Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 35

“Rise and shine.” Opening the curtains in Violet’s room, waking her up. “What do you want?” She moaned throwing her pillow at me.

“Uncle Jack is coming today. So come on, get up and get ready.” She sat up rubbing her eyes. Sitting next to her; her eyes flashed red for a second.

Her change is coming, and coming fast. “You’ve been sleeping a lot lately. You feeling okay?” I asked getting up and pulling some clothes from her dresser.

“Yeah. Just really tired.” Setting a skirt and top on her bed she threw another pillow at me. “Why is Jack coming?” “He has everything for your birthday.” “Oh. Right.” She went her bathroom, I told her I would be back in a bit for her. Going to my office, I got some new info from Raphe and Alex. The latest attack happened at an apartment building, two people were killed, and a dozen were injured. Marking the location, they almost have full control over this one area. Our allies have been fighting back, but it’s not going well. We have lost some, but have gained others. Everyone is helping us to save the city, but it’s a battle not easily won. “Hey.” Alex said knocking on the door. “Hey.” I said not bothering to turn away from the map.

“They have almost complete control over this part of the city. We have to do something about it.” Wrapping his arms around my waist, he started kissing my neck, where he bit me, but the mark healed again.

“I know. We will get them, we have groups working around the clock.” “What are the humans saying about all this?” “They think it’s just rival gangs. And it needs to stay that way. Humans can’t know that this world exists.”

Sighing moving away from the map.

“Jack will be here soon. We should go up and meet him.” He nodded taking my hand.

Its two weeks before her birthday. “When I went into to wake her, her eyes went red for a second, but quickly faded.” “It’s coming faster. I’m not sure she’ll make it to her birthday. We have to keep a close eye on her. I’m not sure we can even let her out of the house until it happens.” “I don’t like it, but I think your right. Also we should start to test her, see if she’s getting any of the vampire traits yet.” “Sure. That’s a good idea.” Stopping at her room she’s just pulling small heals on. “You ready?” She nodded. She pulled her hair into a braid and put on a star choker on, resting at the base of her neck. Going to the den Nick and Rolf are there having a heated discussion, Rolf burst out of his seat, landing a wolf.

“What the hell is happening in here?” “Please just tell him to stop. I didn’t mean it. I asked him if I could take his sister out on a date when all this was over, and he just freaked.” “Rolf! Down boy. It’s okay.” Violet said walking up to him. I don’t know what it is about her, but she can almost control Rolf, when he gets like this.

Stopping next to him, she set her hand on his head.

“Rolf he didn’t mean anything by this. He likes her. I know you don’t like this; just give it a chance. It’s okay big guy.” Leaning against her, he relaxed then started to change back.

Hugging Violet he sat back down at the table Violet sitting next to him. “Nick if I allow you to go out with her, and you hurt her, then I will kill you. She’s my family, and I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.” “I know. And I respect that.” “You may ask her, if she says no then that is the end of it. Do I make myself clear?” He nodded. “Chrystal clear.”

Pouring everyone a drink we calmed down, and waited for Raphe and Uncle Jack.

“Violet darling.” “Yes dad?” Smiling, she’s been calling him that for about a week now, it fits him well.

“We would like to do a couple tests on you.” “What kind of tests?” She asked. I can hear the nervousness in her voice.

“Well your transition is coming soon, and we would like to see what you can do.”

Looking at everyone in turn, she’s not sure what to make of this, but she nodded. “Okay. What do I do?” “Come with me.” Walking behind the couch where Nick and are sitting on. “Try to lift this with them on it.” Nodding she did as asked, and she lifted it, without a problem. Setting us down, I have a huge smile on my face.

“Well your strength is coming out nicely. How about speed?” In a flash Alex is gone, and back. “Now that’s cool.” Moving back, she ran off, not coming back as fast as Alex did, but came too back fast, trying to stop she crashed into the wall.

She laid there for a second, then slowly got up, looking a little shaken.

“You okay?” She nodded. “Yeah. How did I do?” “Not bad. A little bit of training, and you’ll be as fast as I am.” Kissing her head Raphe and Jack came in, their arms full. “Hello everyone.”

