A Lethal Lady

Chapter 36

-Rouse...” Tom whispers as his body slumps a little more.

-Don't say anything," she helps him settle down, as he squeezes the wound from which more blood than usual is gushing out. Please... stay still.

“You have to go, Rouse.

She looks at him all worried, he was losing a lot of blood while asking her to leave. He needed the doctor to see him as soon as possible.

stand up, Rouse,’ Wyatt orders, still pointing at Tom.

“You don’t want me to do that, you know what I'll do to you as soon as I stand up,” Rouse continued to stare at Tom's, wound.

-Go get her,” the mayor quietly orders Billy.

At that, the blonde hears the whimper of a girl. Both she and Tom look up, and watch as Billy drags Lauren towards them. Laurent -she exclaims in anguish.

Miss Rouse, I'm sorry," the young woman says through her tears.

will you stand up now? I know how much you care for this young lady, so you'd better obey me and be a good girl.

She looks at Tom and he nods, carefully sets him down and stands up. The blonde looked at Wyatt like a dangerous snak and that's what he really was.

Miss..." Billy covers the blonde’s mouth and presses a knife to her neck.

Miss? That's pretty funny to me, don't you think, Rouse,” the mayor mumbles.

“You're a coward, taking a girl hostage just to get away with it. And you shoot me in the back just so you won't face me as man, you're worthless, Wyatt.

Ahh!” Wyatt grabs Rouse by the arm and threatens her with his gun. The sheriff is still strong enough to speak. I suppose you're also willing to hear certain things you don't know about this woman.

Rouse knew what the fucker meant, she watched as Tom looked at her with a certain curiosity. The blonde didn’t want hir to know any more, it was already too much of an embarrassment.

In one swift move, Rouse pushed Wyatt backwards and he lost his balance for a few seconds. She then punched Billy in tt face and released Lauren. The young woman, seeing herself released, looks at her as if waiting for an order. Perhaps her nerves didn't allow her to act immediately, which is why she remained standing in the same place.


The young woman reacts and starts to walk, but notices that Rouse’s hair is being pulled with a jerk. The girl stops as she sees her being grabbed again. And in her carelessness, Billy grabs her again.

“Where do you think you're going?

Wyatt had grabbed Rouse by the hair and yanked her back. The blonde rolled on the floor, feeling a sharp sting in her sid She put her hand to her rib and realised that it was bleeding.

-shit,” she mumbles.

-Rouse,” Tom tries to get to his feet, but Billy kicks him back to the ground.

She sees that Tom was very weak, barely managing to get to his feet...

“You keep worrying about her; but if you knew who she was, you wouldn't be in that position, sheriff.

“You're a coward.

Tom was on the verge of losing consciousness, he was having a hard time keeping his eyes open. But he would endure anything to try to help Rouse and Lauren.

-Do you know why she ran away from here? Do you want to know who it was that hit me? -Tom looked at him. Ahh! I knew you'd be curious to know,” Wyatt grinned.

Rouse spat out a red streak of blood, wiped his lip, and looked sideways at Wyatt and Billy...

“That woman is a thief, and she works for me, and so does Billy. I'm the mayor, but like everyone else, we always need another influx of cash. And cattle rustling is my specialty, Joy's ranch and other cattle ranches have made me a lot of money, and, Rouse,” he looks at her, “I've made myself a lot of money. You can't imagine how much.

The sheriff might have been badly hurt, and almost on the verge of losing consciousness, but he listened carefully to the bastard’s words. He pursed his lips and lowered his gaze, she was all that was said. I understood her reasons for wanting get away from everyone, and more importantly, for not wanting to put down roots anywhere. I didn't think she deserved anything, just because of her past.

For her crimes, Rouse should be condemned, and perhaps even hanged.

-1t surprises you, doesn't it, that she would steal from your own village... she's a cunning woman, she knows how to deceive.

-If that's 50, why did you have her beaten? I don't think she’s as faithful to you as you say she is..." Wyatt's smile faded. -It's true, she’s a backstabber, and like all thieves she tried to steal from me. But her game backfired, luckily for her, she escaped the beating Billy was giving her. She's a tough woman, she inherited that from her father.

Tom looked up...

Rouse buried her hands in the dirt and clenched them tight, that bastard Wyatt was revealing his past, one he didn't ever want to remember. But the fucker always made it very clear to him.

“Wyatt, lets get this over with. I already want to enjoy my new position as the sheriff of this damn town.

