Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 143: Hastam VS Lucas

When Hastam had heard the young voice and turned around. He was surprised to see who had called out to him. It was the young boy who he was meant to meet tomorrow in the tournament. Lucas bell.

Lucas strangely had a large square like object wrapped up in cloth on his back. It almost looked like he was carrying a guitar or musical instrument behind him.

But what surprised Hastam more than anything, was the fact that there was a spirit floating by the boy's side, not only that but the spirit currently floating by Lucas's body, was Lucas himself.

"Is the spirit currently in control?" Hastam thought.

Lucas who had been trapped this whole time and had decided there was nothing he could do for now. He needed to wait for the right moment, any second now he felt like a breakthrough was coming and that was when he would challenge Mortem to a duel.

But as Lucas looked at the person in front of him, Lucas recognised that the man to had a spirit. However, he wasn't surprised by this, for just a few moments ago he had met four other people with spirits too.

When Mortem looked at Xin and Hastam. He could feel a strange feeling surge through his and Mortem's body. It wasn't like when she had met the others, and a smile appeared on her face.contemporary romance

"Run, get out of here!" Lucas shouted.

Although Hastam didn't know what was going on, he could see the fear in Lucas's eyes, the dread on his face. It was the look of a prisoner.

The smile on Mortem's face grew as it reached out for the cloth-like object on its back, as the cloth fell down a large scythe was revelled, the same scythe which Mortem had emerged from.

"What the, how the hell did they get that weapon in here?" Hastam thought, "What happened to the security?"

However, he didn't have much time to think. The scythe was quickly swung from the side and if he didn't do anything, he felt like his body was going to be cut in half.

Hastam then rolled down from the centre stage and onto the floor avoiding the blow.

"Hey, why are you trying to kill me!?" Hastam shouted above, "You know if you kill me you will be tracked down forever."

"Then I'll just have to get rid of all those that get in my way, won't I" Mortem replied.

"This spirit is pure evil!" Xin said, "Just the killing intent coming of it is making me feel sick. There is no use reasoning with something like this."

Mortem then jumped down from the stage with her scythe held over her shoulder. Right now, Hastam could do nothing but run, after all, he had no weapon to fight against her with. He had never expected something like this to happen in a hundred years.

Hastam regularly practised with spears and staffs back in Germany but that didn't mean he took it out with him everywhere he went in case of an emergency. He started to back away from the stage and away from Lucas but made sure not to turn his back.

And it turned out it was the right thing to do. Even though the distance between the two of them was around that of ten meters, Mortem swung out her scythe and this time, a purple energy had left the blade.

"Of course she could do that!"

Hastam then looked around the room to see if there was anything he could use, then he spotted some construction that was going on nearby, repairs that were being made to the stage. They had built a platform using bamboo shoots instead of metal.

After jumping and rolling out of the way of the purple strike. Hastam continued to dash and bolted forward towards the building work.

Mortem then continuously threw out lines and lines of Dark energy towards Hastam, each missing him by an inch or so. But the dark energy wouldn't just stop there. It continued to go forward and hit the stands, causing large cut marks across the floors and walls.

Then when Hastam was close enough he focused his mind and a red aura appeared around his hand. He swung his hand at the bamboo leg holding up one of the platforms. A cut was made, then he swung his hand once again creating his own makeshift wooden staff.

"Lucas, I'll save you!" Hastam shouted as he dashed forward now going towards Mortem.

This whole time, Lucas had never thought something like this would happen. Someone who was strong and skilful enough to actually fight Mortem had arrived and someone who could see him.

This whole time Lucas had been relying on his own powers to get stronger, suddenly he felt like there was hope.

However, that hope was quickly lost.

Mortem then held her weapon back behind her, this time for a second longer than the times before. She lifted it above her head and swung the scythe down.

Hastam was ready and had already infused his own sword energy into the wooden staff. Now a red aura surrounded it.

But as the dark energy had left Mortem's blade, this one was twice as big as the one's before it.

"Hastam switch!" Xin shouted.

Without hesitating for a second, Hastam did as Xin asked and allowed him to take over. The red aura covering the bamboo staff was now even larger.

The dark purple energy and the red energy had collided with each other. For a moment, shockwaves were sent throughout the room as either power wasn't winning out. But a few moments later and there was a clear winner between the two.

As Xin stood his ground his feet started to slide back. The purple energy was just too strong for him. Then when he thought things couldn't get any worse, another large line of purple energy had come towards him, this time pushing him back completely.

"How much power does this person have!" Xin shouted.

He continued to be pushed back by the energy until eventually, his back was against the wall and a small explosion was heard. Dust was filled in the air where Hastam's body once was and it was hard to see anything.

Lucas was stunned, he had never seen Mortem fight against him like that. Lucas always thought he was close to beating her in the dream world but after watching her fight now, he realised she was always holding back.

Which also showed just how strong the opponent she was going against now was.

"Don't tell me he's dead." Lucas thought. Although Lucas was upset about the thought of someone dying in front of his eyes, another realisation had come to him. This was all done using his body. Had he just become a murderer?

Even if he eventually got his body back, would he now be chased by the police for the rest of his life? As Lucas's mind was filled with these thoughts, the dust had settled from the walls and out from the rubble, Hastam had emerged.

Blood was dripping from his head but he wasn't too badly damaged. The red aura was not only surrounding his sword but his body as well.

"I know you want to save the kid." Xin said, "But the spirit is too strong, even for me."

Hastam looked into Lucas's eyes. It was clear now that unlike him and Xin where the two of them worked together. Lucas's body had been taken over by the spirit.

Hastam didn't like it, but Xin was stronger than himself, and if Xin could do nothing then neither could Hastam.

"I'm not saying to abandon him, but to come back when we have more of a plan," Xin said.

"Okay." Hastam agreed.

Xin then concentrated the aura into his legs and dashed towards the exit, moving at inhuman speeds.

Mortem could see they had given up and there was no longer any need for her to chase them. It would only be a waste of time.

Finally, when Xin was outside and far away enough from the stadium, he allowed Hastam to take control back of his body.

"What was all that about?" Hastam said as he touched the wound on his head. It was still hurting and slightly bleeding a little but the injury wasn't too bad thanks to Xin.

He was able to use the same energy as that was infused into the sword, surround his body for defence.

"Is that monster really going to fight in the tournament tomorrow, no way can those kids beat that thing," Hastam said.

"What about the Virtual sword god?" Xin replied, "Do you not think he is a spirit as well?"

"I'm not sure, but even so that spirit was a strong one, and those four from before, was Lucas's spirit meeting with all of them, what if there planning to do something tomorrow. I have to warn them tomorrow, stop the match but how? everyone will think I'm a mad man."


Special thanks to edboy49, Daoist513202, Doodlebug, TheLordGodHimself, and AsuraNineThoughts for the gifts they really help support me on my author journey.

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