Setting everything down, he gave me a hug. “It’s good to see you.” Giving him a kiss on the cheek he went back to sorting everything he brought.

Touching the necklace he gave me, I’m glad he’s back here, at least for now, where it’s safe.

“So Violet how are you feeling?” “Okay. I’m tired a lot. I’ve been doing some schooling, but I can’t seem to focus on anything right now. My thoughts and everything are so jumbled.” “Yes that happens. You’ll be alright though. Now on your birthday. When it happened to me I felt very weak, nothing helped me. My mother gave me blood, I went to sleep and when I woke I was a vampire.” “How often will I need to consume blood?” “After you wake you will need to drink quite often. The thirst will be overpowering at first. You will have everyone here to help you control it. It might even help to have animal blood every once in a while. It will also help with the urges. Then you will be back to normal. Only stronger then you were before.” “Will I still be able to out in sunlight?”

“Yes. But for the first couple days, it’s best if you stay out of the sun. Your skin and eyes will be sensitive for a while.” Pulling the stuff from the boxes Jack showed us everything he brought.

“All this will help with the transition. I wore this when I went through it.” He handed her an old amber amulet on a cord. “It might help you relax when it’s happening. If your body is in stress then it will be a lot harder for you.”

“Thank you. I’m sure it will.”

“Now everything else is just stuff my mother used. She was old school. I thought you might like some of it. There’s this old dagger, chalice set. Red silk throw. And other things. You can use what you like.”

“Thank you Uncle Jack. Could you do me one small favor?” He nodded setting his glass down. “Would you be there, when it happens?” “Of course. If that’s alright with the others.” We all nodded. “Then I will most certainly be there my dear.”

Looking at his watch. “Now if you all will excuse me. I have someplace I need to be.” Standing Violet hugged him. “I will see you soon my dear. You’re going to be strong, just like your father.” Giving me a hug Raphe and Rolf walked him out.

Looking at Nick, he has a look on his face, I want to smack him right now.

“Nick you have to stop.” “Stop what?” “If you really want to ask her out, then that’s fine; but if you’re just doing it to piss Rolf off, then I suggest you stop right now, before someone gets hurt.” “Z I’ve met his sister a few times, and I like her. I want to see if we could have something. I want to have something, like you and Alex have.” Violet smiled, pretending to not be listening in on our conversation. “Then I say go for it. Just know what you’re getting yourself into; by getting involved with a pack. If you are with her, then you are with the pack.”

“How do you know all this?” Sitting back. “I’ve known about this world for some time Nicolas, and in that time I have learned things. I know that vampires and werewolves don’t generally mix in relationships. That if someone upsets someone in the pack, then the whole pack is involved. Ice demons don’t really like vampires, I’m not sure why; they just get along all that well.”

He looked at me, he had no idea that I knew all that. He has no idea what he’s dealing with.

“So Vie what all did you find?” I asked moving next to her. She’s been looking through the box. “Well there’s these beautiful candle sticks. Is there a special room where this is going to be happening?” “Honestly, I don’t know. I guess we’ll talk to Raphe when he gets back.” “What do you need to ask me?” Looking up Raphe and Rolf are standing in the doorway, with two boxes in their hands. What are those?

“Is there a special room where my transition will be taking place?” He nodded. “Yes. If you would like to see, just fallow me.”

Following him out, he led us downstairs, past the dining room, to a small door, I hadn’t really noticed before, next to the ball room.

Taking an old key from his pocket, unlocking the door.

“Go ahead.” Allowing us to go in first, we stepped into a beautiful dark room. There are paintings all over the walls, the walls themselves are dark red.

Two antique chairs, and long antique sofa bed along the back wall. Two tables on either side of the room. “If you like, you can have it here. Or we could do it in your room, if you would be more comfortable.”

Shaking her head, a huge smile on her face. “No. this place is amazing. I love this room. Why is it always locked?” Looking at him, his face is full of sadness.

What happened to him before we got here? Something must have happened, that he’s always alone, despite having this huge house.

“That’s a story for another time. Come on.” Leaving the room, he relocked it, heading back up to the den.

