A Gold Alpha For A Silver Alpha

Chapter 4

My head is heavy, it hurts like the worst hangover I've ever had in my whole f*****g life, my body is tense and tired. Slow! my head begins to remember the events of the previous day. The memory of silver eyes comes to my mind, her, she was truly beautiful, her hair as black as a raven's wing, her red lips her porcelain pale skin, if I hadn't seen her de-transform I would swear she was a vampire. My mouth dried up just remembering her, but there was something in her gaze that made me uneasy, that made me squi uncomfortably, it was so.... Empty. No feeling reflected in those sockets, maybe a little anger, but only slightly. And I felt it, something inside my soul stirred, that girl is broken inside, the same or even worse than me. That made me curious, and that's rare for me, normally I only care about my own or my pack’s business. Well you could go find her instead of imagining her. You are right Mack. Always my dear human, always. Don't let it go to your head, doggy. Don't call me dog! I growl at myself and better cut the connection to go on with my business. I don't even shower, too rushed to get answers, I just change my clothes and head out the door. I go downstairs and am surprised to find everything in perfect silence. I walk to the dining room where my breakfast is ready as usual, I sit down suspiciously. I look at my plate, there I find chopped fruit and ham and eggs. I eat slowly, with my senses to the maximum. When I finish I go to the office where I suppose Noel will be, but I'm wrong, hes not there, and already a little desperate I establish the mental connection with my Beta. “Noel, where is everybody? Concern distilling from my words. -Alpha, we are in the gym. He answers calmly. I furrow my brow before asking again. “What are you doing there? -Last night's herd brought us here for an inspection. He said with an annoyance that I shared. “What kind of inspection? 1 don’t know, we're waiting for it to start. -'m on my way. I answer and hear a confirmation from him. I walk towards the gym, noticing that everything around is empty, really everyone was at the inspection. As soon as I get to the doors I open them without knocking, everyone turns to look at me and those who are from my pac bow their heads and articulate Alpha to greet me. They look somewhere between worried and scared. I guess they don't understand what they are doing here following orders that are not mine. If only 1 knew. Those who are not from my pack see me and roll their eyes, others let out a chuckle, and only three people see me with serious face without any expression, they were the three wolves from last night. The redhead. The blonde. And the redhead. The trio follows me with their eyes until I arrive next to Noel who is in front of them. Well, now that your Alpha has deigned to come, I guess we can get started. The blond guy speaks and sounds mocking. -My name is Logan, and I'm the Beta of the Silver Moon pack. A couple of whispers are heard around us. A pack? weren't they rouges? We will evaluate them in three stages. The first is mental, we want to know how stable they are when it come to handling emotions and problem solving. The second is strength, they will fight in their human form, demonstrating the skills in hand-to-hand combat. The third and last one is control, now it will be your wolf's turn, they will evaluate your mental ability and your strength, speed, critical thinking, problem solving- She finishes her speech and crosses her arms As soon as she finishes speaking the redhead steps forward and takes the floor. 1am Dannia, for those who do not know me, I am the Delta of the Silver Moon pack, these three stages will be supervise by the three of us” she pointed to her companions and herself, “We will divide them as follows: The women and children from 12 to 15 years old with me, the teenagers from 15 to 22 years old with Logan, the others with our Alpha-. She conclud pointing with her chin to the red-haired girl. I made memory trying to remember her name but I don't think they have told us yet. Nobody moves, I don't know if it's out of fear, or not knowing what to do. The Alpha stands between her two companions and as soon as she speaks, her voice comes out as a restrained roar. Organize now. Immediately everyone starts moving, neither Noel nor I move from where we are, in a matter of seconds the three groups are formed. I feel the men and warriors behind me, I feel their tension, but I don't turn to see them, I keep my eyes on th three little wolves in front of me. Dannia and Logan turn to look at their Alpha and nod, then leave and stop in front of their group. -Okay, Dannia and the others stay here, we'll go to the forest. Logan speaks in a calm voice that denotes authority. Everyone goes to where they are supposed to go, except for us, who stay looking at the girl who analyzes us with her eyes As soon as her eyes meet mine I feel my legs tremble, her silver eyes pierce me and pierce my soul. A second is all it take for her to break contact and start walking to the exit without giving us any indication so it takes us a while to follow her. The girl walks as if she has lived with us all her life, she moves with ease and dexterity, soon we reach the clearing where her herd is established. The Omegas move out of the way as soon as they see us, or well, see her. After passing through the tents and all the people, we come to an empty area. The female turns to look at us and that's a we do for minutes that seem like hours, when I get impatient she finally starts talking. “Listen to me well, I am not talking to undisciplined children, they are supposed to be the strength of this herd. Those wh defend it, I will accept no less than perfection, in this first test you will stand in pairs looking each other in the eyes. You will stand firm and your gaze will adopt that of your wolf, you will submit to each other until you look away and feel your opponent's rank superior to yours. Not a second before, prepare yourselves well, because tomorrow you will do it again b against wolves of my pack, and the day after tomorrow you will do it against me, Alpha and Beta together,” he shouts the last part before turning and running. His speed impresses me making me gasp, but that's nothing, for in one leap he reaches the highest branch of the nearest tree. He sits with one leg swinging and the other bent so that he could rest his knee on it. His mercury-colored eyes scan us and shine like beacons of contained light. Noel reaches me and we start the “exercise”, the girl is smart I must admit as I could see the true intention of the exercise This was not about subduing someone inferior to you, but that even being inferior you were able to return with the same strength or stand firm in your position, even if the battle is predilected, in a nutshell. He is teaching us not to give up, an how much we are able to endure, or else we will just give up instead of fighting. Like I said, smart girl. This won't be easy, and there's something I saw in the look in the eyes of all the members of this very strange pack on ou way here, they expect us to fail. And I definitely wouldn't give them that pleasure. Let the trials begin.

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