A Gold Alpha For A Silver Alpha

Chapter 6

I told you so.

Mack's words do little to alleviate the shame I feel.

Yes, shame.

Because I Jason Andrewson, the strongest Alpha on the continent had provoked a girl out of pride and ended up losing. Backing down like I was nothing more than a scared puppy. A real shame and a blow to my pride and to my pack.

If it's any consolation, I don’t know if any creature can beat her.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Mack's voice and was struck by his comment.

What are you talking about?

I told you there's something different about that girl, she’s not like any other shape-shifter I've ever seen.

Explain yourself well Mack, if it’s not too much to ask.

Humans.... You see, from the first moment her voice was inside our mind I could feel something behind her, something... Dead...

Dead? What do you mean?

My wolf is just giving me more questions than answers.

Agh, I don’t know how to explain it, I felt immense loneliness, pain, emptiness, no sign of life no matter how miserable yo life is, we all had some moment of happiness, maybe you don't remember it or maybe you do, that moment leaves you a mark, a place to hold on to when you are lost, but with her, everything was darkness, there was nothing.

What about that...

I don't know Jason, but it's not a good thing, no one has that kind of loneliness with no scar to hide it.

Thank you Mack.

You're welcome, human.

And s0 my wolf left me alone with my musings.

I didn't see the logic in what he was telling me, he knew the subject perfectly well, since in general. That's the simplified description of a demon's soul, basically it doesn't have one, it's just a blank place; they don't feel, they have no humanity that's why they are so dangerous, but that something like that is inside a werewolf woman, not to mention one as strong her, is a bit peculiar, not to say strange.

Ugh, my head is spinning, it's too much information for just one day.

I got as fast as I could to the mansion, I went as fast as I could up the stairs to my room where I locked the door. Tomorrow I would deal with the shame I had just gone through.

And I would discover what secrets were hidden in those silver eyes that wouldn't leave me alone.

I threw myself on the bed, and didn't move until I fell fast asleep.


POV Unknown

“You won't be able to avoid it forever, you know.

-1 know Logan, but I'm not ready yet.

-And when will you be, you humiliated him in front of both packs, you took away his power and mocked his position. since when do you defend him, as if you didn't want to beat him after allz I couldn't help my defensive tone.

Ym not defending him, I just don't think it's fair, neither for him nor for you.

I let out a tired sigh.

“Maybe it's wrong, but I won't let history repeat itself, the goddess Selene gave me a second chance, I'l think things twice before doing them.

That's the problem, you think the things you are supposed to feel, when you lose it you will realize you acted too late.

I tensed up completely, I wouldn't let anyone talk to me like that.

Logan, be careful...

“No, you be careful, you know I support you in everything, I'm your beta and best friend, I care about you too much, I couldn't bear to lose you, instead of doing what you think is right, try to follow your instincts and your heart, if not your second chance in this life will be for nothing-.

I exploded.

-I can’t f*****g do it, don’t you understand, I CAN'T, look at me, I'm broken, I don’t need someone to come and twist the knife in an open wound!


-No, just leave me.

I said in a cutting tone, Logan's eyes were covered with worry and regret, I took a deep breath to calm down and think clearly.

We'll see what happens tomorrow, don't worry.

“We'll see what happens tomorrow, don't worry.

A smile slipped on my lips, it was a pity that it didn't reach my eyes and much less my heart.

“No, but I will survive, as I did yesterday, and the day before, I will survive, just as I have for the last 500 years, let fate an time put things in their place.

Logan made a grimace that could barely pass for a smile and nodded, he came closer, gave me a kiss on my forehead, he left his lips on my skin more than he should, but I didn't care, he was my Beta and best friend, if there was someone who knew me perfectly it was him.

-Good night Logan.

-Rest Rae.

No promises...

That was the only thought I had as I watched him disappear down the road to our camp.

As soon as the darkness engulfed him I let all the stress I had been building up during the day come out, I unleashed everything, not caring about anything.

I fell to my knees with a dull sound, and my eyes closed, but it didn't hurt, I felt my bones crack, my skin stretch to tearin my organs rearrange inside me, when I opened them again I was no longer a human, and my body was no longer under m control.

I could only see through my eyes what my wolf Luna was doing.

It didn’t matter if anyone saw me.

It didn’t matter if I was discovered.

In the end, the secrets of the night are taken away by the morning...


POV Jason

Wake up.

A whispered command in my mind that made me open my eyes to find myself in the same position I had fallen asleep in. The clock read 7:15 a.m., when I came out of my room showered and in different clothes.

It didn’t take me more than five minutes to get to the rouges’ camp, (who are not rouges, but in my head it was easier to call them that way), I was surprised to see most of them awake, some training, others attending to their needs, a group farther away from the others were fighting among themselves.

Not aggressively of course, but as a routine confrontation, my feet took me in that direction without thinking twice following a sixth sense that pushed me to see more.

I could tell they were the warriors, their worked bodies and their way of fighting gave them away, my eyes swept the plac until I bumped into a blond facing a fire-colored mane.

I continued my march with ease, no one turned around or gave me importance, it was almost as if I did not exist. I watche them fight for only a few moments, admiring their technique and dedication in each of their movements, I could tell that they were not novices and that they had more experience than I had thought. I stood there until they both turned arounc in a maneuver and became aware of my presence.

The girl had an amused smile with a mischievous spark in her eyes. While he had his lips pressed into a thin line and a stern countenance.

I don't think the blond Beta liked me.

They both approached where he stood.

-Alpha, we weren't expecting you, what can we do for you? I was asked by the redhead who, if I remember correctly, was called Dania.

“1 need to talk to your Alpha. I asked firmly.

Logan's mouth stretched to one side creating a grimace.

“We're sorry, but she's not here. He informed me.

“Then I'll wait until she returns. I answered, crossing my arms.

They both exchanged a glance.

-1 don't think Rae will like this. Dannia whispered to Logan.

My brow furrowed and I opened my mouth to say something, but a voice beat me to it before I could utter a word. -Wouldn't I like Dannia?

Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at her, she was at the entrance of the forest, her clothes torn to shreds, h hands, arms, neck and mouth stained with blood.

I stifled a cry of surprise, but the others just went on with their business as if it was normal to see her in that state, and a little voice in my head warned me that it probably was.

She shifted her gaze from her friends to me, and tilted her head curiously, like a bird analyzing its prey, I could almost se the gears of her mind at work.

She returned her eyes to Logan and Dannia, and gestured with her chin as if asking for an explanation for my presence. -Alpha Jason wishes to meet with you. The blond clarified.

I wanted to stir suddenly uncomfortable by the intensity of his gaze, but I forced myself to keep still

Okay, if you could come with me, I'll help you with whatever you want after I've cleaned myself up a bit. Ma spoke after 2 few seconds and my gaze wandered over the rest of the blood that covered her.

Yes, of course. I accepted, biting my tongue so as not to ask what had happened to her.

The black-haired girl turned around and started to walk among the people while I followed her, we didn't go very far, a fe meters away from the place where everyone was training we stopped in front of a tent a little bigger than the rest of red color.

The Alpha pulls back the curtain that serves the function of a door and with a nod of her head indicates me to go in.

And although this was my idea, I can’t help but feel that I was entering the lion's den by myself.

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