Be patient, the sheriff ain't dead yet. Besides, he needs to know, and everybody in this miserable town needs to know wi Rouse LeRoy is.

“We made a goddamn deal, you'd kill the sheriff, take the blonde and leave the rest to me. Now comply.

-No, not until you deliver all the heads of the cattle I asked for,” he answers seriously.

Billy clenches his jaw tightly, he'd have to hold out until that idiot of a mayor ends his stupid whims.

-My dear Rouse, which do you prefer? You tell him, or should I?

1d rather you died.

-Oh! That's no way to talk to your father, little girl.

The blonde stands up while enduring the horrible pain in her side. She looks at the blonde before her with hatred and contempt, her desire to kill him growing.

-Do you hate me? Too bad, but I don’t care if my daughter hates me, anyway, you've already fulfilled your mission as a daughter.

“You bastard, I'm not your bloody daughter.

Tom was petrified, the pain of the bullet he'd taken had even been forgotten. He still couldn't believe what he'd just hear Rouse was Wyatt's daughter, his daughter? Would that be true.

Looking at the blonde, he could tell by her expression that the bastard was telling the truth... she was his daughter.

“You didn't see that coming, Sheriff? -Wyatt asks Tom, but without looking at him.

-Rouse,” Tom mentions her name, but she ignores him, and glares at Wyatt.

The two were engaged in a staring battle, the mayor had the upper hand. With a gun in his hands, with Lauren in his hanc and with the sheriff's life about to be snuffed out.

The truth was out, and he preferred it that way. She hated keeping so many secrets, she didn't want to lie anymore, especially to Tom.

Her father was that bastard in front of her, that bastard of a mayor who had raped her mother when she was just a child. then, that bastard wasn't a mayor. He was simply a guy with money who aspired to be someone important. And with lies and tricks he made himself mayor.

Of course he had to eliminate many on his way to get it, but only when he was nobody did he meet his mother in a bar as the drink delivery girl, and that same night he abused the woman... over the months, he found out that he had made her pregnant, of course he didn't take care of either of them.

However, her mother decided to have her, and she never understood why. She was not a daughter she wanted. And while her mother took care of her while she was growing up, the abuse she received from her mother was enormous. The wom: treated her in the worst possible way, from a very young age she was forced to work in the bar where her mother worked. Her life was not easy, many tried to abuse her, as she was a child who did not have the protection of her mother. But life. the streets taught her to take care of herself, without a father by her side and without the warmth of a mother, Rouse fended for herself. She was involved in many fights trying to keep her dignity intact.

She had a hard time protecting herself from idiots like Wyatt. She often lost in fights, but at least they didn't touch her. They were horrible memories, but from each of those battles she learned a great lesson, which is why she was what she was, a cold woman with dead feelings.

By the time she became a woman, however. That bastard Wyatt captured her. Revealing that he was her damn father, by that time, he was the mayor of the town. From that day on, she knew that guy would bring her no good in her life. Rouse was a girl just trying to survive in a world full of male chauvinists who thought women were submissive.

She closes her eyes for a moment, remembering how that bastard murdered her mother to her face. And all because she refused to cooperate with him, she didn't want to be a thief, she didn’t want to steal from anyone, but that bastard was forcing her. And for a long time he did.

Her mother wasn't the best of mothers, but for some reason she brought her into the world, she didn’t thank him for it. Since she only got to go through hardship, but she was alive. And she, even if she was a damned wretch, didn’t deserve tc die. Wyatt had her captured in his house, as a way of pressuring her to do what he wanted.

Until he had had enough and in a fit of rage, he ended the woman's life right in her face... watching her mother's life go before his eyes was difficult, Rouse didn't love her, but she was his mother.

From then on, the blonde became rebellious. She was still under her father’s orders, but she was getting ready to leave everything and get out of his reach. She was tired of stealing, of fattening the pockets of that wretch at the expense of those who worked hard.

That's why, that night, she tried to take a good part of the money she had collected and walk away. But that wretched Bill found her out, that guy was a nightmare. He'd been in love with her since she was a little girl, but he never touched her, and all because of Wyatt, and of course; she'd put him in his place many times herself.

But the last time, not so lucky, because of Wyatt himself, she was sent to be brutally beaten. It was the most painful beating she had ever received. But of all those who beat her, only Billy was left alive.

He was a lucky bastard... and he would be the first to kill that day.

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