Zaphira's Flame's

chapter 34

Walking around my room things haven’t changed very much, looking at the calendar its June 4th things have been going well. Violet has adjusted well; to life here, Rolf has shown her his wolf on more than one occasion, he even let’s her ride him, she’s so happy.

Checking the clock it’s time for breakfast, walking down the dining room Alex is the only one here so far, giving me a smile we sat down next to each other.

“How are you feeling? You don’t look like yourself.” “I’m fine. Just didn’t sleep very well last night is all.” He nodded as the others came in, sitting in their usual places, and food came in. “So Z we need to resume your training sessions.” Raphe said. The six of us are sitting at the dining room table having breakfast together. “Why do we need to do that?” I asked taking a sip of my Coffee. Violet looked at us in confusion. “I didn’t want to tell you this, but the attacks are becoming more frequent. You have to be ready for absolutely anything. We all have to be at our strongest.” “Fine. When are we starting?”Alex and Raphe exchanged a look. “Well I need to go into the office. With everything going on, things have been piling up.” “I can work with her.” Alex said interrupting us. “Good. There will be guards stationed outside. There are protection spells on the house, as well as the other houses, so you will be quite safe if something happens. Violet you can come with me if you like.” She nodded smiling.

He looked at his watch, and got up from the table. “If you’ll both excuse us. I will can and check in with you later.” Grabbing his briefcase the four of them left leaving the two of us to finish breakfast.

“So are we going to do as he said?” He raised an eyebrow at me. “Of course we are, he is right you have been slacking off.”

Raising my hand, a ball of flames hovering above my palm. “Would you like to test that statement?” Standing he pushed back from the table. “Yes. But not here.”

Smiling I extinguished the flames and followed him out, heading down to the training room, not bothering to change. I quite enjoy our training sessions together, Alex always ends up with burnt clothing, since he never puts on the suit that Raphe provided for him. “Alright darling let’s see what you’ve got!” Smiling I’ll do just that! Stepping into the middle of the room, I have complete control over my fire, my inner voice doesn’t talk to me much, when she does it’s when she knows I need help. And only then.

She still won’t show me my true demon form. Why is she afraid to let me see it? Could it really be that bad?

“Hey Z you alright?” I nodded and shook it off.

“Here we go.” Raising my hands a fire ball formed in each hand. Each one the size of a bowling ball. Bringing them together forming one large ball of glowing orange and yellow flames. Spreading my arms wide allowing the ball to grow larger.

“What are you doing Zaphira?”

Instead of answering him, I made it a small sun, making Alex back up further for protection. Lowering my arms, I stepped closer, feeling the heat.

“Don’t Z, you don’t know what you’re doing! Don’t do it!” But I’m not listening to him. Closing my eyes, I stepped into the center of the flames, letting them surround me, and dance along my skin. Comforting me.

Ever so slowly the flames started to flow through me, spreading through my body.

Looking at my hands, they’re starting to change along with the rest of my body; this is it, now my demon form will emerge. As the ball of flames dissolved into me, my new form started to take shape, it feels like I’ve grown several inches, looking around, I’m closer to the ceiling then I was before, the flames have created a gown of flame spreading out and licking across the floor. My skin is an creepy shade of blue, how odd. As the last of the flames whipped around me, I can feel them start to emerge, my very own flaming wings. Looking at what I can see of them, they look like monarch butterfly wings, only there made of flames; containing different shades of orange and reds, with a hint of blue in there. Finally the last of the flames seeped into me, and here I am standing there in all my fire demon glory!

Looking around, I can’t see Alex anywhere. “Alex. It’s all right, you can come out. Everything is fine now.” He stepped out from behind the protection barrier, mouth hanging open. I gave him a sweet smile, trying to ease his shock of me. He took a few steps towards me, staring at me like he’s trying to figure out if it’s really still me or not.

“Alex it’s okay, it’s still me! I’m still here.” “God Z! Look at you. In all my years here I have never seen a fire demon like you.”

“Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?” something flicked behind me, making me jump a little. Looking behind me, there’s a tail flicking around my feet.

“I have a tail!” He nodded. “Yes. All fire demons have a tail of some description.”

“Do the other demons have one?” Again he nodded. “Ice demons do, I’m not sure about the others. But I would have to assume so. You are so amazing. Raphe will be sorry that he missed this moment.” Nodding, I got a brilliant idea.

“Do you have your phone?” “Yes.” “Good. We have to document this, then we can show him the photos. And I’ll change back. First set it to record.” Pulling out his phone. “Alright we’re recording.” “Hey Raphe my demon form finally came out. I’m sorry you couldn’t be here to see it. You’ll see it again I’m sure.”

