Two Alphas, One Mate

Chapter The Hard Truth


After running out on Diana, I took an hour to cool off in the forests, running aimlessly as my mind spiraled into a deep hole. I was out of control with rage and couldn’t bear to show my mate the true beast within me.

I was already heading back to the pack house to reassess the situation, and thankfully I was in a better frame of mind now.

Eric, come by my office, I need to speak to you.” I linked to Eric as I entered the door.

I felt bad for leaving so abruptly when Diana woke up. I wanted to be there for her, but she didn’t feel the same way and it killed me inside. I wasn’t sure if it was because she was marked, or if Holden did something to her, but I was going to get to the bottom of it. My frustration started building again as I imagined that sick bastard touching her.

I growled loudly as I whipped my hand onto an unopened bourbon bottle on a nearby shelf.

“We meet again old friend.” I wiped the film of dust off the bottle and sighed deeply.

I guess this was a good time to crack it open and thankfully, I always had spare glasses in my office if the occasion arose.

As I poured myself a drink, I contemplated what to do, should I tell the pack? Should I kill Holden first? Should I focus on convincing Diana I was her destined mate?

Alpha, I’ll be there in 6 minutes.” Eric finally replied.

“No problem Eric, I got a drink ready for you.”

“Oh boy, trouble in paradise already?”

“You have NO IDEA.”

I inhaled the sweet aroma of the dark liquid as I analyzed the legs falling down the glass. There were subtle tones of sweetness, vanilla and hints of nutmeg. A perfect blend for my tongue.

It’s been too long since I indulged on an aged bourbon. It was a Old Forester blend, bottled in 1958. My father left it in the private cellar before he passed away and I was too much in denial of his death to open it. He was saving it for a special occasion, but I think today called for it.

I sighed as I took a light sip, allowing the burning sensation to trail down my throat and fall to my stomach.

“I’m sorry Diana, how could I not have seen you sooner, what horrors were you succumbed to while living with that beast?” I spoke to my empty office, wishing she could hear me telling her those words.

I swung my chair back and forth while staring up at the ceiling, sipping my drink, hoping it would temporarily mask the pain.

What did I do to deserve this fate? Diana was technically my sworn enemy. I placed my hands on my head while I thought of her laying in the makeshift hospital bed just one floor below me. I couldn’t control myself around her and no matter what she said or did, I wanted to grab her and hold her tight. I wanted to protect her from this dark world.

For now, I was deciding that no one in the pack will know who she was until I figured things out. The situation was too complicated for anyone to understand. Maybe they would start to question me; if this was a mere tactic to get back at Holden for all that he has done.

For what he did to my mother all those years ago.

Suddenly, I heard the door creak open. Eric was earlier than expected.

As I glanced up at the doorway, I didn’t see Eric, but a tall blonde woman wearing an extra scandalous outfit. A tight fitted blouse and plaid pencil skirt that was way over dressed for this pack, but hell, the men didn’t complain.

“Amanda, what brings you here?” I sighed.

She was already hiking up her skirt, revealing more of her exposed thigh as she pulled her long blonde locks over her shoulder.

“I got those forms that you requested Alpha.” Her large breasts were practically falling out of her thin cotton blouse as she gave me a flirtatious smile.

To be honest, I fucked her multiple times on this very desk I was sitting in. She was always asking for it and I, of course obliged. I had my needs and she satisfied them, but now that Diana appeared in my life, I repulsed at the thought of anyone else.

Amanda was salt to my eyes and a mere secretary, nothing more. If Diana told me to get rid of her this second, I wouldn’t hesitate. If Diana made any request for that matter, there would be no hesitation. I wanted to serve my mate, I wanted to make her happy, even if that meant working my ass off. It would only bring me pleasure making her comfortable in her new home.

“Thanks Amanda, just leave it on my desk.” I looked down on the papers she placed in front of me, pretending to read, hoping she would get the hint I was busy.

