A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 197

Chapter 197

It was a warm day, and the sun was shining brightly in the sky. I was walking down the street towards Julian’s place. I felt a steady tension in my chest and a pool of zoo animals in my stomach. I was feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, as today was the day I was going to meet Julian’s parents. I had of course, met them before, but the interactions had been brief and awkward. Since before this, I had never known where I stood with him, he hadn’t ever introduced me as his girlfriend

I had heard so much about Julian’s mother, who was said to be sweet and kind, and his father, who was strict and no–nonsense. All my life I had heard.

stories about them.

Nicolero Rivera–known for his frightening mura, and his lovely wife Nora. I was eager to make a good impression, but I was also feeling a bit intimidated. After all, I was carrying their son’s baby, and I wanted his parents to accept me and our unborn child. Given all that had gone down, I was sure they weren’t all that excited to meet me or make me part of the family.

Julian really cared about his family his parents, his brothers. Even the cousins and the extended relatives. He thought it was important to maintain these relationships. He had told me many times how he wanted his parents to be accepting of our relationship, and how much he wanted for our baby to have a relationship with them.

I finally arrived at the doorstep of Julian’s home. I took a deep breath, and rang the docebell. A moment later, the door opened, and Julian appeared, looking just as handsome as ever, he was dressed in a dark blue button down shirt and jeans.

“Ginevra!” he exclaimed softly, pulling me into a warm embrace. I melted into his arms. This day of nervousness and dread, all melted into his safety and warmth.

“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world,” I said with a smile.

Julian led me inside, where we were greeted by his mother, Nora. Nora was just as warm and kind as Julian had described, and she immediately made me feel at ease. She was a beautiful woman–slender and tall with striking red hair. It was a wonder none of the boys had inherited her hair. I wondered how Julian would look with red hair.

The red would clash his blue and green eyes wonderfully, I thought,

“It’s so wonderful to finally meet you properly, Ginevra, Nora said, giving me a hug. “Julian has told us so much about you, and we’re so excited to get to know you. He talks

about you all the time. He used to call me at the strangest hours of the night to talk about you”

I blushed. He did that?

Julian called his mom to talk about me?

I looked at him, and he rolled his eyes at his mom. “Way to make me seem cool, Mama” He said, but there was mirth in his eyes and his tone. Nora smiled and ruffled his hair.

He was so much taller than her, she had to really reach up high to do that.

Julian’s father was in the foyer, and the three of us went there to meet him. Nicolero was a stern–looking man, with a no–nonsense demeanor. He was handsome in an intimidating way. I could see where Julian got his looks from. He looked exactly like his father – the same jaw, the same hair. Don Mariano looked more like his mother, though.

“Ginevra. Good to meet you.” Nicolero extended his hand for a handshake, which I accepted. He squeezed my hand and gave me a tight–lipped smile.

“Good to meet you, sir.” I let out. Sir?

I had no idea what to say to him. How to address him. Should I call him Don?

Luckily, no one made a thing of it.

I could tell that Nicotero was a man of few words, but I also served that he was fair and just. I felt confident that I would be able to win him over. Eventually. If not win him or

anything, at least he would accept me

Ji felt like we were all cicling around the issue at hand. I didn’t know if it needed to be addressed.

Chapter 197

The four of us sat down to a delicious meal of grilled salmon, mixed greens, and roasted vegetables.

There was an awkward silence.

Suddenly, Nora exclaimed. “I can’t wait to be a grandmother!

Julian coughed, and I smiled at her.

Nicofern looked at me, his gaze intense. “You understand that this is a big responsibility, young lady. Raising a Rivera is not to be taken lightly.”

When he put it like that it seared the shit out of me.

Before I could respond, Nicotero turned to his son. “And the child is out of wedlock.” He looked at my baby bump, “I don’t suppose you are going to marry before she is born.”

Julian’s lips thinned. “We have decided to wait till we are both c

comfortably there. But I will be an active parent and a partner to Ginevra.

their own way now, Ferro. Let them be.” She turned back to us, a warm smile on her

Nora turned to glare at her husband, “The kids are doing things the face, “We’re v very excited.”

