Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 144: The semi finals

Inside the luxurious hotel room, Hastam was currently lying on his bed recovering from the traumatic experience. He looked at his hand and started to think back to the fight just moments ago.

"Are you going to drop out of commentating the match tomorrow?" Xin asked, "The spirit will be there again tomorrow."

Before giving his answer, Hastam thought back to the look on Lucas's face, the fear and at the same time the hope in his eyes as he saw him.

"I'm going to, no I have to, I doubt they will do anything in front of all those people their tomorrow, as long as I ignore the spirit, I think it will ignore me too." Hastam replied, "But the fact that they were meeting up with other spirits really bugs me. Just like you, maybe they came from another world and it seems like they know each other, and while on our side we still only have you."

Hastam then started to scroll through his phone and began to look at his friend's list until he stopped at the user ID, Pendragon. ���For some reason, I have an odd feeling that he will be there tomorrow as well."

Hastam then started to dial a number on his phone.

"Hey, there… yeah, I'm calling to inform you, when I went to the stadium earlier today the arena seemed to be a little, worn out. There were broken seats and cuts along the floor."

"What!" The man shouted at the other end of the phone.


At last, the weekend had come and it was finally time for the Montem team to face off against Westgate. It was early morning and before heading off to school to catch the bus.

Novis was currently silently on the floor meditating. His legs were crossed and his eyes were closed. Suddenly, the faintest, smallest, spark of white aura started to surround his entire body.contemporary romance

"I did it, I did it!" Novis shouted as he broke himself from his meditation. "Did you see, what level do you think I'm at?"

"Ermm Novis, although you did use some type of sword energy, the amount was so small I wouldn't even say it was at level one." George said, "You wouldn't be able to fuse it into a weapon and defiantly wouldn't be able to use it in a fight."

"George is right." Said Arthur, "It's best in today's match just to focus on your skills, just because your opponent can use sword energy and you can't doesn't mean the winner has already been decided."

Novis understood what the others were saying but couldn't help think back to how Lucas was able to take out all those knights in one shot. Novis was even more amazed that Arthur was able to beat such a person and twice.

But Arthur still had yet to tell Novis that most likely the person he saw that Day wasn't Lucas, and if Arthur had to intervene in today's game he would.

On the way to school, Novis had gotten a ride from his mother and his brother was also in the car with him. Today his whole family was going to come to watch the game.

Even his mother realised how much of an important event this was after the other mums and schools started to praise her son on how well he had done.

Novis had wished his father was here to see him as well, but he was still busy away on some business trip. Usually, he would go away for months at a time but this time his father had been away for far longer than usual.

He would have thought he was dead if it wasn't for the video messages he sent to them once in a while, updating him on what he was doing.

Novis's dad actually worked for a game company himself. One less known then VSW but it still had its own community. Although Novis still had no clue why his dad needed to travel for work.

When he had arrived at school the rest of his teammates were already there waiting, along with six other busses.

"Whoa, what's going on here?" Novis asked as he left the car.

"Oh the principal has gone mad, they have agreed to give anyone who is supporting the Montem team in today's game a free lift to the venue."

"Really but other than our classmates and family who would bother to support us."

Just then a few other cars pulled up outside of the school and the people who came out surprised all of them.

In their neatly dressed uniform, several school children from the Hershel team had come out.

"Daisy, Mia, Buman, Tim" Frank shouted," What are you doing here?"

"We wouldn't miss one of your matches, you're our captain after all."

A tear was brought to Frank's eyes as he went up and hugged each and every one of them.

Then suddenly, a load of screams were heard. The girls couldn't stop pointing and staring in a certain direction. Then Novis finally noticed why. It was the boy's form Woo Woo. The pretty boys who had that celebrity look about them.

"I wouldn't have minded if they stayed at home, to be honest," Novis said.

Scarlett then barged Novis on the shoulder.

"Don't be so rude."

"I'm joking, of course."

After all the friends, family and supporters had gathered it was time for them to head to the stadium that they would be playing at today. It was a slightly different stadium compared to the quarter-final ones.

For this event was being advertised even on the VSW website. Although secondary school VSW games weren't that big to the general public, the semi-finals and finals of these events still managed to gain some attention.

And with Westgate private funding they were able to sponsor the event and afford a bigger stadium. After riding on the bus for a while they had finally arrived at their destination bright and early in the morning.

There were three men standing at the front of the gate who worked for the goldware corporation. As Mr white, the teacher got off the bus, the men immediately came forward to inform them of something.

"I'm afraid to tell you all that the arena is currently going under emergency repairs." The man said.

"What!" The students shouted as they started to mumble, wondering what was happening.

"Worry not, our team has been working on it since last night and it should only be a couple more hours before it's done. If you head into the stadium's reception area we have decided to give everyone a free meal and a ten-pound voucher to purchase whatever they want from the gift shop as compensation."

Suddenly, the complaints turned into hungry faces. The idea of getting things for free always brought a smile to people's faces. When Novis and the others had walked past the guards, one of the guards lifted his hand and placed it against his earpiece.

"Yes, he's just arrived sir, our men have surrounded the building and are keeping an eye out.

As everyone entered the reception area, they were surprised to see that other people had also already arrived and been waiting inside.

"Do you think these are all of Westgate's supporters?" Novis asked.

"Not all of them." Alex answered, "This event actually attracts the attention of a few scouts and also reporters, some just really love the game and are here to watch of course."

As Novis and the others walked past, the students and some kids from other schools started to whisper.

"Hey is that him?"

"Yeah, he's the one they say beat Lucas before."

"Really but he looks so ordinary."

"Thanks guys, I can hear you know?" Novis said.

"Just ignore them." Said Scarlett "You've already proven yourself in the last game, they just need to wait and see and we will do the same again in this game."

As the six of them sat on their own table for breakfast, not one of them was able to eat their food comfortably. All of them were too nervous and afraid if they ate, they wouldn't be able to keep it down.

"Come on guy's you need to eat to have the energy for today's game." Alex said, "Besides it's free."

The team then tried their best to scoff the food down but still, there wasn't much of an appetite. After they had finished eating Alex decided to go over a few things. Some small tweaks here and there about the game.

Just then though, it seemed like another commotion was happening in the reception area. As they turned to look, it seemed like the Westgate team had arrived as well. Each member walked in all incept for one person.

"Hey, where's Lucas?"

"Is he not playing today?"

"Don't worry about Lucas." One of the Westgate players replied. "He will be here, he has just got some business to take care off before coming here."

Just then though as everyone's attention was focused on the Westgate team who had entered the room. Novis felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey there." The man said. He was a man with long black hair that went up to his collar bone and on his face was a pair of sunglasses. But that's when something stuck out to Novis and it wasn't the strange way the man looked or how his hair was clearly a wig.

But the fact that a spirit was standing by his side.


Special thanks to TheLordGodHimself, edboy49 and AsuraNineThoughts for the gifts they really help me out on my journey of becoming a full-time author.

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