“So what have you chosen?” “I thought that all this would be nice to have.” She said motioning to everything she set out on the table. There’s the candle sticks, red silk throw, dagger Chalice set.

I’m not sure what else is in the boxes, she set the lids back on them.

“Alright. I will have everything ready for the day.” Sitting around the fire, he tapped the lids to the boxes.

“Zaphira these are for the two of you.” Opening them, sitting inside is a dress for each of us.

Mine is a simple knee length black number. Strapless, sweetheart neckline, leather bodice. Violet’s is dark purple floor length, light material, almost like it’s a nightgown.

Thick straps, crossing at the back. “What are these for?” “For your birthday of course. I thought you might like them. Violet I thought you might wear it for the transition.” She nodded. “I love it, thank you dad.”

Setting it back in the box she gave him a hug, holding him tight. Rolf changed quickly, teeth baring.

“What is it?” “Something’s wrong. Z take Violet downstairs, and don’t come out unless one of us comes to get you.” Nodding. “What is happening?” “We don’t know. But nothing will happen to you.”

Giving me a kiss, he pushed us to leave. “Come on Violet. We have to go.” Running to the door, we headed down, no lights coming on, but I can see just fine down here.

Turning on a few small lamps to put off just enough light so we can see.

“Violet you need to go hide. We don’t know what might happen, but if something comes down here, then you need to be safe.” Looking for a spot, I shoved her in a small closet we have for practice dummies, hiding her behind them. “Ok now don’t come out unless I tell you otherwise.” “Ok. Just be safe please. I lost my mom, I don’t want to lose you too. Please.” “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Just stay here, and keep quiet.”

Closing the door, I focused my hearing, I can hear crashes and other noises coming from up there. The door opened at the top of the stairs, at first I thought it was Alex or someone, but it’s not, I don’t know any of them. It’s some of the rogues.

“What are you doing here?” “You know what we want.” “Well you can’t have it. So you might as well leave!” They just started laughing at me, they have no idea what there currently dealing with.

They started coming at me, guns and knives pointed at me. Running at them, balls of flames in my hands.

Throwing them at each of them; as they shoot at me. There’s five of them, if there’s five down here, then how many are up there then? Getting one of them down, the others started throwing their knives at me.

“Don’t you ever die?” Throwing balls of fire at each one of them, going down, but not dead. Grabbing a sword, one of them shot at me, before cutting off each one of their heads before they can get up.

Dropping to the floor, pain shooting through me. “Zaphira!” Violet is at my side in a second, holding onto me. “What do I do? Tell me what to do?” Taking her hand. “It’s okay Violet. Just grab a kit from in that bin, and bring it over here. There should be some water somewhere as well. We need to clean the wounds out. Hurry.”

She started dragging me away from the bodies, a trail of blood in my wake. They really got me good.

Setting the kit and water down next to me, pulling off her shirt. “Okay tell me what to do.”

Ripping my shirt, there’s two bullet holes, in me. One in my shoulder and one in my stomach. “Okay we need to dig the bullets out. I need your help.” I said looking in the kit for what we need. “The good thing is the one in my shoulder seems to be a through and through, so no bullet in there.”

Washing off the blood, we pulled everything out that we may need. “Okay, I don’t know what’s going on up there, but I think they still have their hands full, so it’s just you and me down here.” Pulling on some gloves, she nodded. “Ok just tell me what to do.”

Taking a deep breathe. “You have to get the bullet out. Use something from in the kit, and use your fingers if you need to. Just do it quickly.”

Taking a knife out, she dug into my stomach.

After digging for a few seconds, using a knife and her fingers she pulled her fingers out. “We got it.” She said showing the bullet. “Good job. Now we have to clean it and stitch it up.” “Can’t your fire heal you?” “Maybe, but not right now. I’m too weak, and I have lost too much blood for that, we need to stitch it up.”

Cleaning it up, she wiped it with alcohol, and got needle and thread. Counting to three, she started and pain ripped through me. Has she done this before?

“Okay I think we got It.” She said cutting the thread. “Good. Now we need to dress it, and then do my shoulder.” Telling her what we need, I helped her dress it, till it’s covered.