Raising my hands the flames started to dance around me, with a flick of my wrist fire shot across the room, and did anything else I told it to do. Moving my hands around and around, a small fire tornado started to form, whirling around and around. I made sure he got it all on video, and moved my hands and the flaming inferno combusted.

Alex stopped recording and started taking pictures of me, making sure he has everything.

“Alright you can change back now.” I opened my mouth, then closed it. How do I tell him I don’t know how to change back? Taking a deep breathe, I relaxed and told it all to recede, then I felt it; my skin becoming back to normal, shrinking back to my normal size. The feeling making me close my eyes.

Opening them I’m back, everything is back as it should be. Looking up Alex is standing just in front of me, and the way he’s staring at me.

“What? What is it?” I know what his problem is. His eyes starting to swirl red. I started to move away from him, but he grabbed my arm, crushing his mouth against mine. Getting a better hold on me, he picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, his erection hard and impossibly thick against my leg. As he walked until my back is against the wall, his body pressed firmly against mine. I can feel his erection pressing against me, as he devoured me with his mouth, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth. He broke the kiss just long enough to deal with clothing, and as soon as it’ flesh on flesh, he started nipping, and kissing. I’m already wet, Alex let go of me, knelt down in front of me, ravishing my skin as he went, until his mouth is pressed against me; he started licking and devouring me with his mouth.

Every movement of his tongue bringing me closer and closer; as I became wetter and wetter, Alex kept ravishing me, settling his teeth and fangs on my clit, tugging making my scream, the most powerful orgasm hit rushing through me. Making me gasp and thrash against him, while he dug his face deeper into me, keeping me pressed against the wall.

Ever so slowly he started moving up my body, leaving me aching for him, to be inside me, another orgasm already starting to build. “Alex please!” positioning himself, and with one quick movement he pushed into me, spreading me as far as I can go.

“God Z your wet! I love it when you’re close. I want you to cum for me!” Groaning he started to move faster and faster, his thick shaft slipping through my wet heat, hitting my very core with ease.

One hand at my hip, and the other holding my head. Ever so slightly he bent down nuzzling my neck, fangs grazing my skin, until he bit into my pulse drinking from me while pounding impossibly fast and hard into me.

Small moans escaping my lips, bringing me closer and closer; more juices seeping from me; creating sucking sounds as he pumps into me, getting closer and closer to his release. Pulling back smiling at me, some of my blood staining his lips.

Kissing him another orgasm hitting harder than the last. I licked the blood off his mouth, the effects of my orgasm receding.

After several moments, Alex pumped one final time pushing as deep as he can, his release exploding from him, filling me; his seed spreading all through me.

His release finished, he set me down, arms around my waist, not letting go of me, if he does I don’t think I can stand on my own.

Smiling he wiped hair from my eyes, he leaned down gently kissing me. Stroking my cheek Alex said.

“There’s something I’ve wanted to say to you. I’m afraid I’m falling in love with you.” Searching my gaze, leaning down, whispering against my lips.

“I love you Zaphira!” He kissed me, just a graze of his lips against mine. Shocked, I said returning the smile. “You love me?” He nodded. “Yes I love you.” Grabbing his hand. “I love you too!” Kissing him, I want to show him just how much I love him. I do, I think I have always have, but I didn’t realize it until now; but it’s true I love him!

Moving back, our breath ragged.

“Well that was an unexpected twist to our training session.” “Yeah I hear you. But it was good, wasn’t it?” Touching his forehead to mine. “You never have to worry about that.” His phone once again went off.

“Saved by the bell.” I chuckled as he moved back, searching through the pile of clothing, looking for his phone. While he did that, I can’t help but stare at him; I can’t believe we did that again, and too top it off he told he loved me. “Hey Nick.” He listened while I got dressed, suddenly feeling shy.

“Okay. Send them over. Bye.” Hanging up he got dressed. “He’s having some papers over we need to sign. Also Jack is getting everything we need for Violet.” I nodded.

Jack came over and told us what would happen to Violet on her birthday.

He says she’ll have to drink Alex’s blood, then the change will take over and change her entire being.

“When will it all be here?” “The papers in about twenty minutes. Then the other stuff maybe a week.” “Okay. Let’s go up then.” Following him up we locked the room and went to meet the messenger.

“So what do we tell everyone?” “Well we could just tell them we’re together.” “Are we together?” “Well I thought we were. Aren’t we?” “Yes. I would love that.” He kissed me, pressing me against him. “I really do love you.” He said against my lips.

Moving away from him the messenger knocked on the door. “Hey man.”

I thought it was going to be a small envelope, but he handed over a big box full of papers. “You have to go through this whole thing?” “Yes unfortunately. It’s one of the downfalls to being the head of the clan.”

Shaking hands we went back in and up to the den so we could get started.

