A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 58

After a few seconds, the last guard present throws his cigarette b**t on the ground as he leaves. I probably come across t rotation between two teams so there are at least two others inside. I wait another minute or two, to be sure that no one approaches again before coming out of my hiding place to go deeper into this underground area. It is there, I feel it, ever fiber of my being screams it to me but I have to contain myself so as not to be spotted, so as not to be discovered.

In my Wolf form, I know that I wouldn't have the slightest possibility of hiding if I came across someone but that doesn't matter anymore, he's too close to me for me to turn around and above all , this Alpha seems to want to finish him off as quickly as possible. I can't wait any longer, I must act quickly and as discreetly as possible.

I move forward in silence while concentrating on him, he doesn’t seem injured, at least I don't feel it and that's a good thing, 1 would have had difficulty carrying him if at any moment I have to fight. I realize then that my breathing has caugh in my chest, as if I fear that nothing but this sound could make me discover.

Regular footsteps inform me that the Wolves are circling in front of Dorian’s cell. A way like any other to stay awake durin night guards, I often saw the guards do the same thing in my old pack. I stop for a moment, once I face them, I will no longer have a choice, it will be them or me and it will only increase the number of dead and injured, it will only cause a little more blood for something that should have been resolved differently. I don't want to hurt them personally, but ever if it means choosing, we take priority.

My Wolf is back in action, faster and faster. There are only a few meters separating me from him, a few meters before everything gets a little worse. Because by attacking Wolves in a strange pack, I know that I am only condemning myself. have no idea what will happen next. He'll find us eventually, that's a certainty, but at least we'll have stayed together unti the end.

1 £0 a little deeper underground until after a minute, a slightly tighter bend appears in front of me. I don't stop, I don't slow down, I know they are right behind and when I rush in front of them, I take advantage of the surprise effect to attack them without further delay. I rush at the first one, breaking his leg as he crashes into the wall and his head hits him, knocking him out. The second takes a second to react, a second too long because I'm already focusing on him and hitting him head-on, sinking my fangs into his arm. I don't want to kill them if I don't have to, they're just obeying, they're just following orders.

He groans in pain but I groan even louder as I lock my gaze with him. He must understand that even if I don't want to, if have no choice, 1 will kill him. He must not raise the alarm and from the way he cowers into himself, I would say he understands. 1 release his arm before turning towards the cell.

Dorian is there, behind these bars. He looks at me in disbelief as my Wolf makes a sound that clearly shows him that he didn't like what he did.

“You shouldn't have come," he said, huffing. You shouldn't have taken such a risk. You could have gotten away with it. He will have saved your life.

My Wolf growls with a force that surprises me. He doesn’t like what he hears just like me. I love Emma but 1 also love her and even if 1 only have a few weeks to live, I want to live her with both of them. I don't want extra years if it means only having half of what I have.

My body crushes against the gate, against these iron bars which are deformed, which bend under my weight. Once, twice and finally on the third time, she gives in. For a minute, he doesn't move, doesn't react, just looks at me before sighing. “It's suicide,” he said, leaving his cell. Pure suicide.

And so, even if that's the case. It does not change anything. He does not have the right to abandon us, he does not have the right to make this kind of decision without even taking our opinion into account. He runs his hand over his mark, grimacing. I have no doubt that he knows exactly what I feel, the anger that is brewing inside me even though it was Emm who understood what was happening before me.

- OK OK, calm down. I follow you, he said, letting his Wolf take over.

He tries to approach me as he generally does, but mine slips away and already retraces his steps to leave this pack of misfortune as quickly as possible. I don't want to hang around.

In a few minutes, we arrive at the exit. I barely have time to take a deep breath when a dozen Wolves surround us while their Alpha waits for us, smiling.

- You thought I wouldn't feel you Beta. You thought I was that weak, he says while his gaze resembles that of a madman. I have already met him in the past, but he no longer has anything to do with this Wolf, he no longer has anything to do wi the one I knew. His face is distorted by hatred, by a dull, out of control anger. He's going to kill us and he’s going to do it now.

Dorian’s POV

He should have stayed with Emma. He should have run away with her as far as they could. They would have had a chance their chance to get out, to continue living, to love each other, even without me. But they just did what they wanted, they didn't understand that 1 was doing this for them, so that they could have a future.

This time, Loic will not go back. He will condemn him at the same time as me. And he's going to do it right away. The Woly around us take another step, tightening their grip without giving us the chance to escape. Jason automatically places himself in front of me, he seeks to protect me, he is not afraid to face them, he is ready to do anything for me.

My heart beats a little faster as I see him standing in front of them,

- You should have told your guard dog to stay with the human, he said, looking at me. I was ready to let them live. I was ready to forget them.

My claws sink into the ground. He will not fight alone. No matter who our opponent is, 1 won't let them attack him.

- Kill them, said Loic, smiling. Kill them both.

In a second, they charge towards us, probably unaware that neither of us intends to let it happen. Jason's growl is so louc that I see one of them trembling slightly to my right. The flaw is there, he is the Achilles heel of this group.

jason stands ready for impact, as do I, but as they get closer, I surprise them by pouncing on the one I spotted. He slows down for a short moment, which allows me to land so close to him that with a swipe of my paw, I propel him against a tre and just from the crack that I hear, I know that he is not going get up immediately.

Turning around, I see Jason in the middle of a fight with a Wolf, standing on his hind legs, the fangs snapping at the same time as another tries to pass behind my other half to destabilize him. I don't think and rush towards him to slash his side along its entire length. He groans as he collapses to the ground in a pool of blood. He tries to get up, but by stepping bac slightly, Jason crushes his face under his weight before managing to push his enemy away.

They begin to understand that it won't be easy, but Loic takes a step forward before letting his Wolf take the upper hand and rushing towards us. This time, Jason doesn't have time to reposition himself, he can only take the power of the impa as best he can before being propelled backwards to end up on the ground. I rush towards him, biting in the process a Wo who tries to block my way, ripping out his throat without even flinching. He is on the ground and he does not get up and above all, Loic is already heading towards him for the second round.

My Wolf cuts him off, forcing him to stop in his tracks. I didn't want this, I didn't want to come to this, but I no longer have choice and for the first time in my life, 1 find myself facing my Alpha with the intention of killing him. I understand better what Jason felt when he faced his, just like when he stood up against Ophelia. The only difference is that I don't have tim, to ask myself questions, there are still other Wolves to validate. Jason is in danger, in real danger.

He growls in warning and I return it, standing as straight as possible. They mean more than anything to me, more than m; own life, more than a past that I've let go of for years. I move before he does, but he doesn’t move and rushes at me in turn.

The impact is impressive, our Wolves collide head-on without any of them retreating. I can feel the ground shaking benez our feet. He is strong, really very strong. He's not an Alpha for nothing. A growl catches my attention without me being ab to turn around. It's Jason! He suffers.

Loic’s gaze doesn't leave mine. He's just waiting for me to divert my attention to enjoy it. But I wouldn't do him that pleasure and I backed away slightly before rushing towards him again. He is trying to bite me, these fangs are impressive just like his size,

He keeps me at a distance, he knows that if I touch him he will be in bad shape. He knows the way I fight, that's what allowed him to win many times in the past. He has the strength necessary to keep me at bay but he won't be able to be satisfied with that, he will have to attack in turn. I think quickly as I hear Jason grunt in pain a second time.

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