A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 196

Chapter 196

“So, how’s it going with Nico?” I asked Nua. I was standing to the side in the kitchen while I watched her work around the kitchen. I was drinking some soda, and so was shr. Everyone else was having wine.

She turned round for a second and gave me a soft smile. I hadn’t expected it, but she looked happy. Like, genuinely happy. She had looked happy when

we had come over as well.

y stages, of course, but I can see us building a good relationship.”

“Nico is really good to me,” She confessed, “It is very early stages,

I smiled, “I’m glad, Nua. That’s wonderful. I hope you’re able to do that.

She fell silent for a moment, then eyed me with a side glance. “Can I tell you something?”

I nodded

She gulped, then smiled again. “Nico still loves you,” She said. When I began to say something, she waved it off, “its expected. Its normal. Feelings don’t have off switches. But I think, in a year or two, we’ll be able to build something. I’m really blessed to have married him. I never in a million years Imagined it like this.”

My heart felt full at her saying this. She was so sweet and so full of hope. I really hoped it would happen for them. Nua, of all people, deserved it.

We chatted for a few more minutes before going outside. Don, Donna, Julian and Consigliere were engrossed in a game of cards that wasreally very loud. You could hear them all the way to the kitchen and I was sure on the floor below as well.

I went and sat down beside Bethany who was looking at the game,

She felt my presence and put her arm around me, giving my arm a squeeze. It made me feel warm inside. It was really wonderful that Bethany had forgiven me so soon, for all that happened with Nico.

It was a lively dinner party at their home. It had been Naa’s idea to host everyone, as it turned out. A while later, as four couples gathered around a large, beautifully set dining table. The room was filled with the sounds of laughter and conversation as everyone settled in to enjoy the meal. It was going much better than I had ever expected. Nu had made an elaborate feast a salad and some roast and potatoes and bread and other side dishes.

We all sat down, and Don raised his glass and called for everyone’s attention. “Everyone, here’s a toast to Na. Thank you for having us, and for all this.”

So Don clearly approved of Na

Everyone raised their glasses in accordance, taking a sip of the red wine that had been poured for them

Donna, turned to her husband, and said with a twinkle in her eye, “I heard a joke the other day that I just have to share with everyone. Why did the tomato turn red?”

Everyone at the table groaned, knowing that it was going to be a terrible joke.

She continued undeterred, “Because it saw the salad dressing!”

Everyone burst into laughter, despite the groans. Na was sitting beside me, and leaned in closer to whisper, “This was in the Lover music video,”

We had our own private laugh at that.

Nico chimed in, “Well, that’s nothing. I heard a joke that’s even worse. Why don’t scientists trust atoms?”

“Why?” Lasked.

Because they make up

up everything!” He replied, and erupted in laughter again. We all chuckled, but I saw Julian visibly roll his eyes.

Meanwhile, Don was deep conversation with Consigliere, “So, fratello, I heard you’re thinking of taking up skydiving,” he

te said with a raised eyebrow.

He nodded, “Yes, I am. I’m getting older and I want to do something wild and crazy.”

As if being in the mafia wasn’t wild and crazy

Chapter 196

Consigliere laughed, “Well, I hope you have a good life insurance policy in place.”

“Why’s that?” he asked, with a grin.

“You’re not very

good at sports, fratello.”

As the night wore on, the conversation turned to more serious topics, but the laughter and good cheer continued. Everyone was polite to each other and there was no arguing like I had feared there would be. After we had eaten, Donna and Bethany offered to make coffee while the rest of us chatted. Nua and Nico disappeared into their room for a bit, and the three Rivera brothers sat down in the living room.

I had a hunch that I should leave them alone. I walked away, but I was still in hearing range.

The tension was palpable. The air was thick with the weight of unspoken words and unresolved issues.

Julian was the first to break the silence. I could imagine how much that took of him. Being vulnerable. “I need to apologize to both of you,” he said, his voice shaking slightly. “I’m sorry for not being there for family like I should have.

Don and Consigliere exchanged a look, Don spake up. “I need to apologize too, Dante, Emilio and I talked and I’m I’ve been holding a grudge against you for so long that I couldn’t even see that you were both hurting. You are my brother. I am sorry, I couldn’t protect you.”

Consigliere nodded in agreement. “We should have tried harder to understand where you were coming from.

The three brothers fell silent for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts. Then, Julian spoke up again. “I think I need to talk about what’s really been bothering me. All my life. We’ve all had it tough, the mafia is hard on us. We’ve been avoiding this for too long, and it’s time to face it head on.”

The brothers agreed, and over the next few minutes they had a heartfelt and emotional conversation. They talked about the challenges they had faced growing up, the differences in their personalities and perspectives, and the hurt and anger they had each been holding onto. At some point in the conversation, I left to join Bethany and Donna in the kitchen, not wanting to eavesdrop on this incredibly emotional conversation.

We all had coffee and played Pictionary, for some reaso

reason. It had been a wonderful evening.

As the guests said their goodbyes and headed out into the night, Nico and Nua stood at the door, watching as we all took the lift downstairs.

Slowly, I knew, things would get back to normal.

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