A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restored 97

Chapter 97

I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Tommy. After my conversation with Felix

Felix a few days ago, I had been thinking of making the two of them meet. Today was a good day for doing that because Felix was free. He had been busy at work the past few days, but he had told me he could spare me some time today and tomorrow

Tommy answered after a few rings, “Girl, you have just disappeared on me completely.”

I giggled, “I have so much to catch you up on. Tom Tom.”

“Tell me!”

“Well.. there is a boy.”

What?” He almost squealed, “Is it that hot guy, the security guard?”

I shook my head, “A hotter guy. Um…my boss. Remember him?

“You’re fucking your boss? Woah!”

I grimaced, “Well…you need to catch u

up on some lore

“I’m free today after 3. Wanna get lunch?”

“Absolutely. Hey, are you free to meet the someone special in my life as well?”


response buzzed in almost instantly, carrying the contagious excitement that was quintessentially Tommy. Absolutely! Come over, I can’t wait to meet him! Lunch invite from me to you guys, okay!”

A smile played on my lips as I envisioned the warm reunion that awaited. I agreed readily and disconnected the call.

I padded over to Felix’s office. Still dressed in my pajamas, which were new, flimsy ones that he had bought me on our recent shopping expedition, I quietly crept to the room. The door was slightly alar, and I could hear two people talking. Realizing there was someone else with him, I decided to go hack.

I had taken a few step

steps when I heard, “Miss?”

I turned around slowly, crossing my arms in front of me to protect my boobs from his gaze. Awkwardly I let out, “Hi”

“Mr. Corsino is free to see you.”

I smiled awkwardly, “Um…sure.”

I had thought the man was leaving, and I could see Felix now, but that was not the case. He went inside the office,

ce, and I had to awkwardly follow in Felix’s eyes brightened when he saw me. Then he saw my outfit, and lightly frowned. I bit my lip in embarrassment.

“Lucas, I’ll see you later, now.” He said to the man, who nodded firmly.

“This is Flora,” Felix said, and I waved awkwardly at the man, “My girlfriend”

“Hello, Miss Flora.” The man nodded at me, smiling slightly. “It’s nice to meet you.”

*You 100.

He took our leave shortly. I could see easily that he was trying very hard to keep his eyes on my face. When he had left, I looked at Felix, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know there was someone else here, and then I was leaving but you called me in…”

He stared at me, his gaze holding a fiery look. “I don’t w want my men seeing you like this,” he agreed, “But

But I’m not ashamed of how hot you are, Flora.”

I blushed at the comment. “Thanks, but…yeah, I don’t want them seeing me like this, either.”

He smiled. “Come here.”

Chapter 9

I walked over to him, and he made me sit down on his lap. He kissed me sweetly, “Tell me, baby. What can I do for you?

“Um, if you are free, we can go meet Tommy.”

His reply, a reassuring affirmation, came with. “Of course, love. Ill be ready once I wrap

“ile wants to meet for lunch, at his place. Works for you?” (1)

“Sure,” he lightly pressed a kiss on my forehead, “I’d love to meet your friend. Why don’t you take a driver,” he thought for a sument, “Homero may be free, and get something for his mom?”

1 squinted at him, “How do you know he lives with his mon

Bemused, he smiled at me, “I have my ways, baby. Now go on

1 nodded and went to my room. I changed my clothes and ventured downstairs

I decided to check the garage, hoping to find Romero there. I briskly walked towards the door leading to the garage when I unexpectedly collided willi

“Oh, sorry, Flora, Liam said with a disarming smile, his eyes glinting in the morning sun. “Looking for someone! Mel

I straightened myself, feeling a slight flush on my checks.

(trying to fad Romero. Have you seen him?

Liam s expression shifted, a thoughtful look crossing his Lace. “Romero He’s on break, took off for a bit. Needed some fresh air, I suppose.”

I sighed in frustration, glancing around as if hoping Romero would magically appear, Great. I really need a ride.

Liam leaned against the wall, his gaze fixed on me. “You know, Flora, I could give you a lift if you want, Save you the trouble of searching for him. I’ve got some free time.”

I blinked in surprise, uncertainty flickering in my eyes, Liam offering to drive me was a difficult offer to accept, especially given Felix’s strong dislike for him. My hesitation must have been evident because Liam chuckled sellly.

worry, I won’t bite. just trying to be helpful. Besides, its a long walk to wherever you’re headed. And I don’t know when Romero will be back.”

1 bit my lip, torn between my urgency to find Romero and the awkwardness of accepting a ride from Liam. “I appreciate the offer, but I think I’ll manage. I just wait for Romero to return.”

call, Flora. If you change your mind, you know where to find

Liam nodded, pushing himself off the wall. “Your c

As I turned to head back to the house, I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that Liam’s offer was more than just a gesture of kindness. Felix) disapproval loomed in the back of my mind, making the decision even more perplexing

“It’s just a nde, Flora!” Liam yelled from behind me. I mean..yeah. It was. It wouldn’t hurt….

“Alright. I just need to get some flowers, and dessert. Are you sure you have time?

Liam agreed and we walked to his car. I didn’t want Felix to find out, because I didn’t want to have a fight with him, so I felt a bit nervous.

