Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 159: Heart Rate Race

The assessor for Titan today was Biden, he was currently standing on the third floor looking out the glass windows at the contestants below. A few teachers from the Westgate school had volunteered to help, and were handing out wristwatches to each of the contestants.

But he wasn't the only one at today's trials. Standing by his side, Was Josh form Tick media. He too was looking down at the students, and when he spotted a familiar face, a huge smile appeared.

"It's him, so he really didn't give up," Josh said, looking at Novis. "But Titan is a tough path to take. Let's see how far you make it."

While looking at Novis, Josh also looked around him to see if there was anyone else he noticed, he could see all the boys from Montem's VSW team.

"It's a shame that Ashley decided to focus on a career in kendo to help out her father, she would have also done well in this test," Josh said.

But there was one person with them he didn't know. It seemed like the change in hairstyle had done the trick for Lucas.

Once all the students were ready and had their wristwatches were on, Biden started to speak through the speakers once again.

"Now if you all look at your wrist watches you will notice a number displayed, remember that number well for that is your golden ticket."

As Novis looked at his watch, he noticed he was number 23.

"Those watches contain the most advanced technology on the market, but for this test, they will simply be used to measure your heart rate. If you look out to the track field, you will see one of our players from our Titan university team."

There was a young university student in a track outfit, he was currently doing stretches just in front of the 400-meter track.

"There are two rules to this test. If at any point and time your heart rate reaches above 120BPM you will be out, or if our Runner here passes you on the track, then you too are out."

Hearing the news, the contestant's heart rates were already beating like crazy. Many of them were nervous, and having the pressure of the Runner just made it beat even faster.

"I see." Arthur said, "The test is not just a simple fitness test. Anyone with a decent level of fitness should be able to keep running at a pace and keep their heart rate low. But they are also looking for those with a solid mind. Those who are not affected by the atmosphere or pressure."

The Runner then started to gather the students on the track. He stood in front of the others by a distance of around 50 meters. In the crowd of people, each person was performing their own calming techniques, some meditating, breathing in and out, listening to music etc.

"We will now be turning on the heart rate monitors."

As Novis looked down, his heart rate was beating at 82, it was a lot higher than his normal resting heart rate, which proved the event was getting to him.

Lucas was fearing a lot better with a resting rate of 72, and Dan had a similar score. The problem was Alex. He was currently at 90, and it seemed to be slowly rising.

The race hadn't even started yet, but it was clear the pressure was getting to him.

"Number 232 Eliminated," Biden said, "Number 34 Eliminated, number 67 eliminated."

The pressure was too much for some of the students, and their heart rate was out of control. As soon as the devices turned on, they went past the 120 mark, causing them to be eliminated on the spot. As Novis peaked over again at Alex, his face was now visibly sweating.

And the number on his watch was rising. 101. 102. 103.

Novis then Grabbed Alex by the shoulders.

"Alex you need to calm down, I know you care about this, but you've already made it. Remember you led the team to victory for the tournament this year, you have nothing left to prove to these people."

Dan too placed his hand on his other shoulder.

"We're in this together Alex, if that runner catches up to you, we'll just run over together."

Suddenly, his heart started to go down a little.

"Thank's guys I'm sorry for worrying all the time."

Once the names had finished being called out, the whistle was blown, and the race had started. The Runner up ahead ran a lot faster than the others thought, and that's when they noticed something.

He didn't have a wristwatch like them. He was free to either try sprint past them around the track or set the pace at whatever he wanted.

With the whistle blown another group of contestants were eliminated as their heart rates went up.

The pace was fierce, and after only a few minutes of running around, many others were soon knocked out of the race.

"Just ignore the watch." Lucas said, "The more you think about it, the harder and more tired you will get, this isn't just about physical endurance but mental as well."

Out of the four of them, Alex was struggling the most puffing and panting hard. The group were now actually at the very back, as they decided to stay with Alex.

Unlike the rest of the group. Alex had never competed in many sports. The only activities he ever did where the compulsory ones that were at school.

"You guys.. don't .. stay with me." Alex managed to get out as he huffed air in and out.

"Alex stop speaking, just focus on running we can do this," said Novis.

The entire group had now been running for a good fifteen minutes. Many were tired, but they were a few contestants that stood out and didn't have a sweat on them.

As Josh saw Novis at the back of the group, he started to feel a little nervous as he knew what was soon to come.

One of the students who had a long pointy nose was in the lead and had a smile on his face. He had yet to get a sweat on him but could see others struggling. This had given him a sudden idea.

He then decided to pick up his own pace, chasing after the Runner in front.

"What is he doing?" The others thought.

"Shouldn't he be saving his energy, why is he sprinting. Who knows when the Runner will stop."

Pointy nose continued to run faster until eventually, he was just behind the Runner upfront.

"Oh, someone actually managed to catch up with me. I guess there might be some useful ones in this bunch after all." The Runner then looked at Biden in the school, to which he nodded confirming something.

"I guess it's that time anyway." The Runner, all of a sudden he started to pick up the pace even more.

He had broken free form the pointy nose, and the pointy nose tried his best to keep up but as he started running faster after the Runner. Something happened without him realizing.


"Contestant number 12 eliminated."

"What!" The pointy nose shouted, "But I'm not tired, I just made a mistake, I can still run. I could outrun all these people here." The pointy nose complained.

"Contestant Number 12, please leave the field, or you will be escorted."

The pointy nose had no choice but to comply. His dream of entering Titan was over just like that.

The man was quickly outrunning the group and would soon catch up to them. If the whole group didn't pick up their pace soon, then the Runner would pass them all eliminating them.

"IS that really just a player on the Titan team?" The students said.

"He seems more like a professional runner, how is he so fit."

The Runner was now getting closer to the back of the group were Novis and his friends were.

"Hey Novis, we might have to leave your friend!" Lucas said. "Otherwise we'll all be knocked out."

The people just in front of them could see the Runner behind them, they picked up the pace, and at the same time, a new group of announcements were made. They were too focused on the Runner behind they had forgotten about their own heart rate.

"If I catch up to him, maybe I can slow him down!" Novis said.

He then ran as fast as he could and at the same time would constantly stare at his wristwatch. In an instant, Novis had passed the leader of the group.

"What is that person doing? Is he crazy, he's going to set off his watch."contemporary romance

But Novis made sure to keep an eye on his watch running just fast enough, so his heart rate stayed between 116 to 118.

"The rules didn't say anything about making the Runner slow down. If I can just reach him" Novis thought.

As Josh saw Novis running faster then the others a tingling feeling was felt down his spine. How could someone run at that speed without causing their heart rate to increase, did the pressure not get to him like the others?

But right now, Novis was only focused on one thing, and that was catching up to the Runner in front.

However, as Novis got halfway through the track and was still a 100 meters away from the Runner in front, he was able to see him past the very last person at the back.

"Contestant 25, eliminated."

Suddenly, Alex had stopped running.

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