“I can’t believe this. What is all this stuff anyways?”

“Well some of it is things like order forms. And other things. So let’s get started.” Opening the box, we started; and food came in for us, so we could keep working.

Most of the papers I had no idea what I was looking at, but Alex told me I just have to sign it.

“Why do I even have to sign any of this? I mean it’s your club, not mine.” “That is true, but you’re with me now, and so is Violet. I have to think about the two of you now.”

“Violet’s birthday is coming. What are we going to do?” “We’ll do a dinner, just the family in this house, then deal with her transition.”

Nodding we got back to work and odd forms came up, looking at them. “What are these Alex?” taking them from me. “There nothing.” “Like hell there nothing! Tell me! They said about a shipment of guns. Are you dealing in guns?” He didn’t say anything, which is all the answer I need. Standing I walked out of the room, not listening as he’s calling and running after me.

“Z just let me explain. I know it all looks bad, but you have to understand.” “Oh I understand all right. You’re a gangster. How could I think that I loved you?” Shutting the door on him, it didn’t stop him from bursting into the room.

“Just get out!” “No. Not until you listen to me. Please. Dealing in guns isn’t something I’m proud of, my father did it, but when he left then I had to take over. I didn’t want it, but I didn’t have a choice. I have tried to get out of it, but they won’t let me.” “Why? Why didn’t you just tell me?” Sighing he said. “I’m sorry. When I try to get out of it, they threaten me. I don’t personally deal with the guns. I’m a middle man, I don’t want to do this anymore. But now I have you and I have Violet; I can’t just leave and they take it out on you. I won’t lose either one of you.”

Sitting on my bed, I can’t believe any of this, none of this should be happening to us.

Collapsing in front of me, taking my hand; looking me dead in the eye.

“Please Z just don’t leave me. I love you; and I won’t lose you.” “You won’t lose me Alex. I just don’t know how I can deal with all this. I mean I was a cop.” He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “I know. But I still love you. Please tell me you still love me.” “I do love you. If you’re going to be dealing with the guns, then Violet nor I will have anything to do with it. She will not know anything about this. Is that clear?”

He nodded reaching up to kiss me. “Yes. God thank you. I love you.” The front door opened. “There back.” Going out to meet them, Raphe is coming up the stairs with a sleeping Violet in his arms.

“Is she all right?” He nodded. “Yeah. She fell asleep on the way home.” Setting her in bed, she stirred but didn’t wake up.” Closing her door. “I want to see you both in your office.” I said walking away from them. Closing the door.

“Both of you sit down now.” “Is everything all right?” “No. Not really. Tell me, how much do you know?” “What are you talking about?” “I mean about what Alex has been doing out of his club.” He looked at me, a little shocked.

“So you know then? You know about to guns. Unbelievable.” They both hung their heads in shame. “All this time, you’ve been lying to me. Why didn’t you just tell me? Do you really think that’s since I was a cop that you couldn’t tell me about this?” “Z it’s not about that. Things have been getting bad. We wanted to protect you.”

“Damn it why is everyone trying to protect me? I am not some doll that can’t look after herself.” “Look we know that. But this world, we don’t want you anywhere near this. I’ve been helping Alex with it. He’s can’t keep control and I can, and I have been. Things are better there now. So you don’t have to worry, just so long as they don’t do something stupid, then nothing bad will happen.”

Sighing I really truly don’t know what to do right now. “Here’s what we’re going to do. You will continue with this, but Violet will not know anything about this; if something does happen then we will get her out of here before anything happens.”

“Understood. But there is something I have to talk to you both about, it’s about Violet. On our way home she talking in her sleep. She’s scared of what is happening to her.” “I’m sure she is. When I was having dreams about being on fire, I was terrified.”

It’s true, I had no idea what was happening to me. I had no idea how you became a demon, and when it was going on; I thought I was going to die.

“When she wakes; I’ll talk to her. I know what’s she’s feeling right now.”

Leaving his office, I went back to my room. I have no idea what I’m going to do with them. All this is going bad.

Changing clothes, I went to her room, she’s sitting up trying to figure out where she is.

“Hey you doing okay?” She nodded. “So I wanted to talk to you. I heard you might be a little frightened about what is going to happen to you.” She nodded. “A little.” “I know how you feel. I went through the same thing. But you’ll be fine. You don’t have to worry.”

“It’s just things have been so crazy since my mom died. I just want some semblance of normal.” Taking her hand. “I know. I’ll try to get you that, you just have to be patient.” Taking a deep breathe I said. “We’re about to have a visitor. Come on in Nick.” Opening the door, walking in. “How’d you know it was me?” “I can smell you. What is it?” “Dinner’s ready.” Nodding we followed him down to the dining room.

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