A Lethal Lady

Chapter 35

Wyatt smiles exclusively at him, which infuriates him even more. Tom figured if he could just get you out of the restraints, he'd kill that guy with his bare hands. And he doesn't give a shit if he was the mayor of the city.

-All right, we've wasted enough time already. And since the rain won't let up, let's get it over with.

Coloma's people began to plead for him not to do it, but the mayor's men with their revolvers threatened them to keep quiet and let the execution run its course. As much as they wanted to try to stop the injustice, there was nothing anyone could do, since the mayor's right-hand man was imprisoned.

Jesey and James watched as they had the men ready to be hanged, the doctor denying and knowing that what they were doing was unjust.

But Tom's gaze was not on his people, but on the paper on the floor that was slowly unravelling with the water. He was breathing heavily, and in those moments he remembered Rouse's farewell. It was actually quite difficult for him to let go. her hand, but if he didn't, he would leave his people unprotected any longer.

And there were the consequences of his actions, for following her, Joy and he would be hanged, and his people would be plunged into misery... Tom closed his eyes, he was careless enough, he should not have got involved with her.

-Cut the sheriff's rope first,” Wyatt smiles as he sees his plan almost finished.

He couldn't bear the thought of staying in that dingy town any longer, the sooner he was done, the sooner he could get back to town and finish the unfinished business he had there. But before that, he was going to devote himself to finding her.

-CUT THE ROPE! -ordered the mayor.

One of his men obeyed, and brought the tip of the knife to the rope. Just a few strands away from cutting the rope... a she shot breaks the sound of the rain, then Tom's body falls to the ground beneath his feet, freeing him from imminent execution.

Everyone present looked to where the sound of the shot came from, including the mayor and even Tom himself, who scrambled to his feet.

If there's anyone to hang here, it's you Wyatt.

Rouse was on a horse, fully responsive and holding a revolver in his hand.

The blonde kept her eyes on the mayor, she had changed the direction she was pointing the gun, fixing it on Wyatt.

“You won't get away with this, you unhappy swine.

Rouse! My dear Rouse,” the man smiled, tossing the umbrella aside. You've saved me the trouble of looking for you, you naughty little thing.

Tom looked at Rouse riding the horse and didn't believe his eyes, she was back. For a moment, the sheriff harboured som hope, for if she had come back, perhaps it was to stay.

As best he could, the sheriff crawled under the pallet. He would try to free himself, and end it all once and for all. But as I crawled out from under the wood, Wyatt's men grabbed him.

The town seemed static at the staring battle between the blonde and the mayor, no one was saying or doing anything, ju: waiting for a move from both of them.

You're back, I thought you were far away from this town. Tell me why you're back? -Wyatt takes a step towards her.

1 came to get rid of you.

-Ahhhht 1 find that quite interesting, my dear Rouse,” he replies wryly.

The blonde dismounts, and walks over to Wyatt...

“This is for you and me to sort out, you don't have to involve these people.

Do you care about these people? But they're nobody, or do you care about one in particular? -the man asks angrily. Rouse stops in mid-stride, glances back at Tom who is staring at her from a distance, she’s still not out of danger, and Joy no less. She looked back at Wyatt and changed her gaze, this time it became cold and murderous.

“Start praying, because this will be your last day," she put her finger on the trigger.

-1 don't think so, my dear. Besides, you can't kill me," she answers confidently.

-ROUSE! -She heard Tom's warning tone, but it was too late.

Out of nowhere, behind her, a pair of hands appeared; one closed around her waist and the other was placed with a knife to her neck.

The blonde froze in the face of the stranger's attack....

But look who we have here,” they whispered against her ear. A beautiful, bouncing blonde, it's good to see you alive, Rouse.

-Billy, I knew you were behind all this. You didn't get enough of the warning I gave you when I murdered your friends the other night.

-But for your information, it's impossible for me to stay away from here, since I want this filthy town for myself. And when heard you were still alive, I didn't think twice about stepping in. Too bad you didn't die that night, you're a lucky woman,” he laughs as he licks her ear.

You'll have to hurt me more to finish me off, besides, you hit like a little woman,” she looks at him sideways and knows she's hit the nail on the head.

“How come I haven't seen you in this place before? As haughty as you are.

-1 did see you, and your filthy little group of bastards. I was glad you got your f*****g fingers blown off” Rouse smirks. -Bitch...” Billy shoves the blonde, then slaps her across the face, knocking her to the ground.

