A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 65

Jason's POV

A sharp pain shoots through me as I wake up with a start. I look around without really understanding what's going on before I see her standing against the door, her hand on her stomach as she bites her lip to stop herself from screaming. I jump out of bed without even thinking.

I rush towards her, her whole body shaking in response to the pain. The time has come, the time has arrived, our son will come into the world. I grab her before leading her into the Living room where I place her in the armchair.

~ You should have woken me up. You should have told me right away, I said, placing cushions on his back.

~ You were both sleeping and I think I wanted to see if it was another false alarm.

~ That's not the case. It's time I said looking into her eyes.

~ I know, she replies, passing a hand on his back.

A new contraction makes her tense, biting her lip a little more. She doesn’t want to scream, doesn’t want to disturb this house which is still sleeping. Our daughter is not far away, she does not want to wake her, she does not want to disturb h not to wake her from her sleep under the influence of these cries.

- You need to relax. You have to breathe, I say calmly.

- I can't relax. Mélissa is sleeping, she must not wake up. I wish it happened at a different time of day.

- We'll get there love. We're both going to see it born.

- Of course we'll get there, she replies, grabbing her legs while I see her face crossed with pain.

I blame myself for not being able to relieve her, for not being able to take all her pain so that she can be relieved of this suffering which will lead to a miracle, a real miracle.

She looks into mine, she needs me. She's counting on me. And I will do everything to help him. She stifles a cry with her hand, imprisoning it as if it were something th at must never filter from these lips, from her magnificent mouth.

I help him take off his underwear before getting up to get some towels and a blanket to welcome him. She clings to the fabric of the chair as I bring everything back to these sides.

~ You're going to have to guide me, love, I said softly.

I want to relax her, for her to understand that I am here and that I will do whatever she asks of me.

- Don't worry, she said with more calm than I could have in her place. Everything will be alright. Place yourself between m legs, she asks, holding back another cry. It's coming, I can feel it, she said, closing her eyes.

I do as she tells me, bringing the towels I brought. My heart is beating so fast. I would like to call Dorian but it's up to me do it, 'm the one who felt him first. It is to me that this honor belongs to seeing her give life. I spread those thighs a little wider before looking down and seeing that our son is much closer than I thought.

- Ok, I said, raising my head. He's there. What do I have to do ?

-~ As soon as the head comes out, she said without being able to prevent a cry, you will have to turn it thirty degrees and will do the rest. Don't hesitate, she says as I feel a new contraction coming.

~ 1 will do what you ask me. I follow you, I said without even thinking.

- Ready, she said, clinging her hands to her legs.

- Ready.

And she begins to push, to expel this little being which reveals its head from second to second, which shows itself to me. “It's okay, he's here,” 1 said. I see him.

I grab her little head as it lets out its first sigh, as it lets out its first breath in the face of life and do as she told me. I turn and this simple gesture hurts me without me understanding its meaning.

- I did what you asked me, I said in a whisper.

- Get ready, he's coming, she said before stifling a cry against his hand.

She starts pushing and before I even know it, even though 'm still holding her little head in my hands. Centimeter by centimeter he leaves his body guided by my hands, by my skin against his which calls him to join this world full of wonde and things to discover. She stops before she cries out a little louder and pushes again. This time, those arms go through, and the rest of his body follows, coming straight into my arms. Although he is still attached to his mother, I hold him clos for a brief moment as he pushes his first.

She smiles at me, exhausted but happy to have a new being to protect. A new being to love. I feel a tear rolling down my. cheek, as soon as I lay my eyes on him, I know without the slightest doubt that he is mine, that he is mine. He's my son, mine. Ours. I smile when discovering him, when meeting him. He is magnificent, just like his mother while still having a p of me. I place him in her arms and she hugs him as Dorian rushes into the room.

He sees us, looks at this little being who has just been born and smiles in turn as he comes to settle down near us. He pu his arm around me, places a kiss on my cheek, happy to welcome a new member into our family, into our tribe.

- It's perfect, I said without being able to stop myself. Perfect.

“Of course he is,” says Dorian. No member of our family can be anything other than perfect.

I can't hold back my tears. This tiny being has just stolen my heart just like his sister did when she let out her first cry.

- Our son, Emma says as she places a kiss on his forehead. Our little boy.

“small for now,” I said, more quickly than I would like. He will become a mighty Wolf, a man strong enough to protect his family.

~ He will become what he wants to become. He will do what he wants to do, she declares, smiling.

And she’s right. None of us will bully them, none of us will restrict them. They will do what they want with their future, th future, and we will support them so that they continue to move forward, so that they grow, so that they become adults ready to face this world.

POV Dorian

He is finally here, this son that we have all been waiting for for months, for many months. I understand better why I didn’ wake up, it's his son, without the slightest doubt although it doesn't matter that much, on the contrary. My heart leapt wi joy seeing him, meeting him for the first time. There are now five of us, five members of the same family. Five people counting on each other.

Emma turns it slightly to show me. The spitting image of his father. Melissa gets up too, she must have sensed something was happening and before I can, Jason covers Emma's legs with a blanket.

~ Mom, mom, she shouts while running.

- I'm here, honey. Everything's fine, Emma said, smiling a little more. Come say hello to your little brother.

Our daughter rushes before stopping in front of Jason who continues to cry silently.

“You're sad,” she said, throwing herself into his arms. But you know, mom will always love you.

~ I'm not sad my princess, quite the contrary, I'm just very happy to know that your brother is going to have a great big sister like you.

She turns towards her brother, approaches, leaving Jason's arms. Emma reaches out a hand towards her, caresses her hai before telling her,

~ Your father is right Melissa, your little brother is going to be very lucky to have a big sister like you.

- 50 it's you, my little brother, she said, grabbing his little hand. My little brother. You'll see, I'l teach you lots of things, s said, smiling. Lots of games, I'll tell you stories. We're both going to have fun, I promise, she concludes confidently.

Our son reacts, he squeezes his finger as if he understood what she had just told him, which delighted her a little more. Our family has just grown and each of us knows that it is only for the best. My heart is overflowing with joy, with happine: We are realizing our dream, that of finally having our big family. 1 quickly kiss them in turn, my two halves, these two bein who have managed to heal all my wounds, all these ills relating to my past. They are my future, the best future there can be.

This moment belongs only to us, only to our family and we are all happy to share it in our home, to share it far from the rest of the world. I know that the best is yet to come, that life will still have many surprises in store for us and above all that every day will be a new adventure with our two children.

I can't wait to see them grow. Looking forward to seeing them play. Looking forward to seeing them become Wolves who will discover their territory, our territory.

~ I thought of a name, said Emma. Antoine, she continues, smiling at him.

We both know that it's his father's first name and that she would be more than happy to give it to our son. “Whatever you want, Jason said before kissing him and returning to contemplation of our son.

~ I think it suits him very well, I said in turn.

Then it will be Antoine, she continues, kissing his forehead.

None of us will be able to sleep, we all know that as much as we are, so we stay together, we take advantage of this moment and our little family remains united around her, around our wife. Finally, when sleep overtakes us, the sun begin to rise on a new day, on the first day of the rest of our five lives.

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