A Lethal Lady

Chapter 37

-It's over, dear, Rouse,” Wyatt points at the sheriff, then she takes a step. Freeze! Don't move...

Kill him once and for all," Billy insists beside her, while Rouse glares at him.

“You'll be the first to die,” the blonde threatens Billy.

-Are you sure? She jabs the knife into poor Lauren's neck. It's a shame you have to watch another person in your life die, first your mother, and now that damn meddling sheriff.

“You won't be alive to have that joy," she smiles.

“You may be the quickest shot with a gun, but this is out of your hands, Rouse. You can't save him, and neither can she. The blonde looks at the scared expression on the girl that bastard was holding in his hands. She was an innocent person, she had nothing to do with all that. And neither did the sheriff. She looks at him, and realises that he has been knocked unconscious, her concern is growing.

ll end his agony anyway, he's already dying," Wyatt pulled the trigger back, and that's when the blonde’s heart skipped. beat.

“You got what you wanted; your damn cattle, the destruction of the town, me, take me and forget about these people. I'll do whatever you ask, I'll keep on stealing if that's what you want. But leave the girl and the sheriff.

“You? Wyatt changes the direction he was pointing his gun, and goes straight at her. Who said I wanted you?

She opens her eyes and sees that smile she already knew was hiding something else... but what?

-TOMMMRM! -The desperate scream of a woman alerted Rouse. -N000o, Tommmn...

It was Hilary, Rouse was startled by her late appearance, and instead of being worried about her daughter, she went to th sheriff's side. Rouse thought that maybe this was Tom's salvation, this woman could be of some use to him.

-Mum! Mom! -Lauren called out to her tearfully, and at that moment, the blonde relived what she had gone through years before with her own mother.Updated by FindNovel.net, visit for more free novels.

-It's your fault, damn you, it's your fault Tom is dying," Hilary cried to Rouse, who couldn't take her eyes off her. You brought misfortune to this town, you deserve to die," she said through her tears.

“No, mother, no...

SHUT UP! -she shouts at her daughter.

Rouse was outraged, this woman was just like her mother. She didn't deserve the daughter she had. She clenches her fist This brings back memories, doesn't it? -Wyatt's voice brings her back to reality, she looks up and he does the same. Bastard...

“What do you say we do it again, how about watching another person die who's important to someone you care about? - She widens her eyes.

At that, Wyatt's gun was aimed at Hilary who, realizing what the mayor intended to do, turns away from Tom and tries to escape her fate.

But the mayor fired two bullets at her, striking the woman's back. Hilary's body rolled to the ground and she never got ba to her feet.

-MOMAAAAAAARA! -Lauren's gasp tore at Rouse's heart.

The blonde watched as Hilary lay on the floor, then watched as Lauren tried to get out of Billy's grip, but he wouldn't let her.

“What did you think of that? -She watched Wyatt and Billy's bastard laugh.

They were making fun of each other's pain...

“It's interesting to repeat history, don't you think? -Wyatt grabs Lauren by the hair and pulls her out of Billy's hands. Kill sheriff and do what you want with her, then we're out of here.

Billy smiles and draws his gun, points it at the sheriff and looks at Rouse.

Too bad the sheriff will never know who killed old Joy's beloved daughter.

-It was you! You miserable bastard-She strides forward, but then Billy shoots at Tom's side and stops her in her tracks. She looks at Tom, and makes sure he's still breathing...

-It was me, I killed the sheriff's fiancée. And now, I'L kill him, so he can be reunited with his love in heaven.

“Why did you kill her? -why did you kill her? She was just a helpless woman.

For meddling, she wanted to protect her father’s lands, and for giving her to him as a heroine I was forced to kill her. She was a nuisance," he answered, pulling the trigger of his revolver. And when I'm done here, I'll go after that damned old mz joy.

joy listened attentively to what that wretched Billy was confessing to Rouse, she always suspected that the wretch was th cause of her daughter's death. And now he was proving it. With a wounded arm, the old man could do little, he felt helpless. If he came out of hiding, they would end up killing him, and the last thing he wanted was to cause Rouse any more pain.

suddenly, a revolver appears out of nowhere beside him. The old man looks in that direction and realises that the doctor was handing him a gun through the window behind him.

There are only two bullets in it, Joy.

The old man takes the gun, unfortunately, he couldn't shoot with his left hand. But he looks up and sees Rouse, and he knew that woman could take those two out, with just two bullets.

“That's more than enough." He grips the gun tightly.