I nodded and turned back to Nicotero, meeting his gaze head on. “I understand that, sir. And I’m ready for the challenge. I love Julian, and I want to build a life with him and our baby. I know and understand the responsibility of being a Rivera, or bringing up one, and I shall try my best.” I looked at Julian and smiled, “Besides, palian will be with me every step of the way. And I’ll learn from Donna, and Consigliera”

He didn’t seem convinced with my answer.

He looked at fullan, his gaze pointed, “Both my other sons married outsiders. I had hopes from you, Dante. That you’d do the right thing. That you’d put the family, the mafia first. But all three of you are fucking pussy–whipped.

My eyes widened. Why would he say that?

I looked at Julian, who was clutching his utensils very tightly. I didn’t know if I should butt in

I didn’t need to.

“I love Ginevra,” Julian said. “Do you not want me to be happy?”

You’re happy like this? No name, no power, no title?” He leaned in a bit to stare Julian down, “You’re a true born Rivera, Julian, Dante. Lionelli, Montefiore. Rivera, Do the

names of our ancestors mean nothing to you?”

“Does the happiness of your son mean nothing?” Julian looked at me. He took my hand and squeezed slightly. “I don’t care about anything else. Just Ginevra and my baby. It’s all I want.”

Nicofero stood up all of a sudden, and left the table. He stomped out the front door, Nora gave us a sorry look and ran after hin.

Silence descended. Julian continued to eat,

I couldn’t stomach the thought of eating.

“I’m so sorry, Julian.” I let

I let out, “Its all my fault.”

He shook his head, The Rivers need to learn some boundaries. Its fine.” He nodded towards my food, “Eat.”

I tried to, but I couldn’t.

Nicolero and Nora came back inside a bit later. He sat down on his sea

seat again and took a breath.

“I understand you have to make your choices. But I don’t approve of it. I never will.”

Julian let out an irritated sigh. “I’m a grown man, Papa. I’m sick and I’m fucking tired of you always trying to control me. I need my freedom. I asked for freedom in one thing.

Chapter 197

Papa. One thing. And you all couldn’t give me that. All my life has been structured to your wishes, to what the mafia needs. I asked for one thing and got kicked out for that.”


Nicofero gritted his teeth, Freedom? Is that what you call it? I call it making poor choices that could have serious consequences. Do you even think about hour your actions affect your future?”

“It’s never been about my future. Just about yours.”

This time it was Julian who walked out. I followed him to his room. He was pacing the floor with an annoyed expression on his face.

As the door closed behind them, I could feel the tension emanating from Julian.

Are you okay?” I asked tentatively.

David shook his head. “No, I’s not. I’m crazy mad, Ginevra. He’s always trying to control my life, and I’m sick of it.”

I could hear the anger in his voice, and I knew that he needed someone to talk to. I took his hand and led him to the bed, where we sat down together. “Tell me. Talk to me.” I said softly.

Julian took a deep breath and began to explain. He told me about how his father had been criticizing his choices forever, telling him what to do and who to be with. He felt like he couldn’t do anything right in his father’s eyes, and it was starting to wear on him. He talked at length about the pressure he had felt since he was child. It made me feel so sad. It broke my heart to see him like this.

1 listened attentively, nodding as he spoke, I knew how difficult it could be to have a parent who didn’t approve of your choices. I couldn’t do much, but at least I could lend an ear.

“I’m sorry you had to go through all that,” I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “But don’t let him get to you. You’re an adult, and you have the right to make your own decisions. I know its not fair. But thank for for choosing me. For taking the difficult way out.”

Julian looked at me with a small smile. Thanks, baby. There was never a question. It’s just hard sometimes, you know?”

“I do,” I replied. “But you don’t have to go through it alone. I’m here for you.”

Julian leaned in and kissed me softly on the forehead. As we pulled away, he looked at me with a grateful expression.

“Thanks for being here for me,” he said. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”

I smiled back at him. “That’s what partners are for. We’re here to support each other, no matter what.”

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