A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 66

Two years later

Eléa’s POV

I ost everything. My company collapsed, it was sold at auction which barely covered my debts. Fortunately for me, I managed to escape from this pack of monsters just after the death of its leader and above all, before the other two were back on their feet. I, who only knew opulence, found myself immersed in a world that I did not know. A world where everyone I had known in the past disappeared, along with my illusions.

I had to leave, far away. Being foresighted and having felt the tide turning, I had put enough money aside to ensure a littl peace. Money that I carefully concealed so that the state would not come and demand more from me. I rebuilt a life for myself, far from my big house. I rebuilt my life without forgetting any of my resentment. Without forgetting her.

Because it's all his fault. If she had done what I wanted, we wouldn't be here. Society would still be standing and I would: need to live like this. This hatred that I have for him continues to grow day by day. I haven't heard from her in years. I dor know where she is, or even what's become of her. But that will change.

By slipping into the shadows, I discovered a whole other world, new people who for a few tickets would be ready to do anything and above all, I discovered that these monsters are more well known than it would seem, finally in a certain cla: of the population. Because they don't all live in packs. Some are isolated, some work with humans. Some are ready to accept any contract.

I arrived early. The appointment is only set in twenty minutes, but I couldn't sit still, I was incapable of staying at home while patiently waiting for the time. This Wolf represents my greatest chance of being able to take revenge. And only then can I start living my life again, when I am sure that she will have paid the high price for what she did to me, for plunging into a world that is not not mine. A world full of monsters that should only live in stories.

I light a cigarette, nervous. I don't like having to deal with them but who better than a monster to hunt down others. I swallow the smoke which relaxes me slightly, the nicotine penetrates my body, pouring out as if I was just waiting for tha Like an addict who finally feels his dose taking effect and before I even finish it, he presents himself in front of me.

I deliberately chose an isolated park, a place that no one frequents during the day. I want to be sure that no one will see us, that no one will hear us.

- What is the target, he asks, barely giving me a glance.

- I's not one target but three.

I take an envelope out of my bag. I managed to obtain images from our surveillance cameras before everything was seize I hand him the photos I was able to take. These two Wolves, these two monsters with my sister.

He takes the time to observe them, to look at them carefully.

- She's a human, he said, holding Emma's photo.

~ That's right. It is a problem ?

- No. On the other hand, the amount is not the same for one as for three. We will have to lengthen the currency.

- It's not a problem. I would give everything I have left if I have to as long as they die. All three.

~ The last time they were seen?

- Years ago. No news since. I just know that the Wolves both killed their Alphas and left to join her when it was all over.

~ They left to join her together?

~ Yes, they are kind of an odd couple. They both marked her, she is their companion.

“Amazing” he said, reviewing the photos.

- Indeed, 1 too found it surprising.

-And they've been gone for years?

- That's it.

- 50 there are certainly no longer three of them.

- 1 don’t understand ?

~ Wolves are programmed to reproduce once they have found their other half. So I guess they have kids.

~ children?

- Certainly.

~ Then kill them too. I want them to disappear, I want nothing left of them. No more traces.

~ There is an extra charge for kids.

- Money is not a problem.

“Then we have an agreement,” he said, holding out a hand to me.

I squeeze it, looking into his eyes. His grip is powerful and the simple contact makes me shiver as a wicked smile stretche his lips.

~ If you tried to do it to me in reverse, I would focus all my attention on you and I might as well tell you, that I will not kill you quickly, on the contrary, I would take great pleasure in taking all my time, in hearing your cries that will be like a melody to me until you break your voice while I would break your will. You have no idea how much you would regret it.

~ I wouldn't do it to you backwards as you say. I want them dead more than anyone in this world. They took everything from me, they destroyed my life. It is time for them to pay the price.

~ Perfect, he said, putting the photos back in the envelope. I have your number, I'll Let you know, he concludes as he begi to walk away.

My legs tremble, I hate the feeling of weakness I have in the face of such a creature, but I stand my ground. He's perfect f this job. Perfect for destroying and killing them.

just have to wait, I just have to wait. I don't care if she's a mother, I wouldn't let her live her life happy while I have nothing left.

Yohan's POV

I'll have to do some research but I at least recognized one of the two Wolves. And I must say that it's not just anyone. However, I believed that he had lost his partner and everyone thought he was dead. But life is full of surprises and 1 am 2 perfect example.

Because I too lived in a pack, I grew up there, I learned its codes before being cast aside because I was a little too powerf a little too dominant.

I've always been a fighter, I was trained for it and that's what I continued to do. Accepting contracts, making money by tracking, hunting, killing for those who can pay. Like this woman, this human who is overflowing with hatred and rage. I don't know what happened between them, and it's none of my business. Money doesn't smell and I haven't had any mor: for a long time.

If they've been missing for years, they could be anywhere, but I already have an idea of where to start looking. His old pa It's been chaos there since the Alpha died. Another tried to take his place but since then, the leaders have followed one another without any one staying in place. The pack will disappear, destroy itself just for the sake of power.

I quickly leave this small village and head into the forest before letting my Wolf take over. This mission promises to be exciting. I haven't had one like this in a while and I have to say that a certain excitement makes my heart beat a little fast I am not made to remain inactive, I am not made to stay still and I rush forward, accelerating ever more.

The landscape is nothing more than a vague blurry picture but my Wolf's reflexes are such that he has no trouble dodgin; the various pitfalls, the roots that emerge from the ground, the branches that have finally succumbed before land on the ground. He cannot hold back a howl that shakes the forest. He's as excited as I am. Finally an opponent worthy of us, fina a challenge that I am eager to take on.

The sound of my running echoes, my power shakes the ground. The animals hide, they know that if they were to cross my path, 1 would kill them without even blinking.

POV Emma

jason is already outside. He absolutely wants to move forward with cutting wood, it must be said that the cold is already starting to set in, that nature is telling us that winter will soon be here and with our son's birthday who will be celebratin his two years.

We are becoming more and more sophisticated when it comes to preparing for winter. In our garden, there are only vegetables left that do not fear frost and our reserve of jars is overflowing. I never thought I would say this, but I am muc happier here, without restaurants, without cars, without cinemas than when I lived in the city. I miss my best friend at times, that's probably why I gave our daughter her first name, but I don't regret it. How could I when 1 live with the two m of my life and they gave me the most precious thing in the world, a family, my family.

Besides, I don't miss that too. Since my sister betrayed me, I have drawn a line under her, over what she represented and must say that rare are the moments when I think of her. Which doesn't displease me because honestly, I don’t want her tc have any contact with my children. I don't want her to be part of their lives so much so that I've never even talked to Mélissa about it, even though she's already starting to ask a lot of questions about the world around us.

The children are still asleep, as is Dorian while I am in the kitchen preparing breakfast. It must be said that feeding all these Wolves is almost a full-time job, but a job that has never made me so happy.

I have, 50 to speak, nothing left of my old life, of this other me who entered the world of the Wolves by meeting their gaz But that doesn't matter, I still have the essentials. A photo of my parents and another of my best friend. I don't need mor I have my memories and when I close my eyes, sometimes I feel like 'm seeing them all again.

I finish the waffles as Jason comes in, quickly closing the door behind him. A slight cold draft caresses my arms which makes me shiver but I forget everything when he comes closer to me and takes me in his arms before kissing his mark as he is used to.

- I'l go back later, but I must say that the smell of the waffles got the better of my determination, he said, smiling.

~ I knew your stomach would make you come home. Settle in and enjoy the calm before our two little tornadoes arise.

~ That's what I plan to do, but before that, he said, turning me around so that I face him, I already really want to taste you lips.

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