Despite my initial reluctance, I found myself okay with taking Liams offer. Felix was the only hindrance. But even if he found out. I’m sure he’d understand

As we drove through the city, Liam engaged me in light conversation, asking about my day and work. The city buzzed around us, but there was an undercurrent of tension in the aur that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

We pulled up in front of a charming flower shop. Liam turned off the engine, shooting me a sideways glance. Here we are. Planning a surprise for

I smiled weakly, suddenly feeling self–conscious. “Just a little something for Tommy’s mother. Were having lunch today.”

Liam raised an eyebrow, his curiosity evident. Tommy? Your neighbor from back when you lived with your Dad?

I nodded, unbuckling my seatbelt. “Yes, that’s right.”

He leaned back, a smirk playing on his lips. “Well, that’s nice, isn’t it? I didn’t know you and Romero were friends, too.”

The comment caught me off guard, and 1 stammered, “No, it’s not like that. We’re not friends,”

“ch, I just assumed. Since you were looking for him.”

I shook my

bead. “Um. Mr. Corsine allowed me to ask him for a ride.”

Liam chuckled, the sound low and ears. “Whatever you say, Flora. Mr. Corsino is kind of sweet on you.”

brushed off his insinuation, stepping out of the car and into the fragrant haven of the flower shop. The vibrant colors and delicate fragrances mounded me, making the decision for a bouquet even more challenging. After careful consideration, I settled on an elegant arrangement of lilies and rosts, hoping it would brighten Tommy’s mother’s day.

As we left the lower shop, Liam suggested a nearby bakery to buy the pastries I wanted, where we could also get some coffee. I hesitated for a moment, Tom between the urgency of my errands and the realization that I was enjoying Liam’s company more than I anticipated.

At the hakery, the aroma of freshly baked goods enveloped us. Liam held the door open with a playful smile. “On a roll with the surprises, aren’t you?

1 chuckled, grateful for the distraction. “It’s for Tommy and his mother. I thought it would be a nice gesture.”

We selected an assortment of pastries, the display case tempting us with flaky croissants, decadent éclairs, and colorful macarons. We also got lattes for the two of uso muacha for me and caramel for him. As we made our way to the counter, Liam insisted on paying, but I refused. I did have Felix’s card, but

pay with it, he’d be suspicious. So I paid with some cash I was carrying.

in the can, as Liam chove us back to the mansion, we sat and drank our coffees, the air between us filled with a strange mix of camaraderie and spoken tension. I thanked him for the ride, feeling an odd sense of friendship despite the conflicting emotions swirling within me.

Before I stepped out of the car with the bouquet and pastries in hand, Liam said, “Good luck with your lunch, Flora.”

“Thank you.”

just about to get out, when he exclaimed suddenly, “I need to ask you something”

I turned to face him, my brow furrowed in confusion. “What’s up, Liam?”

He glanced around, as if ensuring no one was eavesdropping, before leaning in with a teasing smirk. “So, Flora, are you and Mr. Corsino a thing or

I hesitated for ament, unsure of how much to reveal. My eyes widened. How did he know? Well…it wasn’t like we had tried too much to hide it.

“Um, no.”

“Well, I just heard it around. I guess they are just rumors.

I sighed, “Well, we regu

I guess we’re together” I admitted cautiously.

Liam raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. “Ah, keeping it under wraps, I see. I thought we were friends, Flora, You could’ve told me

I sighed. “I’m sorry, Liam. It all happened so fast, and I wasn’t sure how to bring it up.

He crossed his arms, a hurt expression on his face. “I thought we had something, you know? Friends share these things.

“You’re right, Liam. I should’ve told you. I didnt mean to exclude you. It’s just kind of complicated.”


Liam hurt softened into understanding, and he offered a half–smile. “It’s cool, Flora. Just caught me off guard. But hey, dating your boss, huh? Living on the edge, aren 1 we’ll

His attempt at levity didn’t sit well with me, and I felt a pang of offense. “It’s not like that, Liam. Felix and I have a genuine connection.”

He shrugged nonchalantly, his tone taking a sly turn, ‘Sure, sure. Just be careful. Dating the boss can be a tricky game. But I guess it has its benefits.”


Chapter 97

He shrugged, “You’re living in a big mansion. Wearing expensive clothes. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.”

His words stung, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of resentment. Without another word, I turned on my heel and walked away, the bouquet and pastries suddenly feeling heavier in my hands.

As I retreated down the pathway, I could sense Liam coming back to follow me. He called after me, “Flora, wait! I didn’t mean to offend you!”

I quickened my pace, my frustration bubbling beneath the surface. Liam caught up, his expression apologetic. “I’m sorry, Flora. I shouldn’t have said

that. It was out of line.

I stopped, facing him with a stern look. “It was. I thought we were friends, Liam. Is that what you think of me?”

He sighed, genuine remorse in his eyes. “No, I really don’t. We are, Flora. I messed up. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“Just think before you speak, okay? It’s not easy for me either.”

He nodded, genuine regret etched on his face. “I will. I’m sorry, Flora.

I sighed, accepting his apology with a mod. “Let’s just forget about it, okay? I have a lunch to go to, and I don’t want any more surprises.

Chapter Comments

Valen Burnet Lauletta

Tommy lives right next door to her father why would they go there


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