Wooing My Ex-wife Again Novel by Natalie Winter

Chapter 5

(Five year later)

I sat by the desk, my fingers clicking on the laptop as I tried to add the final touches to the project I’d been working on for the past few weeks.

I rubbed my neck and arched my back, that felt stiff after sitting in the chair for hours together.

The door to my small office opened, and I saw a familiar face poke in.

“Are you done yet, boss?” Nick, the assistant I had hired to help me with my work six months ago, asked me.

His spectacles sat crookedly on his nose as he ran a hand through his messy hair.

“It will take a while, but you can leave. It’s pretty late, Nick. And I told you, I am not your boss anymore.”

He had quickly filled in the shoes of a helping hand and was more like a partner than an assistant now. Nick had a keen sense of understanding and he often helped me find clients and convent a possible lead into a repeat client.

My small event management company owed a large share of its profits to him.

He opened the door a bit further and mumbled, “Old habit.

He replied before adding, “I know how important this project is for you. We have been working on this for like two weeks already. You deserve a break, too.”

I gave him a tired smile. I could not afford a break. Not today of all days.

“No, I have to finish this tonight. You’ve been in the office all day as well. Go.”

I said, and my mind drifted back to the

Exactly five years ago today, my world came crashing down and my life changed forever.

“I was thinking maybe we could go to the coffee shop nearby. I heard their cookies are really nice.”

I think I heard Nick blabber something, but I was not paying attention. I was staring out the window when I heard my name

this time.


Nick called to me again, dragging me out of my thoughts, but I gave him a pointed look

“Sorry, I mean, boss.”

“Yes, you may leave, Nick,” I said and tried to shift my attention back to the laptop screen.

But I saw Nick was still hovering at the door.

“Is there an issue?” Lasked when he was staring at me with an uncertain


“Oof, you are so silly, Nick” Lea shook her head and poked her head from behind him.

“Hey, I tried, Nick grumbled as I smiled at my little girl.


Lien won the venom Tound the will to love. She was my heart and soul My cute little daughter was bold, sassy, and had no liber

“What are yes cloông here?” I asked Lea as she came ninning towards me. I opened my arms wide for her and scooped her op, giving her a little peck on the cheek.

“I was bosvel at house and I was missing you so I asked the nanny to drop me here She pouted, making a sad face that always got her out of trouble

1 had hired a full time caretaker for Lea since these days I barely had time to go home and freshen up. I was living on coffee and takeout for a week.

“Aw, but you know Mum has to work hard so that she can get you all the nice dolls and toys, right?”

Lea twisted her finger with a lock of my hair and mumbled, “I want to be with you, not the dolls.”

She said, and my heart squeezed a little. I was working hard to give her a better future but taking the present away from her.

My little girl looked so big already. I feared by the time I had earned enough for her future and studies, she would be an adult, not my little princess.

1 let out a sigh and placed a kiss on her forehead.

“Nick, can I ask you a favor?”

I looked at Nick, who was still standing by the door. He was a sweet and nice guy and had become more of a trusted ally than

assistant in the past few months.

And Lea trusted him, which meant I could trust him too.

“You know you don’t have to ask that question, boss.”

“Anastasia,” I corrected him, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

“The coffee place that you were talking about earlier. Can we go there with Lea? All the

All three of us?”

Nick did not take even a second to reply. “Of course. Only if Lea allows me to interrupt the mother daughter bonding time.”

I looked back at Lea while still holding her in my embrace. She did a big show of tapping her chin and thinking a bit before replying.

“Nick is nice. I like him. Plus, he can come to my school as my father. Right, Nick?”

“Lea!!!” I scolded her for blurting out nonsense and threw a guilty look in Nick’s direction.

“She is just a kid. Ignore her.”

But Lea was persistent. “No, I am serious, Mum. Everybody brings their mom and dad to the PTA. I want my dad too.” “Lea, behave,” I spoke to her sternly and her eyes immediately grew watery. I bit my lower lip nervously.

Nick diffused the situation as he came forward and took Lea from me, trying to speak to her about all the cookies and pastries she could eat at the coffee shop.

We walked to the coffee shop and Nick ordered coffee for both of us and some cookies for Lea. To stop her from further embarrassing me in front of Nick, I thrust my phone into her hands, hoping that she would watch some cartoon.

“I am sorry, Nick. You don’t have to listen to Lea. She is a good little actor, but you are already doing enough with taking up additional work.”


Chapter 3

He took a sip from the roffee cup and replied, “I don’t have an ine, really. I like spending time with you and Lea.”

My phone rang, and I wondered who was calling me at this hour. But the ring stopped after a secondl, so I let Lea play wi my mobile

n you don’t have to pretend for her sake, Nick. Lea is very demanding. If she wants something once, she will ask for it again I cannot keep letting het take favors from you.”

My phone rang again, and I asked. “Who is it, Lea”

Even spammers didn’t call so late at night.

Meanwhile, Nick answered, “I would more than love to attend the PTA meeting, Anastasia and…”

But I heard Lea shouting at someone on the phone, so I just grabbed it from her. Lea was blunt, but she was not rude. She knew how to talk politely, so there was definitely some asshole on the other side of the phone.

“Who the hell are you to call me at this hour, and who gave you the right to talk to my daughter like that?” I screamed back into the phone.

And then I heard a voice that I was certain I would never hear again.

“Who are you wearing that sexy dress for? The cold and angry voice demanded.

I could recognize that voice even in my sleep. I used to wake up to that voice whispering good morning in my ears. I just thought the past was behind me and a quiet future with Lea awaited me.

But now, I was too stunned to speak. What dress was he talking about? And how did he even get my number?

When I did not answer, he spoke again. “Anastasia, you cannot hide from me this time. And you better wear that dress for

Julian’s angry and seething voice spoke to me from the other end and disconnected the call, leaving me stunned. This possessiveness used to make me feel special earlier, but now a cold dread settled in my heart.

Five years ago, Julian announced that he had found his fated mate and on exactly the same date, after five years, he found me again.

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