A Gold Alpha For A Silver Alpha

Chapter 5


A growl comes from deep inside me as I hear Silver Moon's Alpha shout.

We've been at this exercise for three goddamn hours!

I wanted to yell at him, but I restrained myself, I had seen what happened when someone complained. The poor schmuck who thought it was a good idea to ask the raven-haired woman to slow down ended up doing twice as many warm-up exercises.

Which they had well deserved in my opinion.

They were supposed to be the warriors of the herd, the ones responsible for guarding, fighting and protecting it. I myse would have tripled the exercises if I could have, or sent them to double duty as punishment.

I focused again on the task at hand not wanting to be the next target of the Alphas attention, I calmed my breathing and closed my eyes, I felt my blood warm and my heart race, with a jolt the change came, though only in the area of my eyes. When 1 opened them I knew that my golden eyes were gone, in their place yellowish, elongated irises were showing.

Noel in front of me had them the same way, but in black.

We established contact and the war of wills began.

The eyes are supposed to be the window to a man’s soul. Or at least that's what everyone said.

But I found it disappointing not to be able to see anything of my Beta's soul. Not even a faint glimpse of his spirit, the suspicion that this was a waste of time grew in my chest almost making me snort with impatience.

Noel's pupils began to dilate, my gaze knifed and a small roar came from my clenched teeth without me being able to hel it. Alpha's instinct to subdue my opponent kicked in and I clenched my fists very tightly to keep my claws from coming ot My Beta looks away surrendered after a few moments, he grunted with satisfaction, but the look the Alpha gives me is on irritation.

Now what did I do wrong, 1 just followed his instructions.

Enough! He shouts in a cutting tone.

Everyone stops doing the exercise and turns to look at her.

“You have been working with your pack mates, now you will work against mine, my warriors, formation! She orders and again that aura of energy mixed with magic that she gives off every time she speaks hits the environment.

Immediately a bunch of wolves come out from around and approach us; there are women, men, teenagers, I am impresse by the variety of people, but I don't say anything.

I feel how some of them stir between restless, nervous and annoyed to be surrounded by unknown wolves, the tension that was felt before was now practically palpable.

I wanted to bark at my men to hide their emotions better, as through the pack bond I sensed feelings of discomfort for tf person they were paired with.

It seems that some of my warriors do not feel it right or proper to face a woman as they grimace as soon as they see ther in front of them, while the female wolves only show a half smile on their face.Posted by FindNovel.net

Maybe they are smiling, but I wonder why no one has noticed how they deliberately hide their fangs.

-Alpha, you're not going to do anything this time. I'm interrupted by the Alpha as I take a couple of steps in the direction a man who looks experienced in battle.


I can't stop my voice from sounding offended and angry.

Because my Beta and Delta are busy and it would be unfair to tell an Omega or Gamma to take him on.

He didn't even turn to look at me when he said that, the blood rushed to my cheeks. I opened and closed my fists to let 0 a little frustration.

How ridiculous, enemies came in all shapes, sizes and forms. Just because they were of a lower class didn't make them ai less dangerous, just the opposite, you had to be more wary of those with the smile of an angel but the intentions of a demon.

Calm down, don't underestimate her.

But she’s leaving me aside!

she's right, don't do anything you'll regret.

I know exactly what I'm going to do don't worry.

Jason waits...

I ignore my wolf by cutting the connection before it ends and walk over to the girl.

Ym not going to stand on the side. I shake my head at her.

“You will, that's an order. She answers still focused on the people in front of her, but without seeing me.

I grunt, I have never liked anyone ordering me anything.

-1 don't take orders from a rouge.

The word leaves my lips angrily before I can stop her and I immediately know it's a mistake when her head turns to me quickly, her eyes search mine and her lips tighten into a thin annoying line.

“What did you say dog?

Her voice sounds restrained and angry, almost as angry as mine when I hear her call me that.

“What you heard rouge. I repeat now with all the intention of annoying her.


I wanted to snort, but instead I just cross my arms.

She turns fully towards me and approaches me with determined steps, her jaw is tense and I can imagine how hard she i pressing her lips together.

-Good,” she almost spits out that word, “You want to do the exercise so badly, you'll do it against me. I stated and noddec in acceptance.

I must say that something trembled inside me when he spoke to me like that, but I ignored it.

We were facing each other, I closed my eyes and felt the change in them, when I opened them again, I knew that instead my eyes there were Mack's eyes.

I watched her for a few seconds, her gaze swept across my face and I swear she lingered a second longer on my lips, whe we collided again, she didn't have to close her eyes, her pupils elongated dangerously and her beautiful silver eyes widened to those of a wolf, I felt a click in my subconscious.

our surroundings changed, a wave of power hit me and made me stagger, my breathing quickened, I took a step back as she took a step forward as my balance was affected.

I heard my heart beat wildly, her lips curved upwards letting me see her fangs elongated like daggers, her pupils dilated and I could see through them a whole galaxy of pain, loneliness, suffering, anger, power, sadness, happiness, everything came to me all at once leaving me dizzy and suddenly tired.

As if the burden on my shoulders was bigger than the whole world.

I could not resist, too many feelings, emotions, sensations drowned me. I looked away and let out a sob like a wounded animal in the hope that the heaviness would go away as fast as it came.

suddenly the warmth of the power disappeared, as if it was absorbed by her back, as if all that burden was returning to i owner.

I dared not look at her face, not after what she seized me, what she made me feel, feeling the shame burning on my countenance I walked, I said nothing, I warned no one.

just left.

Feeling her gaze following me as well as the wolves of both packs.

The Alpha’s being clearly heavier than the rest.

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