“Now do the same to my shoulder.” Sitting up she pulled off my shirt showing my shoulder that’s still oozing blood. “The wound looks good.” “Does it need to be stitched as well?” “I think we should just to be safe.” Nodding. “Okay, then get on with it.” stitching it up, there isn’t as much pain as there was before, but it still hurts.

“Okay we’re done.” Dressing it, she helped me lay back down. Raising a bottle to my lips, helping me drink.

“Zaphira? Violet?” Rolf and Alex came running down the stairs. Looking around, at the carnage all around us. “What happened down here?” “Well we were attacked, I hid Violet in a cupboard, killed them all, but they shot me twice. Violet got me cleaned up, but right now we need to get out of here, and get this place cleaned up.”

As gently as he can, he picked me up bridal style, carrying me upstairs. “What happened up here?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

“We were attacked, as you know. We don’t know how they got in. Several other houses were attacked as well. Raphe and Nick went to check on them, to see if there alright.” “How many?” “About a dozen. But don’t worry, we got them all.” Holding me close, keeping me warm.

Clearing her throat Violet asked. “Why isn’t her fire healing her?” Looking at her. “How do you know about that?” “Raphe told me. He told me about a lot of this stuff.” “Well when she was shot, she lost too much blood; and when that happens, your inner self; can’t heal until there fully recovered.”

Closing my eyes, I just listened to them talk, I’m so tired, I just want to sleep right now.

“Hey open your eyes, don’t go to sleep yet.” “So bossy.” Something soft, is suddenly underneath me. “Ok let’s see what we have.”

Moving what’s left of my shirt showing my wounds. “You did very well my dear. Where did you learn all this?” He said looking at Violet. “Well I used to read medical books. When mom was going through treatments, nurses and doctors brought me books.” “So you learned how to stitch a wound from a book?” She nodded. “Yes. They also gave me little kits, and I would practice on fruit and things. Everyone at the hospital became a family to me. They even came to the funeral.” Tears streaming down her cheeks.

Whispering to Alex. “Give her a hug.” Moving back, he pulled her into his arms, running his hand up and down her back.

“I’m so sorry Violet. I should have known you existed. Then you wouldn’t be going through this on your own.” “Stop beating yourself up about this. You’re here now, and that’s all that matters to me. I’m no longer alone. That’s all I want. Is to not be alone.” “You won’t be. You won’t be alone ever again.”

Moving back, they came over to me.

Checking the stitches. “Violet in her bathroom, there’s a kit under her sink, bring it here so we can redress her wounds.” Nodding she left, leaving us alone for a few seconds.

“Hey thank you for protecting her. I love you so much for that. You’re treating her like your own.” “I love her like she’s my own.” “Here you go dad.” Handing him the kit, they both started redressing my wounds.

Smiling at Violet, her eyes red from crying, Alex’s phone started going off.

“Hey Raphe. Yeah. We’re good here. How’s everything out there? I’m putting you on speaker phone. Ok go ahead.” “Things aren’t going well out here. Our people were badly wounded. None were lost though, thank god. But it’s still not good. Most houses were attacked by rogues. Have no idea how they managed to get through.” “Wait what does that mean?” “It means that we may have a rat in our group.” “So what is happening now?”

I asked a sharp pain going through my shoulder. “We are currently cleaning up and helping the wounded. I will have some people there soon to have the place cleaned up and the bodies dealt with.”

“We’ll keep an eye open for them.” “Good. I have to call some other people. We’ll be home when we can.” They hung up, and we sat on my bed, looking at each other. Starting to move I said. “We should go, we have a house to clean up.” Alex put a hand on my arm, stopping me. “No. You are not going anywhere. You need to rest. I will tie you to the bed if we have too.”

Sighing I lied back, looking at the ceiling. “Good. We will check on you in a bit.”

The three of them walked out, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

The rogues attacked us. Somehow they got past our defences, and attacked us. Everything that has happened in the past few months, is crazy.

“Hey I brought this for you.” Looking up, Violet is there with a plate in hand. Helping me eat, it all tastes a little funny. “I’ll be back in a while.” Leaving she closed the door, leaving me alone again.

Something happening to me, and I don’t like it, sleep pulling me under, and I can’t fight it any longer.

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