Tom couldn't let that bastard Billy hurt Rouse, she was unprotected. So without thinking too much, he attacked the man who was threatening both him and Joy.

The sheriff managed to knock his enemy down, and with the same, he managed to untie his hands... suddenly, another gt fell on top of him and a new fight started.

In the struggle, several shots were fired into the air, which caused a commotion in the street. People ran for cover to get away from the bullets. The sheriff struggled to disarm the man who was preventing him from helping Rouse.

The blonde saw Tom trying to get his hands on a gun and acted quickly. Amidst the jumble of people, she managed to get to her feet and run away from Billy.

-Get her, you son of a bitch,” Wyatt orders.

Billy runs after the blonde, and eventually catches up with her. He grabs her by the hair and pulls her back two steps defensively; Rouse hits Billy's face so hard that he knocks him to the ground. She gets hold of the wretch's revolver and immediately fires a well-aimed shot into Joy's noose, freeing the old man from the noose.

She then tries to walk, but Billy grabs her ankle and pulls her to the ground. The bastard crawls on top of her and takes h prisoner.

saving the old man and the sheriff won't do you any good, they'll still be hanged as traitors,” he smiles. Now that I have second chance with you, I'l enjoy it very much, Rouse.

-Dead first.

Yes, that will come after I make you feel like a real woman. I've already been given the go-ahead. You're going to make m mine, Rouse!

“someone else took it upon himself to make me a real woman, you're too late.” Billy's expression turned grim and dangerous.

The damn sheriff he coughed.

“Take your filthy hands off her, you wretch.

At that instant, Tom grabbed Billy by the lapel of his overcoat, dragging him through the mud far away from Rouse. Quick the sheriff pointed the revolver directly at the man who was staring at him.

~You won't lay a finger on him.

But I already did, sheriff he smiles, showing his rotten teeth. He didn't tell you I was the one who beat her up, but the damn thing got away and wouldn't let me finish killing her” he laughs. I left her just the way you found her.

Tom's jaw clenches, filling with anger... he watches Rouse get to her feet, and remembers her dying in the desert. Then he looks back at Billy, last time he told himself he would kill him, for he would not break his own promise.

But first...

The sheriff holstered his revolver and leaned towards Billy, he began to hit his face in a brutal way, he only laughed with every blow he received. After a few seconds, he was covered in blood, and barely moved when Tom stopped. He drew his gun and prepared to shoot him.

“If you kill me, you'll have no evidence to charge the mayor with corruption,” he spat blood to the side. He'll get away wit it, and there'll be nothing you can do, Tom Wesley.

He put his finger on the trigger and really wanted to shoot him...

They'll hang you anyway.” he adds.

Rouse walks up to Tom and looks at him, then makes him lower his gun. He looks at it too. By this time, the rain had let u a little and the street was desolate. The inhabitants were sheltered, but watching what was happening.

You came back.

1 would never have let them hang you because of me.

“You're a thief, Rouse.

Yes, 1 am a thief. -Yes, I am a thief. That's why we can't be together, Sheriff. I deserve none of what you offer me. I'm destined for the gallows, and you know it.

Tom strokes Rouse's cheek and she closes her eyes at the touch... they were from different worlds, she was a fugitive fron justice, and he was the law.

-1 don't care about any of that, Rouse. Whatever you are, I don't care.” She listens to him carefully, but she knew she couldn't hold out hope, since he didn't fully know the rest of her story.

Even with her eyes closed, the blonde was enjoying what could be the last caress from this man.

When out of nowhere, a gunshot shattered the moment they were sharing. Both Rouse and Tom looked into each other's eyes, the blonde looked down and noticed that Tom was starting to bleed. She opened her eyes as she saw him collapse and fall to his knees in the puddle of water.

“Tom! -She kneels down beside him and holds him, presses on the wound on his body and more of it gushes out. No, no.. “It's okay, it's okay," he says, looking at her.

She sees him, and feels her heart faint....

“This is the way things have to end, my dear Rouse" she looks up and sees Wyatt with his silver revolver in his hands. On way or another the sheriff had to die.” She clenches her jaw, her soul was filled with rage, she had reached her limit.

Billy stood up and; at a slow pace, walked towards the mayor. She looked at both men and swore she would kill them.

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