mall, and 1 couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at Felix. “What are we doing here?” I asked, a hint of confusion in my voice.

Felix grinned mischievously, his eyes alight with anticipation. “Consider it a detour, my love.”

As we stepped into the luxurious mall, my discomfort grew. The opulent displays of high–end boutiques and designer stores felt like a world that belonged to someone else. I felt out of place here surrounded by the polished elegance of the shopping haven, populated by people with too much


“Do you want to buy clothes, or something?” I asked nervously.

“Clothes, jewelry, Shoes.” He said nonchalantly, “Whatever you want.”

“Felix, you really don’t have to buy me anything.” I insisted, a feeling of unease coursing through me.

Chapter 96

He chuckled, his arm wrapping around my shoulders. “I want to spoil you rotten, flower. It brings me joy to see you happy, and if buying you something nice contributes to that, then it’s worth it. I’m doing it for me, okay?”


He stopped my tirade with a raised hand. “I don’t

‘t want to hear arguments. I want to buy you stuff, so I’m going to. Do you understand?”

“Yes,I said, staring at the floor. I must

ust have looked like a petulant child.

We strolled through the mall, and Felix guided me into a store with a very famous name. The racks displayed an array of glamorous dresses, each more exquisite than the last. As 1 fingered the delicate fabrics, Felixs eyes glinted with a desire to make me feel special

Try something gon. Let me see how stunning you look,” he suggested, his enthusiasm contagious.

I hesitated, feeling a pang of discomfort about indulging in such extravagance. “Telix, I appreciate the gesture, but it feels excessive…just buy me normal things. What will I do with an evening gown?”

“No harm in trying something on.

Reluctantly, I agreed, choosing a dress that caught my eye. As I stood before the mirror, the reflection staring back at me seemed like a different person – adorned in an elegant gown that accentuated every curve. The dress was dark blue with a corset top and allowy skirt.

When I stepped out of the changing stall, Felix’s eyes lit up as he saw me.

“You look breathtaking,” he said, his voice filled with a distinct full.

Despite the initial discomfort, I couldn’t deny the allure of the exquisite attire. The dress hugged me in all the right places, and the confidence it instilled in me was a surprising revelation.

He licked his lower lip, “Get inside the stall.”

Before I could voice my confusion, he pushed me inside the stall He drew the curtain behind us. “You’re stunning. You’re a goddess, Flora,he whispered. “Stay silent.”

“Wh-?” I could only let out a soft sound before he captured my lips with his.

“Shh, baby,” he hushed in a whisper, “Don’t make a sound.” Felix descended to his knees, and realization dawned on me. Oh my God!

In public, like this

He gentle lifted the hem of my skirt, and his head disappeared somewhere inside it. I could feel him lay soft kisses on my thighs. He lightly nipped the skin, and I almost yelped. “Felix 1 gasped. “Please, someone will see us.”

He didn’t say anything, but I felt

it him pis

pinch me lightly. Right, yes. He’d asked me to stay silent.

I felt the gusset

Hof my

shifted to the side. I felt his tongue on my clit. Oh sweet Jesus.

my panties being sh

He licked me lightly, and I shivered in response. I had to physically hold my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming as he went down on me. two fingers inside me, he licked me up and down my slit, focusing on my clit, his tongue working fast and tenderly on the nub. I buckled from the pleasure. God, such a sight. Me with my legs spread obscenely, him inside my dress. I almost mouned from the thought of how wild this was

Tela be was

I came with one final stroke of his tongue, shivering from the pleasure as I rode out my orgasm.

When he pulled back from me, he grinned. “You taste like vanilla.”

Felu insisted on purchasing the dress, and as we left the store, a small bag bearing the emblem of extravagance swung from my fingers. I couldn’t shake the lingering unease, but my mind felt cloudy and my thoughts were occupied by memories of what we had just done.

As we continued to explore the mall, Felixs insistence on pampering me persisted. We ventured into a high–end jewelry store, where he carefully selected a delicate necklace that caught his eye. The shimmering pendant hung gracefully around my neck, a symbol of his affection

“This looks good on you,” he whispered, fastening the clasp. He lightly traced my neck with the back of hid hand.


A mixture of gratitude and bewilderment washed over me. I had never been one to indulge in such opulence, and the sincerity of Felix’s desire to spoil. me tugged at the edges of my comfort zone.

“You don’t have to do this, Felix, I murmured, my fingers tracing the delicate pendant. But I couldn’t stop touching it. It was so beautiful.

He tilted my chin up, meeting my gaze with unwavering determination. “I want to do this. I want to give you the world, Flora. Let me.”

I nodded, the intensity of his gare breaking down my resistance. He turned toward the attendant. “I want to get this engraved.”

Sure, sir. If you will come this way.

She led Felix away while I stayed there and looked at the other things. Rings, most of all, I smiled to myself. One day, hopefully, I’d wear Felix’s ring on my finger.

When we left the mall, he was carrying bags and bags of clothes and shoes and expensive perfume and make up and jewelry.

“Thank you.” I told him. He smiled, “Of course, flower.

“I feel bad about this,” I admitted. “But…thank you, Felix.”

He grinned roguishly. “You can thank me in other ways”

My cheeks warmed. I couldn’t stop thinking of these other ways now….


Chapter Comments

He dress thing is out of sequence with the last few chapters, she wore the dress s for picnic Felix sent up and before the whole sex thing he told her to get dressed for another surprise and she was looking in her closet and decided on something chic and it wasn

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