“You’re welcome Alpha.” Her high-pitched voice that I once admired, now sounded like nails on a chalk board.

I peeked up, and much to my luck, she was still standing in front of me, waiting for something spontaneous to happen. Why did this have to be so awkward?

She placed her hands on top of the stack of papers that I had my focus on.

“What the hell Amanda?!” Our eyes met as I raised my head. She looked at me with a seductive smile and started undoing her shirt buttons.

“I know you’re busy Alpha, but I couldn’t help but notice you’re a little down,” She pouted her lips and leaned in closer like she wanted to kiss me.

“I’M BUSY, leave now.” I growled.

“Come on Damian.” She started whining like a little child in a toy store.

I was almost to my breaking point. WHEN WILL SHE TAKE A HINT?


Suddenly, she climbed on top of my desk and papers started to rain down to the floor. She sat directly in front of me, and her legs were wide open in full view. She clasped her hands tightly on my shoulders as she inched closer to my body.

“Come on, take a little break Alpha.” She continued to whine.

“You want me to fuck you!?” My voice was deep and demanding. I knew she liked to be dominated, so I was going to teach her a lesson that she’ll never forget.

She leaned in closer, to the point where she couldn’t get any closer. I could feel her warm breath against my face, but it was the last thing I fucking wanted.

I grazed my hand up her chest, slowly placing it around her neck. I wanted her to let her guard down, to show how stupid she looked.

She was enjoying the tight sensation around her neck and started moaning, but the more she moaned the tighter my grip got. I tightened hard enough to see the realization in her eyes that I wasn’t doing this for pleasure.

“What part in “LEAVE NOW” don’t you understand!?” I harshly whispered in her ear.

“Wha-what?” She coughed.

“You and I are DONE. You got that?”

“Yes-yes.” She affirmatively nodded her head, but just as I was about to release her Eric walked in.

Just my fucking luck.

“Oh-uh, Alpha, should I come back or…?” Eric stumbled into the office looking like a deer in headlights.

“No, Amanda was just LEAVING.” I glared at Amanda who looked like she had seen a ghost. Her blue eyes, almost watering from the confrontation.

“Yes Alpha.” She quickly slipped from under me as I loosened my grip.

“What the hell was that about?” Eric sat down on one of the office chairs opposite to mine with raised eyebrows, starring at Amanda scurrying out of the room.

“Games as usual,” I groaned.

“What is going on with you? No disrespect Damian. Can I speak freely?”

I nodded back casually as I handed him a drink. The bottle was near empty at this point, and I was beginning to feel the numbing warmth of the alcohol flow freely inside my body.

“Who is she? Really?” Eric took a small sip, enjoying the flavor just like I was previously, but now, I was just drinking my sorrows away.

“Eric-“ I hesitated, “She’s my destined mate.” I took another large sip. My arms were starting to feel a little lighter as I leaned further back in my chair.

“What?” Eric’s eyes widened in shock as he placed his glass on the desk.

“I mean- I’m happy for you Damian, this is once in a lifetime. We haven’t seen a destined pair in decades. But do you know who she is?” There was concern in his voice and I knew exactly why.

“She’s Alpha Holden’s mate.” I slammed my drink down on the desk, completely shattering the glass.

“I’m sorry Damian...” I could see the concern in Eric’s eyes, like he wanted to say more.

“What else do you know?”

“Well, um, I did some digging around. She’s from a town outside of the city. Her mother sadly passed away when she was a child, but she still had her father, Alpha Henry and her brother, Aaron. They were a small pack, but they were peaceful.”

“And how did that DICK Holden get involved?” I growled.

“Apparently, it was a rogue attack that ultimately lead to her to being saved by Alpha Holden, but it’s the strangest thing…” Eric paused leaving me with anticipation as I anxiously tapped my fingers on the desk.

“Well, out with it!” .

Eric placed a photo on my desk and slid it over so I could view it on my side of the desk.

“She was the only survivor.”

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