Wooing My Ex-wife Again Novel by Natalie Winter

Chapter 4

All eres were on the sun bered Angelo mode the house. She was smiling deight’s, and looking around with weder


meleone here, while

The pack members al rushed a welce he fed while stren on the spot. I swallowed my bears agai recould not just walk awa

I had expected Jalan to give me at least a few dares to adjust and cope with the straatson so give me some to gather the broken pieces of my heart and be able to mee trane drama as ger his wood

But I guess be wise mach of a burry and worried that his bed might reject binn

The pack members all grecses be and Angelica smiled at all of them exchanging pleasantries while they offered her unall welcome gifs.

She took them a

smiled and did everything a good Luna should do while I watched her being welcomed to our home


Three years ago, I was in her place. I was the one they had all run to like this to welcome me and offer their greetings

Now I stood aliene abandoned under my own root

wowed the way she was hos

ase filly felme

me as the crowd parted and so Jan’s I noted the way she was holding his hand and he

Angelica’s game fimally

A bet ware of jenicesy shot up my body when I saw that, but then I recalled I was going to endure and see much worse stuff

became shop

Apractice Escoe

smile appeared on my lips one boned through countless meetings and deals where I had to smile even if the

as annoying as bet

I also be all eyes were on me, waiting for the awkward

on me, waiting for the awkward drama to unfold for the now disposed of Luna to create a scene Angelina came forward and gave me an awkward sile

Anastovia Long time no see” she said, and I waved back at her half–heartedly.

1 did not know you returned to our country,” I spoke, biting back a thousand other responses that wanted to leave my


“Yeah. It was all quite sudden. I finished my higher studies and thought of returning back home after a long and grueling five year course. I had only planned to stay for a while and go back to find a job or something, but then Julian was sitting there in my father’s office and suddenly the mute bond snapped in place

She answered, looking around at the crowd who were listening attentively.

They all had eyes only for her, hanging onto every word she said

“I see” was all I could manage before my gare traveled back to Julian again.

Ok, mough loitering around. Go back to work, everybody.”

Julia announced, and sure enough, the crowd dispersed.

That left just us three in the living room. Wi


That toonis then kuid vhihad ali na multes the quest room will I guess that is why Julian never bothered in check me પ્રેમ વય 1nd one will * ૯ કય The vome viight while. I was plead put on the theper

The way ka põrgtung fin te geniet wel of his bied wat Angelica tummet her attention back to Julian, and I saw her

Thank you fai this I am wihappy to have fund your While caying in the pushed herself up, balancing herself on the balls sit hier hoch, sad placed in gik kiss on his cheek

Nty wodi reaved in 1 hore my gaze away from them, and my chipped nails dug into my palmi again.

Jalam looked at so and spoke Plesir sey ns it that she is well taken care of I have to extend a formal invitation to the other

નાની 15 ક્રમ ઘણા વાય alphas on the Luna welcoming ceremon

gave him a un nod and he left Angelica’s side.

She came forward and spoke. “Look. I know this is not how any of us would want to have a reunion. But we used to be fresh scy, night? We can be trends again.”

Anger boiled up inside of me. How could she casually walk into my life and suggest I be friends with her?

You agree with Jales with Alpha Julian’s decision?” I asked, and she reached her hand forward to give mine a gentle

will be honest with you. At first, I did not. He is my fated, and you know fated mates are at a much higher level than hosen mates. Our union is more divine and our shared strength would take the pack to even greater heights than before. mui sance Julian built all this before I found out he is my mate and he respects you, I decided to respect his decision as well.”

I looked at her in confusion

I was the chosen mate and yet my wolf revolted at the thought of sharing Julian with another woman, and here she was talking to me with a straight face despite being his fated.

Was I the villain bere‘

She gave my shoulder a light pat and walked away into my bedroom or her new bedroom while I quietly walked away into the guest room, closed the door, and let tears fall freely down my eyes again.

All of this was too much to bear. I had barely taken a moment to catch my breath when I heard the quiet sound of footsteps. rushing up the stairs.

I knew it was Julian, and I knew where he was going. I ran to the bed, burying my head in the covers and under the pillows to stop the noises from reaching my ears.

Angelica was being quite loud, and I could hear her moans all the way downstairs. Could Julian not wait even for a second to put his hands on her! Or had he already claimed her and bringing her to the pack had just been a formality?

I pulled the pillows up on my head, trying to drown out the noises of the way Angelica moaned and stop my brain from imagining what all Julian was doing to her.

I cried and then cried some more, wondering for the 100th time again what was my fault in all this as Angelica continued to make very loud sounds.

My heart broke over and over again.

My Nty Julian had given up on me, on us.very easily. It did not take him even twenty four hours to announce his decision, force it on me, and then leave me to tackle the huge burden all by myself.

I cried so hard that the pillows and sheets were all drenched in my tears, but no matter how much I cried, it was not going to


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1bad to get

frem all of this, I could not bear to stay even aircond in this home anymore. I dashed out of the guest rome and join the wood, where Het Kena take over.

We can and ran until com legs form, and the exhaustion was too much to bear. The sun was shining brightly in the sky and the forest seemed alive, but I was dying on the inside.

1 suddenly felt all the practiced composure and calm slipping away from me. I could not leave the pack because I was under Julian’s command, but staying in the same house and hearing them make love would kill me every day.

My well was still bowling in pain

Death seemed to be a safer alternative, a way to free myself from all these worries. I ran through the woods until there were bliers on my feet and collapsed on the ground when my feet could not carry me anymore.

The mental toll and exhaustion caused by all the events that had occurred in the past few hours left me unconscious on the

At some point, I woke up in a large hospital bed. 1 groggily tried to open my eyes, but found tubes attached to my hands.

A doctor whose name I did not know, looked down at me with a kind smile on her face. She was in her early 20s, was wearing a hospital coat, and looking at me with concern.

You were found lying alone by the edge of the forest. A group of friends who were trekking in the forest found you and brought you here.”

She informed me before I could ask her any questions. Confused, I looked around.

My wolf tried to take


sniff, but no werewolf scent reached my nose.

gotten to you faster than any rescue team

I was in human territory

“It is good that they found you before night arrived. The wild animals would have gotte could

She added while scribbling something on her notepad.

“Can I go?” I asked her in a strained voice.

“Not in this s condition, dear, Can you

you give me the name of

your husband and his contact details?” she asked.

“Wh–what condition?” I asked, while trying to sit up on the bed.

“You are wounded, exhausted, and your blood pressure is low. To top it all, you are not alone now.”

What was she blabbering? It was good that I was in human territory, but I had to go far from Julian’s reach, so far that the alpha command would not affect me

“What do you mean?” I asked, and she placed a hand on my belly

You are pregnant, girl. You are soon going to be a mother.

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