A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 57

I grab the bowl and from the first sip, I feel like I'm going back in time, a long time ago, when I was just a little girl. My mother often made soup for me when I was sick and stayed in bed.

A problem, she asks when she sees my suspended gesture.

On the contrary, it looks like my mother’s soup, it's been ages since I ate one as good as that.

I finish my bowl, savoring each sip as it flows down my throat, warming me from the inside out. She pulls the blanket up over me which makes me smile. This old Wolf is full of attention and wisdom and I must say that I am really happy to kno that she is going to go through this ordeal with me. I hope no one comes by then. That they didn't do all this for nothing but for now, all I can do is believe in them, like I always have.

Dorian’s POV

I knew he wouldn't risk launching a direct attack on me. Although I have been gone for several years, recent events have proven to me that I have lost none of my reflexes and my strength.

These Wolves hinder me, force my limbs to twist so that I can no longer move. The sentence will arrive shortly. I'm sure h will do everything to make it go as quickly as possible, so that he can turn the page before sinking into the depths of pair He's going to need action and with this new pack falling into his arms, he’s going to have plenty to do, he's going to do everything he can to stop thinking and for that, he has to resolve my case as quickly as possible.

They drag me away unceremoniously, after all, in everyones eyes, I am nothing other than a traitor who has committed tf irreparable. I don't even try to struggle, I have accepted my fate. I'm doing the right thing for them and that's the only thi that matters. After a few minutes of being tossed around, they threw me at the bottom of an old underground cell where light filtered through. I know the places, nothing has changed, except that this time, it's me who is behind bars.

My back hits the wall as my skin tears against the cold, grimy stones. I wince slightly as I take the blow. I don't try to get u it's no use. I just have to wait, wait for him to decide on the best way to end my life.

I close my eyes as my heart sinks. I know I only have a few hours left, all my thoughts are on them. I hope they don't do anything stupid.

I sigh heavily, closing my eyes as my fingers tighten on the dirt floor. I never would have believed that I would end up her that I would live out my last moments here, all without trying to escape. My Wolf perceives my pain as I can feel his. Although it's for a good cause, it doesn't make it any easier.

Loic's POV

I return to my office, swearing under my breath. He is there, I know I can get some semblance of revenge and yet I am not satisfied, I am not fully fulfilled knowing that he is there and that he is alone. They all deserve to die, they all deserve to suffer and yet, I know that if I send men to look for the other two, there will be injured and dead and that I cannot afford not NOW. Not after my daughter died and my Luna fell.

I must consolidate the pack, I must reassure my Wolves even if for that my victory will only be partial. Although I know I won't be completely satisfied. I sigh, sinking into my chair. There have never been any good solutions in this matter, all th remains are compromises that we will have to accommodate for everyone to save face.

If they're not stupid, they won't come for him, because I doubt he'll Leave by confronting them and in that case, they can continue their lives together while he pays for everyone. The rumor will spread and with the bloodlust of my people, the desire to see him dead. I have always hated this kind of demonstration, but this time, it will be in a public place and no o will be able to save it.

I have to organize everything so that the whole pack knows. So that my Luna can see this traitor die with these eyes. My cell phone rings and seeing my Beta’s name appear, I cross my fingers that he finally tells me some good news.

~ I'm listening to you, I said in a whisper.

There is no longer anyone able to lead the pack.

- Perfect.

~ As son as you come, she will definitely be yours.

- You're going to stay put. I have a problem to resolve here. Dorian has come to turn himself in, I have to take care of his sentence.

- He came to turn himself in? Alone ?

~ That's right.

From the sound of his voice, I sense that something is disturbing him, that he is not calm about what I have just told him. - A problem ? I said, sitting up slightly.

~ No, it's just that I would prefer to be with the pack. With him around, it's best to be careful. I doubt this Jason guy will gi up on her that easily.

~ That's why I want to resolve this as quickly as possible. I'l catch up with you as soon as I'm done here.

- Good, he replies before adding. Be careful though, I don't like knowing it in the pack.

~ He is under guard and locked in a cell from which he will only leave for his execution.

These fears are justified, I know, that's why I must go as quickly as possible. I call several Wolves who arrive in a few minutes and tell them,

~ The traitor will be executed tomorrow morning. I want everything ready for that moment. Set up the scaffold in the cent of the pack so everyone can see what it costs to attack us and spread the news. Tell them that my daughter's murderer won't last long.

Their smiles only confirm to me that this is what everyone wants, that this need for revenge does not only come from us. After all, she was born here, she grew up here until she met that damn Alpha. A long sigh escapes my lips as they leave th room. I just have to wait a few hours, just a few hours to finish with him.

jason’s POV.

I've been walking in circles for hours. I found an opening, but it's too risky, there's too much activity in the pack for me to go unnoticed. I don't like it, but I have no choice, I have to keep my distance while the day fades. I have to stay away until they are less guarded.

I should have realized what was happening sooner. I should have realized long before he was gone, then I would have caught him and brought him back, but now I'm going to have to play it finished to get there. At least Emma is safe, that's something, and I know he didn't send Wolves in our direction because I would have inevitably encountered them on the way.

After yet another tour of the pack, I ended up standing behind a large bush. I'm far enough away that they won't smell m but ready enough that I won't waste time when the time comes.

My Wolf is on the lookout, never before have I felt so ready. I will face anyone who stands before me. Ill kill the first pers who tries to stop me from finding him. I would destroy those who don't understand that none of this is our fault.

The bond that connects all three of us and so strong that everyone should see it, know it. We only aspire to one thing, to enjoy it until the goddess of the moon calls us back to her. It's crazy, they should all understand that love is beyond the rules, beyond the laws that govern the life of a pack.

My body trembles with anger. Our only crime is to love ourselves, but what justification do they have for being heartless? The minutes tick by, each one longer than the last. I don’t move, even letting the insects climb my fur. The sun is setting little by litle, slowly, too slowly for my liking. When night finally falls, I keep my position for a good hour longer, just to be sure that the majority have returned home, before moving forward as discreetly as possible.

As I thought, there are fewer guards at this hour, now that he has also got his hands on my old pack, he must be thinking that there is no longer any real risk. I progress quickly, without really encountering any obstacles and let myself be guide by my Wolf to find him.

I walk through the pack, trying to stay as far away from any habitation as possible. My steps lead me to a more isolated place, to an entrance which leads to an underground passage. Its there, I feel it, I know it. As I take another step closer, voices quickly make me back away and I hide among the trees hoping that it will be enough.

- Our Alpha wants to do this quickly, said one of them, lighting a cigarette.

- I know, but it's Dorian all the same. I mean, it's not just anyone. I had the chance to learn alongside them and frankly, I don't like it. Knowing he's going to be sacrificed isn't a good thing.

“He killed our Alphas daughter” the other growls, puffing on his cigarette.

~ Stop your bullshit, we have no idea what happened. And then, even though it was his daughter, she was no longer part. our pack. All this is not justified.

- since that's what you think, I advise you to talk about it with our Alpha, he will be delighted to hear your opinion.

~ He might do well. Do you think I'm the only one who thinks that? Do you know how many of us Dorian has saved in the past? I would always follow my Alpha, but I don't agree with his decision and I know I'm not the only one, he said, crossin his arms over his chest. 'm going, my Wolf is waiting for me.

He walks away while the other waved vaguely. This is something I hadn't thought about, but Dorian had a very important role before he left and he was appreciated and respected. Of course, the Wolves present won't stand against their Alpha, but would they really try to stop me if they saw me with him. The cigarette glows one last time before landing on the ground. He turns his back on me. Now is the time to act.

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