Ym sorry about your daughter” the doctor adds sincerely.

The old man nods, and turns to where Rouse was standing. No matter what happened to her life, she had to avenge her daughter's death. And finish off that bastard of a mayor.


-Cut it out,” Wyatt ordered her.

-Let her go, she’s no good to you. It's me you want. She's a child.

-My dear Rouse, sometimes she was so naive, you don't notice anything. You no longer interest me at all, I have come to this town for this child. It was only by chance that I found you here, but you saved me the trouble of having to hunt you down and kill you.

“What are you saying? -What do you want to do with her?

Lauren is my daughter.

Both Rouse and Lauren herself widen their eyes as they look at each other. They were sisters?

Their stupid mother was an easy target to satisfy my needs on one of my many visits. And history repeated itself as it dic with your mother, but that idiot kept the baby, just like your bitch of a mother did. They were fools, but at least 1 was abl to use you until you served me. Now, this child will carry the same fate that you have carried.

That girl was his sister, his little sister... and that pig Wyatt was planning to take her away like he did her.

-1 didn’t come for you, but I have sentenced the end of your life. You're no good to me anymore, you can't be trusted. So that's it, I'l take this girl and teach her the same things I taught you. Maybe she’s better than you,” he smiles.

“No... He whispers as he watches Wyatt walk away with Lauren.

-Rouseeeeeeeeee,” the younger blonde shouts.

Everything was happening so slowly, Wyatt taking Lauren and Billy being about to end what little life Tom had left, while she was unarmed and unable to make a false step because they would murder the man she loved.

Her heart was pounding so hard, she could hear it and even feel it thudding in her chest. Adrenaline was coursing throug her body just as her blood was.


She looks to the left, noticing Joy coming out of hiding, drawing everyone's attention, she pretends to shout at him to go back to hiding, when she hears the detonation of a gun. Seconds later, she sees the old man throw a gun in the air.

The blonde’ instincts kicked in immediately, she lunged towards it to grab it. Rouse’s body fell face first on the ground, b with the revolver in her hand, she immediately had the gun in her possession and fired it, right into Billy's head.

In a split second, she fires at Wyatt, hitting him square in the neck. The man releases Lauren and falls to the ground, closing his neck wound with his hand.

Rouse gets to his feet and runs to him, but first he runs past Billy. He sees him lying on the ground bleeding to death and smiles.

-I told you you'd be first.

He reaches Lauren and helps her to her feet, the girl hugs her tightly, and Rouse feels a kind of stirring inside him. But st for all she'd been through, she doesn't know how to react to a hug like that. She was her sister, the only family she had le and yet she was still a little cold about such things.

-ItlL be all right, because you're not going to help the sheriff. Tell the doctor to help him, will you? -He looks her in the fa she runs to help Tom, and Rouse feels a little peace, since the sheriff had a chance to live.

Then, she looks at the man who called himself her father... he was just a bastard who didn't deserve to live.

“What are you going to do now? -Wyatt kneels before her, blood gushing from his neck, but he would not die from that wound.

“I see that I have failed, what a pity.

“You can't murder me, I'm the mayor of Tombstone. If anything happens to me in this town, they'll come to wipe me out. He was so right, the blonde thought.

suddenly, the whole town began to come out of hiding and looked at one person. The mayor, it was obvious that they wanted to hang him, but if they did, they would be in a lot of trouble.

The mayor, seeing the people crowding around him, smiles. He was very confident given his position as mayor.

They can't do anything to me,” he says, standing up. Nothing," he adds, walking to his horse.

Rouse looked at him and told herself that she would finally get this man out of the way. He wouldn't bother her anymore the only thing she was thankful for, was that she had given him a sister.

The blonde bends down and picks up Wyatt's personal gun, removes the safety from the revolver and points it in the direction of the gun. When he hears the trigger, he stops....

“No one can touch me, I have immunity.

They can't do it, but I can. I'm an outlaw, remember, the law is looking for me, and if I murder a mayor, it doesn't add to record, nor subtract from it.

The blond expands his eyes, clenches his jaw and turns around. He looks carefully at Rouse, whose pulse is not trembling He knew her so well, she was determined.

-50 you're going to kill your father?

“You're not my father, you're just a bastard who should never have been born.

You'll hang, and if your beloved sheriff is spared, too.

Vl take all the charges.

And without further ado, she fired the gun right at Wyatt's head. Rouse stayed pointing the gun, even as the mayor's body lay on the ground.

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