A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 198

Chapter 198

I sat across from Nico at our favorite coffee shop, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. We had been coming here since we were in school, and even though we both had busy lives after that, we tried to visit here very few months. It had been a while since I had last come here with Nice. We loved their iced vanilla lattes and almond croissants.

“So, how’s married life treating you?” I asked with a smile.

Nico grinned from ear to ear. “Much better than expected, Ginny. Nua is wonderful. We get along well, as friends at least. And we’re both pretty civil to each other. I guess I should take her out and stuff, that will foster a better relationship.”

I laughed, happy for him. That’s wonderful, Nico. I’m glad to hear you’re getting along. And yes, that seems like a good idea.

Nico took a sip of his coffee before asking, “So, how about you? What’s new with you? Dinner that day went well, huh? I’m glad P made up.”

glad Papa and Zio and Dante

I took a deep breath before replying, and then nodded. “Ready to give birth any day now, so. And yeah, me too. Julian won’t ever say it but he’s happy About iL”

Nico’s eyes filled with a casual sadness at the mention of Julian.

“I hope you both can repair your relationship, too.”

He nodded. “Eventually, but enough about that I cant wait for the baby, Ginny! I’m so so excited.

I smiled, feeling grateful for his excitement. Thank you. Me either. Its going to be a lot, but I feel ready to be a mother.”

Nico leaned in, looking genuinely happy for me. “I can’t wait to meet your little one. You’re going to make an incredible mother, Ginevra.”

I blushed, feeling touched by his words. “Thank you, Nico. I’m excited and nervous, all at the same time.”

ve yet?

Nico nodded in understanding. “I can imagine. It’s a big change, but you’ll be great. Did you decide her first name

I shook my head. ‘Not yet. We’re waiting to find out for ourselves. I think we will know when she is born.”

ry ideas. I felt relieved to have this dynamic again with him, just

Nico smiled, and we spent the next few minutes talking about baby names and nursery id hanging out like we always used to, and I couldn’t wait for him to meet my little one.

As we finished our coffee, Nico’s phone rang. He glanced at the screen before answering. “Hey, Nua. What’s up?”

I took the opportunity to people watch, watching the hustle and bustle of the city around us. I heard Nico’s conversation drift off.

Nico hung up and turned to me. “Sorry about that, Nua needed me to pick up some things for dinner tonight. Do you want to come over?


I smiled, feeling grateful for the invitation. “I promised Dad Ill visit. But maybe another time. You both should come over too.”

“Hey, do you remember that time we went on that camping trip with your family?” I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.

“Of course I do. That was one of the best trips we ever went on. Remember how we got lost in the woods, and we had to use a map to find our way back to camp?”

I chuckled. “Yeah, and we

we ended up making a fort out of branches and leaves. It was so much fun.”

Nico nodded, a wistful expression on his face. “Those were the good old days, huh?”

I sighed, feeling nostalgic. “They really were. It’s hard to believe that was over twenty years ago.”

Nico leaned back in his chair, sipping his coffee. “I know. It’s crazy how time flies. It feels like just yesterday we were running around the neighborhood, playing tag and hide–and–seek,”

I nodded, feeling a sense of longing. I miss those days. Things were so much simpler back then.”

He smiled. “Yeah, they were. But we still have those memories, right? They always be a part of us.”

Chapter 198

I smiled back, feeling grateful for the memories. “That’s true. What about that time we tried to build a treehouse in your backyard? It was a disaster, but it was still so much fun.”

He laughed, shaking his head. ‘Oh man, I can’t believe we thought we could actually build a trechouse. We were so clueless.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, but we had a blast trying. And we learned a lot, too. Like how not to use a hammer.”

I smiled, remembering the time we had prank called Luca, who had then been Capo Bastone.

Nico had dialed the number and when he answered, I quickly began to pretend to be his mom. We pretended like Nico had stolen some important papers from his office.

After a few moments of frantic searching, Luca finally realized it was a prank call and hung up in frustration, and then told Consigliere.

Looking back on it now, it wasn’t the nicest thing to do, but at the

e time it was hilarious and still brings a smile to my face whenever I think about it.

He smiled, looking at me with fondness. “You know, Ginevra, I’m really glad we are still friends. I can’t imagine my life without you.”

  1. p. “Me Mi

I felt a surge of emotion, feeling grateful for his friendship. “Me too, Nico. You’ve been such an important part of my life, and I don’t know what I would do without you.”

He reached across the table, taking my hand. “I feel the same way, Ginny, You know that. You’re like family to me.”

I smiled, feeling a s

a sense of warmth. “That means a lot to me. Yo

You are my family, Nico,”

We sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, lost in our own thoughts. And no matter what happened in the future, I knew that our friendship would always remain strong.

was now a murried man, and I was going to be a mother. It was

As I drove home, I couldn’t help but reflect on how different our lives had become. Nico was now strange to think about, but I couldn’t wait for this new chapter in my life.

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