A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restored 95

Chapter 95


We lay in bed, arms and legs entangled. His arm was under my head, while I was wrapped into the side of his body, holding him so close to me. Both of us naked under the covers, it made me feel like we were doing something wrong, but in the most exciting way. Felix lightly caressed the underside of my breasts under the covers. His fingers made circular patterns on my nipple; slow and soft, feather light touches, I resisted the urge to moan. He stopped suddenly, and I gasped lightly. My nipples felt sore, and needy. They ached.

“More?” Felix smirked. I nodded.

He continued the torturous assault on my nipples, lightly touching them, sometimes pinching, rolling the tip between his thumb and finger.

“You’re so responsive to this,” he mused, “Maybe we can train you to cum from me simply touching your nipples”

He pinched my right nipple so hard, it made me yelp, but it was making me so wet down under. “Tr–train me?” I mumbled

He hummed in response. “Yes, flower. Like I’m going to train you to take my whole cock down your throat.”

1 giggled, my cheeks warming. “That won’t happen.”

He turned to the side to look at me. “Yeah?”

I shook my head, “Its not humanly possible, Felix. I think maybe half, I can manage”

“We’ll see about that, baby.”

“You’re such a dirty talker.” I commented, “I didn’t know you had it in you.”

He chuckled and twisted my nipple in response, “Don’t worry. You’ll see.

I turned to my side and laid a huge kiss on him. It made a wet sound that made me laugh. “Thank you. My first time was really good.”

“I’m glad, Flora. You seemed to enjoy it.”

I blushed. “It was fine.” It was more than fine, and we both knew it.

The soft glow of the bedside lamp cast a warm glow on his face. With half of his face lit up like that, be looked like a mythical character. He was beautiful. I found myself trying to memorize his face, the sharp angles of his law, the way his hair fell on his forehead,

Felix stared at me, his eyes reflecting the tenderness that had become a constant in the last few days. His fingers traced idle patterns on the back of my hand, and a soft smile played on his lips. The quiet of the house seemed to amplify the rhythmic beating of my heart.

“Hey,” he said, “I love you.”

I felt a gentle flutter in my chest, a familiar dance of emotions that surged when those three words left his lips. I met his gaze, and a soft smile graced my face. ‘I love you too,” I whispered. He had said it before, too. When he had been inside me.

Felix’s eyes held a depth of sincerity, and as he leaned in to brush a feather–light kiss on my forehead, I couldn’t help but sigh with happiness against his lips. “No matter where we are or what life brings, my love for you is unwavering,” he murmured against my skin. “You are mine. And I am yours, Forever, Flora.”

I closed my eyes, allowing the warmth of


words to cele

envelop me,

“I wanted to say I love you outside of sex.” He admitted. That made me laugh. “You don’t have to say it,” I said softly, “I know. You show me enough”

“I like saying it. I’ve never felt more at home here than I do with you, Felix confessed, his voice a soft melody in the hushed room.

A genuine smile tugged at my lips, “Me too. This is our home, and it’s perfect because it’s ours.”


lips f

found mine again. God, I loved kissing him. We were made for each other.

“I have one last thing for you. Why don’t you run along and get dressed?”

I grinned, “wu’re going to spoil me.”

“That’s the plan, baby. Now go on.”

I rolled out of bed, the soft morning light fihering through the contains, casting a warm glow in the room. As I stood before my wardrobe in my

the servant quarters, contemplating my outfit for the day, Telix watched me with a playful smile.

“You should move into my room fall

I nodded, excitedly. “Yeah, maybe this weekend?”

“Where are we going?” I asked him then.

Felix’s eyes twinkled with anticipation. “It’s a surprise,” he said, emphasizing the “surprise” in a sing song voice,

Larched an evebrow, a mix of excitement and curiosity coursing through me. “A surprise? You’re making me even more c ith one day.”

He chuckled, stepping closer. “Just trust me, Flora. It’s something special. It’s the best me yet,

curious, Felix. So many surprises,

With a grin, I decided on a casual yet chic ensemble, a blend of comfort and style. As I finished dressing, Felix took my hand and led me downstairs. The air was cool and harsh on my face, but I couldn’t help but feel a delightful thatter in my stomach. I felt sore in between my legs, and that made me feel even more excited.

As we reached the living room, Felix turned to lace me, his expression a mix of excitement and something else—perhaps a hint of going to see Tilly, he announced.

Dervousness, “We’re

My eyes widened in disbelief, a surge of emotions coursed through me. Tilly, my best friend from years ago, someone I hadn’t seen in what felt like a lifetime. The mere mention of her name flooded my mind with memories and memories of the two of us

We were girls together.

“Tilly?” I gasped, my heart quickening with a blend of excitement and nervous energy.

Felix nodded, a grin playing on his lips. “I managed to contact her and set up a surprise reunion. She has no idea you’re back. So I guess it will be a surprise for you both.”

1 felt a whirlwind of emotions joy, anticipation, and a touch of nervousness. Telix, this is incredible! How did you even? Oh my God! Tilly!”

