A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 59

I do not have a choice. If I want to stop him, I have to make sacrifices. I rush at him again but as I collide with him and I se him preparing to bite me, I don't dodge him and let him sink his fangs into one of my paws. He can crush it if he wants, as long as he has me, he can't fight back and that's exactly what I wanted. The pain is powerful, searing, it spreads throughout my body but I don't flinch, I won't fall. I stay still. I have to do it, I hav to hold on. For Jason! For Emmat His gaze changes as my paw rises to attack him. If he lets me go now, he will leave too bi an opening, he knows it and I will take advantage of it so if he continues, he has a chance of making me capitulate, he mt think, he has a chance that the pain will be her that all trace of resistance, all trace of combativeness will ultimately end. He doesn't know, he no longer remembers how strong it can be at the beginning and especially how much I have already lost everything. He will not die today and even less so close to me. My paw rises again and repeats the same movement several times. My bones break under these fangs but his skin tears under my claws, shreds fall to the ground with each of my blows. He can tear my paw off if he wants. I won't give up, ever He tightens his grip on my paw. The bones pass through my flesh and my skin. A little more and he'll rip it off for good, a little more and even if he does, I'l have enough time to finish him off before I bleed out. Wolves are coming from all sides, I hear them. Always more numerous, too many for me. Loic regains his composure wher he smells them too, but I don't intend to let him win, that's out of the question. I give him another blow and this time, my paw moves to his mouth which holds me. One of my claws pierces his eye, making him grunt in pain. His grip loosens slightly, enough for me to move a little and sink my mouth to the base of his neck. The other Wolves arrive at the same moment, at the moment when he meets my gaze, at the moment when he understan that I don't care about this paw, at the moment when he realizes that in a second, my fangs will pierce his carotid artery, that his blood will burst into my throat and he will let go of me because he will do everything to look for air, he will do everything to breathe but every time he tries, the blood will rush into these lungs, filling them ttle by little, giving him tt strange sensation of drowning without having touched the water. At that moment, he knows that I could let him go, it wouldn't change anything, but he also knows that I wouldn't, on the contrary, he will stay in my mouth when his heartbez weakens, when his breathing will be nothing more than a long agonizing moan, when his gaze is covered with a veil alrea announcing the end. He knows. He saw me do it. He tries to grow, probably to tell the others to kill Jason, so I press a little harder and no one moves. It's up to me to see, it's up to me to play. There will always be someone to come and avenge him, but if I Leave him alive, he could come back, take us by surprise, kill us in our sleep. Her Luna will die too, she will never recover from losin her entire family, I know that. It's not just his life at stake, nor just mine. My Wolf takes a deep breath, he doesn't like it, but he's a warrior, always has been and he also knows that the survival of all three of us is more important than anything else. I quickly look towards the Wolves around us, at all the Wolves I know to see that they don't all react the same way. Some are ready to fight, but for others, they seem reserved, more withdraws I don't want to do this, I never wanted to. Jason growls one last time, just by hearing him I know that he is attacked, that Wolf is attacking him directly and I meet Loic's gaze who panics as he understands that it should never have happened. occur. My jaw closes with more force, his blood spurts into my throat at the same time as it fills these lungs and already as he jt begins to struggle, while he is not yet aware of it, his his body knows and this opaque veil forms almost imperceptibly. There is a lot of blood in the body of a Wolf, liters and liters which flow into him en masse, suffocating him, drowning him Except this time, I'm not going to take time to watch him die, his ending is already written while my story continues. Turning around, I see this Wolf on mine, its paw crushing these ribs under its weight at the risk of perforating these lungs may have one leg less, but that won't stop me from destroying him and it's on three legs that I rush towards him who is already starting to retreat seeing his Alpha drowning in his own blood, in seeing him searching for air as he regains his form without being able to control himself, as he claws at the ground as if that could change anything. I hit him with all t strength I had left. I couldn't face them all, but I can still get rid of him. He flies backwards before crashing to the ground with a lost look on his face. He didn't expect I had so much strength lef He doesn't know that for Jason, I'm willing to go way beyond my limits. I return to him who is lying on the ground. He rais his head without managing to stand up. The others are going to come and attack us, I know it and yet, I lie down next to them, my paw is in shreds and I am losing too much blood, too much blood. I couldn't go on forever, I know that. With a look, I dare anyone to come and attack us and seeing them back down, I hope that they will do what I want. I place my head against his. He's in pain, these bones are broken, his body is bruised, but my presence does him good and that alon breaks my heart. It's all my fault. Entirely my fault. “We're not dead yet” he said. You and me, we saw others. » “I have more strength. And you can't get up. » “I know, I know that better than anyone, but I also know something else. Here you are at home and all the Wolves are far from wishing you harm, from wishing us harm. » “I don't understand. » “Look around you. You just killed their Alpha and yet no one attacked you, no one came to kill us. They stayed out of the fight, they watched, they watched you, and they saw you win. » I look around once more and this time I see some of them bowing. Such is the law, he who kills the Alpha takes his place and without me asking anything, 1 see Wolves arriving from all sides to take charge of us, to take care of us. I groan when they put their hands on Jason who returns to his human form by closing his eyes. And I start to panic, I don't feel it anymore, I don't hear it anymore. I transform myself, drag myself on the ground as if I could follow them and barely realize that Wolves are taking charge of me. ~ Jason, I'm here. Jason. I hear myself screaming, recognizing this voice all too well, the same one I heard echoing years ago. No, it can't start agai not again, not this time. I free myself from these hands that hold me and run after them. I can't lose him, I don't want to lose him, we can't lose him. At the same moment, I feel Emma deep in my heart, I perceive her as if she were in front of as if she were standing with this little look that makes me understand to stop my bullshit. “Stop it right now. You let them take care of you and you let them take care of Jason. » His voice echoes in my head, its the first time it's happened, the first time I've heard it so clearly. “Leave it to you, let them do it. » I can't, I don't want to. Last time, they didn't save him. She is dead, dead. “But Jason is different. Jason is strong, very strong and he knows that we are both waiting for him. » I too was waiting for it, I too believed that we would end the day together like all the other days before this one. But it didn't happen like that, it never happens like that. “And yet, I'm waiting for you both!” » I straighten up slightly as they walk away. I'm losing too much blood to follow them. My vision blurs even though I know she's right. She's waiting for us both. “You'll get over it, I know, but I guarantee you'll regret having to face both of us after this." » My legs give way without me being able to hold them back and I collapse on the ground, closing my eyes. POV Emma I blame myself so much. I am completely helpless. They are both injured and I am so far away from them that I can't do anything. I can't get up, I can't walk, I can't do anything but follow the situation from afar. Jason has broken ribs, at least one of which punctures one of his lungs, the right one I believe. No in fact I'm sure, it's the right. Dorian is his left arm. He is in pieces, the nerves are cut, the bones are in pieces, the blood is no longer circulating and has been for several minut already. He's going to lose his arm, at least up to the elbow if he gets a good doctor, but I don't care. Even with one less leg it wouldn't change anything. I would still love him just as much. I close my eyes, bringing my good leg against me. 1 don't want to lose them and there's nothing I can do to save them.


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