A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 67

I smile without even trying to resist. In any case, I don’t have the slightest desire to do so and I let these lips come to cov mine at first gently then with a little more intensity when her tongue meets mine, when she comes to caress me in a gourmet invitation to much more. But like all young parents, this interlude only lasts a fraction of a second and our children are already running before Dorian gets up in turn.

In one minute, the house regains its everyday bustle. The little ones bicker for a place around the table while Dorian tells them to calm down until he has had his coffee, until he has his dose coursing through his veins. He sighs before the precious liquid touches his lips and smiles when he sees the little ones fighting for a waffle even though there are plenty the dish.

- If you continue, I'll eat everything and that way the problem will be solved, he said, pretending he was going to grab the pile of waffles.

- We're stopping Dad, said Melissa, looking at him with those little puppy dog eyes. Don't eat everything, we're hungry to I can only laugh hearing them talk, seeing them do it and that's when I understand that I did the right thing, that the bes decision of my life was to follow them. Jason kisses me tenderly, his lips caress my skin. He knows I'm happy. He knows tt it's been a long time now that I haven't asked myself any questions about our future, because it will inevitably be bright, long as we are all together.

our daughter pounces on these waffles before our son does the same, quickly followed by their fathers. I watch them eat even devour their breakfasts with joy and good humor.

Soon our days will be shorter and our evenings much longer, we live to the rhythm of the sun and nature and I must say that it is a really pleasant adventure.

Once their stomachs are full, Jason goes back outside while Adrien takes care of the children. I collect everything before getting ready to feed our animals. They are a precious food resource that we cannot do without and in this period, they require more attention and preparation in order to face the weather conditions in this part of the country. I take the time to pull up my coat, 'm not as resilient as them and I know from experience that I can't afford to get sick here.

The sound of the ax against the wood echoes like a gentle routine as the children’s cries filter from our house, almost drowning out the sound of the chickens just waiting for me to get their doses of food. I enter our henhouse and distribut the remains before going to get the fresh eggs which are already starting to become rarer. Soon, they will no longer lay eg at all and at that time, part of our breeding will be sacrificed. At first I wasn't really comfortable with it, but now it's not a problem. Our children need meat and although their fathers are Wolves, they too are forced to follow the seasons. In winter game is much rarer and even if we stock up throughout the rest of the year, we never have too much.

I put more straws in their nests to keep them warm and leave before joining Jason who continues to work.

- 50 this egg harvest this morning, he asks while tirelessly repeating the same gestures.

Less important than yesterday, I said, placing my basket on the ground.

- And surely more important than tomorrow's.

- Chances are yes.

- Winter is near and I have the impression that this year it will be particularly harsh, he continues without stopping.

- Soon the snow will cover everything.

- And we will launch into our famous snowman competition.

- May Dorian win every time, I said, laughing.

~ We should disqualify him, he said, wiping his forehead. He's way too good with those hands.

-~ Ha that, I think we are both very well placed to confirm it.

He stops and puts down his ax as I sit on a tree stump. I usually do that. To go see them when they are working and spen a little time together before meeting up with five of us. He reaches behind me and slides his fingers through my hair in a gentle caress. The song of birds accompanies us while a light biting wind surrounds us, making me shiver.

- You should go home if you're cold love.

- I'm not sugarcoating, my heart, and I love these few minutes that belong to just the two of us.

He puts his arms around me and immediately, the heat of his body warms mine. I close my eyes and let myself be lulled I this sweetness of life, by this peace which reigns here, by this serenity in which our children will grow up. A smile appears on my lips. That's not how I envisioned my future when 1 was little and yet, I wouldn't give up my place for anything in th world.

POV Yohan

it took me several days to reach this lost pack. In this pack which just a few years ago was surely the largest and most powerful of all. I stayed circling around for hours, assessing the defenses and especially my possibilities of penetrating without risking anything.

Realizing that the defenses were almost non-existent, I stopped asking questions and, above all, taking precautions. I could almost feel sorry for what was happening before my eyes. There are only a handful of Wolves left, only a small gro who would not stand up to anyone given their weakness. My presence is barely noticed, if anyone cares about my arrival. It's almost as if this pack doesn't expect anything anymore and is content to survive miserably.

Most of the houses are empty and nature takes back these rights over them by gradually covering them with vegetation. I feel like 'm joining a ghost pack, abandoned, with no hope of better days coming.

I have no trouble finding the pack house, it's about the only building still in good condition, and I head there amid gener. indifference. A Wolf comes out just as I am about to enter.

~ Who are you ? he asks, looking at me from head to toe.

- A simple passing Wolf looking for information about an elder here. And you, who are you ?

~The Alpha of this pack.

I don't care, but he doesn't have the makings of an Alpha and above all, he doesn't have a real pack to lead.

- can talk to you?

He's wary, I see it and in a way, it's understandable. Many others must have come before me, many others must have trie to take control of this pack with varying degrees of success.

~ I'm only looking for information, I said to reassure him. Nothing more and 1 will leave as soon as I have what I want.

He sighs before letting me in and leads me into his office. I come to wonder if this piece is not more of a symbol than anything else. What decision could he possibly have to make? There's nothing left, no cohesion, not even the slightest hi of team spirit, and I doubt this pack will survive another winter.

He settles into his seat and invites me to do the same before saying,

~ I'm listening, what information are you looking for?

- Years ago, a Wolf lived here before disappearing and not returning until much later. A price was put on his head and a manhunt was organized. He killed his former Alpha and stayed here for a while to heal before leaving.

- Dorian, he says as he closes his eyes and sighs.

- That's it, it's really him I'm talking about.

~1 can't give you any information about him, for the simple reason that I don't have any. He had been gone for years, everyone thought he was dead before we learned that he formed a strange couple with the Beta of an enemy pack and a human. Our old Alpha went after them only because they killed his daughter and he paid for it with his life. It's true, he stayed here for a while with his partner and although the head of the pack was rightfully his, he left when he felt better enough to move around. Since then, and like last time, no one has any further news. Nobody knows where he is.

- How did he manage to leave?

~ We had a few cars which we used mainly in trade with humans, our doctor had a vehicle fitted out and it was his companion who drove.

- That's very generous of your doctor.

~ He's known him for years and he knew that Dorian would never become our Alpha. That he would not accept this positi which never interested him. So he offered her a way out. Anyway, what more could we do? Between him and the Beta, the killed so many Wolves when there were only two of them. Nobody wanted it to start again so we let them go.

Is the doctor still there?

- Yes, he is. He stayed unlike many others. His work is important to him and even if there is only one Wolf left here, he wi continue to heal him until he is the last. Of course he has much less work than before, he says he is tired of this life desp his young age.

- can I go see him?

'm asking more for form than anything else. I didn’t come here for nothing and I won't leave until I get what I came for. I'l take you to him, he said, getting up. But I doubt he has more information than me.

I don't notice, but I don't see things the way he does. He provided them with a car and therefore enough gasoline to reac! their destination. Even if it's a fairly small indicator, it's already a starting point. I get up in turn before following him. I'm sure this doctor has more answers than this Alpha realizes. There are bonds between Wolves, friendships, loyalties which are unwavering and which last beyond the years. That's what I'm counting on. About the years he spent here and the reputation he had.

In a few minutes, we arrive at a building that has seen better days and as soon as I walk through the door, I see him in hi: white coat, probably waiting for a patient or at least an opportunity to be useful.

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