He winked at me. “Yeah. She’s back from uni for a couple days. Nick told me.”

My mind raced with a thousand thoughts, questions, and emotions. The prospect of seeing Tilly after all these years filled me with an indescribable joy, yet there lingered a hint of nervousness.

Felix led me to the car, and as we drove, he filled me in on Tilly’s life since we last saw each other. A wave of nostalgia washed over me as I listened to the details, realizing how much life had changed for both of us. How much she had changed. Would she even like the new person I had become? Would she hate me for disappearing?

When we pulled into Tilly’s parents” home’s driveway, it felt so familiar, felt like déjà vu Felix himself had driven me here a million times. It was like no time had passed and we were all high schoolers again; Felix was driving me to Tilly’s and she’d be up in her rooms and we’d talk about boys and Selena. Gomez and eat so many of her mom’s salami sandwiches.

Felix got out of the car, but I was stuck to the seat. Meeting Felis, meeting his parents, both had been so sudden, I’d had no time to feel nervous. But now I was meeting Tilly, and I had been contemplating our meeting the whole tide over. How she’d react. What I’d say. What she’d say.

Were her parents home?

Was her new girlfriend here?

Had she changed her hair? Had she changed too much? Had 17

Felix, didn’t give me more time to think. He opened my door and gave me his hand to hold. I was grateful for that. I clutched his hand so tightly he was surprised. He walked to the door, and pushed me behind him. When he rang the doorbell and Tilly opened up, my breath caught at the sight of her. She looked older, but still the same. Her hair was shorter, much shorter – a pixie cut. She’d dyed it pink, too. Her ears were pierced. Tears welled up in my

She still hadn’t seen me. I was hidden behind Felix firmly.

“Hey, Felix. How are you?” the greeted him, “I

I couldn’t help myself. I stepped out from behind Felix, and Tilly stopped speaking. She stumbled a few steps back, bumping into the door behind her.

“Hora?” the yelled.

I launched myself at her. Her arms wrapped around me naturally, and a huge soh left my lips. As Tilly and I embraced, tears streamed down both our faces. The long was not just a physical closeness but a merging of years lost. My best friend.

No man can ever understand the love shared between two high school best friends. The love you feel for each other. The protectiveness. We had grown up together. We had been children, with hopes and dreams; making up stories of our weddings; planning to live in New York together. Our children would be friends, fro;

And it was taken from us.

Now, it

True again.

“Flora, I thought you were..gone,” Tilly finally managed to whisper, her voice choked with emotion,

I pulled back, holding her shoulders and looking into eyes. “No, Tilly, I’m her. I missed you so much, I confessed, my own voice trembling with the weight of median.

Tilly’s confusion lingered in her gaze, her brows furrowed. “But, I heard… I was told you were gone, that you and your mom, your dad” She took a deep breath to study herself, “Flora, Felix, what the fuck?”

I shook my head vehemently, a mixture of sadness and frustration welling up within me. “No, Tilly, I – it isn’t like that. I never left you willingly. And I didn’t die. And Felix and I just reunited too, and I’ve had the worst five years and I’ve missed you terribly, I thought you’d forgotten me.”

Tears continued to flow down Tilly’s cheeks as she absorbed the truth. The years of believing she had lost her best friend must have been a heavy burden, and the reality of my presence seemed almost surreal.

“Forgotten?” she whispered, “Horn, you’re,” she suddenly broke into ugly sobs, and seeing her, I did, too. We both cried for a few minutes straight, snot ninning down our noses, our eyes red with tears.

“I missed you every day, Tilly. When I had nothing to keep me going, you were always in my heart,” I confessed, my voice quivering with the raw honesty of my emotions. “Even with new friends I made. No one in you.”

“Hora, what happened to you?”

I looked nervously at Felix. He nodded at me to go on

“I was kidnapped. And my mom was murdered, I think my Dad is involved in it, too,”

Tilly remained silent, the weight of the revelation settling in.

“Jesus fucking Christ, Flora,” she looked at Felix when she said it, “Did you deal with her Dad?”

Felix gritted his teeth at the question, “I will.”

I hit my lip. Dealing with my father…Felix and I would have to discuss that further. I didn’t want him to deal with any one. Except maybe Ascensio

“Flora,” Tally finally spoke, her voice breaking through the silence. “I cant believe you’re really here. I mourned you, and now… now you re standing in


I reached for her lunds, holding them tightly. “I mourned this, too, I thought I’d lost you forever. You and Felix, and everything else. It still feels like dream. Standing here in front of you. With Felix-

“How did you…

“We just accidentally met.” I breathed. God, if I hadn’t taken that job. If Lexi hadn’t recommended it to me….

Chapter 95

If Lexi hadn’t met Gray… I’d still be there. Working a trash job. Getting beat up by my father.

I looked at Lexi, then at Felix. I beamed up at him. “He saved me, Lex”

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Donna Kelly

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