Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 160: The second trial

Josh had watched the whole thing from above, how Alex's teammates had supported him nearly through the entire thing. They truly acted like a team. It was a shame that the first test was stamina related. Someone like Alex would never survive.

He had always relied on his brain powers when it came to matches. In truth, Josh felt like Alex would more suit a coach. To become a professional using your brain wasn't enough. Nearly all the top players were in top physical condition that passed the regular stats they gave the warriors in the game.

At the same Josh felt like the first test was a little too easy for Novis and Lucas, it didn't seem like they had broken a sweat and even towards the end of it, Novis still had enough energy to go out in a sprint. Simply put, the test was too easy for them.

The whole group was currently resting at the side of the track. The first trial had been completed. Some were crying out tears of sadness, while others had tears of joy.

"I'm sorry guys, it looks like I won't be able to come to Titan with you after all," Alex said. "It was always a shot in the dark anyway." As he said these final words, tears started to run down his face.

"Huh, why am I crying, I knew I wouldn't make it." The thought of them not playing as a team again was what made Alex upset. He had enjoyed their time together and missed out playing with Novis last year. He was hoping just maybe, they could play together as a team again.contemporary romance

"Alex," Novis called out to him. "Don't worry. We will see each other. Maybe it won't be as a team but against each other next time. Don't give up."

The tears were wiped away from Alex's face, and now a smile had appeared. "Good luck to you all."

The contestants that had been knocked out of the first trial were told to head home. It was a shame he wouldn't be able to cheer on Novis and the others, but he understood.

Now remaining on the field was around 250 contestants. It looked like nearly half had already been eliminated and it was only the first test.

Fifteen minutes had passed since the first test had finished, and once again, an announcement was made.

"256 candidates have passed the first test, which means it is now time for the second test to begin." Said Biden. "The next one is a simple test of will."

Just then, two staff members had come out with a big bowl of sand. Underneath the bowl of sand was a flame slowly heating it up. As soon as Novis saw this, he smiled.

"Huh, what are you getting so happy about?" Lucas asked.

"If the next test is what I think it is, then it's going to be a walk in the park for me," Novis replied.

"All of you before coming here when registering had signed our terms and conditions, all though I doubt any of you read them. But any injuries in today's test will not be liable by us to university. If you wish to quit before taking this next test, then that is up to you."

The students gulped as they heard these words, if Biden was saying this, then the next test must be tough.

"You must stick your hands into the sand pot for a total of one minute. You will have to cover it from the wrist up completely. We will have dedicated staff on standby who have designed a special cream to put on straight after. It will cool down your hands and repair any of the damaged cells."

"Are they crazy, isn't this torture?"

"So what if we can heal our hands after, we still have to go through all the pain."

"Quiet!" Biden shouted. "This is a simple test of your mental strength. You must bare through the pain. No matter what happens, we will see those who wish to become pro and those who do not."

The test had begun and one by one students were called up to the pot of sand. The flame continued to burn brightly underneath the sand. When standing directly above it, it was impossible to tell how hot the sand would be.

The first student immediately dunked both hands in and at the same time, he screamed at the top of his lungs. The student didn't last more than ten seconds before taking them back out.

The test continued with many getting eliminated and only a few passing. After watching the first student get treated, and his hands didn't look any worse than when he first started. It allowed other students to take the plunge easier.

Then out of the three of them, it was Dan's turn first. He looked at the pot of sand and dug his hands in, and as he did, not a sound was heard. His mouth moved a little as he bared the pain, but he was the quietist contestant so far.

"Contestant 83 pass."

"Whoa, who was that guy?"

"Yeah, it was like it didn't affect him at all."

"Pretty boy." Novis said, "Always getting the attention even here."

When Dan placed his hands into the pot, images of Tony appeared. He had promised to get revenge on the Ruman family one day and if he couldn't even go through a little pain like this. He felt like he would never be able to accomplish his goal.

The next to go out of the three of them was Lucas. When Lucas looked at the pot for the first time, he felt a little nervous. He was confident when it came to skill-based stuff and stamina, but how was his will power? Even he was unsure.

He dived his hands into the sound and screamed like the students before him. His body was immediately telling him to take them out, and he was doing everything he could to keep them in.

"Come on! Come on! How long has it been!?" Lucas yelled.

But as time went on, he released that it was only the initial part that was painful. Soon the pain in his hands started to dull and finally.

"Contestant 56 Pass."

He immediately went to the staff member to apply the cream and nearly in an instant, his red raw hands colour was returning, and they felt cool once again.

A few more students got called up with some passing and some failing, and eventually, Novis's number was called.

"Contestant 23, come up here."

Novis was the last contestant to perform today's test, and most of the others were busy chatting away or resting for the next test. The only ones paying attention to Novis was his friends and Josh.

Novis, with no hesitation, placed his hands into the pot.

"Wait!" The staff member said. "I didn't ask if you were ready, I forgot to start the timer."

"It's okay, just start it," Novis said calmly as if his hands were in any pile of sand.

The staff member had a strange look on his face and started the stopwatch. When he did, he started to look underneath the pot of sand to check if the fire was on. The flames were burning just as bright as before.

It was the first student who seemed to have no reaction to the thing at all.

When Novis saw what the test would be, he knew he would pass in an instant. When training with Daiki to learn sword energy. Daiki had made him do this on a daily basis. And when he did, there was no cooling cream to heal his hands or take away the pain.

By now Novis could hardly feel anything in his hands anymore, he had done it so much.

"Time, Contestant 23 Pass."

"You always seem to surprise me," Josh said, looking up from above.

As the others heard the staff member say pass, they looked towards the pot. They didn't even know that another contestant was taking the test. So far nearly everyone screamed, and they would then turn to look at that moment.

The reaming students were told to gather on a specific section of the field were wooden equipment was out on the floor Infront of them. When everyone had gathered, they had realised that the number of contestants had significantly lowered.

This time Biden had exited out of the school and had come down himself to see all the contestants.

"It seems like the tests this year were tougher then I thought." Biden said, "Or maybe it's just the students have gotten weaker this year. Only forty of you remain."

"Only forty?"

"Wasn't there around five hundred when we first started?"

"I can't believe this many people got knocked out."

"I'm not surprised, I nearly passed out at the last test."

Biden interrupted the chattering students and continued to speak.

"We have so far tested, your stamina and speed; for this test, we will now test your technique. I hope you are all prepared."

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