Two Alphas, One Mate

Chapter Awake


My eyes were finally flickering open, it felt as if I was sleeping for an eternity. I didn’t want to make any subtle movements until I knew what was going on around me.

“Is she going to wake up? How much longer?”

I could hear faint voices talking in the distance and none of them were familiar to me.

“There’s no way of knowing Alpha, she was severely wounded with silver, I’m surprised she’s still alive.”

“I’m sorry but I need to speak up and say something. This is crazy to have her here in our territory, and we have no clue who the hell she is! Those wolves were protecting her for a reason. Why put us all at risk?”

Shit. How could I forget? I’m here with those murdering bastards.

“Look she’s moving!”

I opened my eyes wide fully to analyze my surroundings, already planning my escape. My vision was still slightly blurred to make out any details from the three men standing over me.

I rubbed my eyes to get a better view of them.

“Leave,” I recognized the Alpha’s voice. His eyes were locked onto me like a hawk hunting pray.

The man in a white lab coat which I presumed was the doctor, quickly scurried away, while the other large man gave me a death stare and stormed off.

“What’s this about? Why am I here? Wait a minute, you shot me?!” I padded my hand frantically where the bullet wound was, and to my surprise, it was wrapped in gauze.

The Alpha remained silent as he casually leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, probably enjoying the entertainment of my crazed emotional outburst.

“Well? Are you going to say something you bastard?!” I started raising my voice, hoping to get a response. “Also did you change me? How did I get into this hospital gown!?” I was feeling weak, but I felt energized enough to give him shit for what he’s done.

He responded with a chuckle and smile. I must admit, for a vicious murderer he was easy on the eyes... I held my hand over my mouth to contain myself from my crazy thoughts.

WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO ME? Why was I thinking like this?

As my vision improved, more of his facial features came into view, but that is when the butterflies went full throttle in my stomach, swirling around causing the blood to rush to my face.

“You’re cute when you’re flustered” His smile lit up as he noticed my blushing face.

I refused to let myself be dazzled again with a few nice words and compliments. I won’t make the mistake again, because look where that got me with Holden. I paid a heavy price on my impulses, and now, I was going to learn from my experiences.

“You know what asshole, what did you drug me with? Do you even know who I am?” I furrowed my eyebrows as I narrowed my gaze into his golden eyes. I was angry, but I felt a sense of calm when I starred into them, like watching the smooth drips of honey running out of a container. There was something about him that was so familiar, yet so mysterious.

“We didn’t drug you, nor did I undress you, thanks to the doctor that saved your life.” He replied.

“Where am I?”

“You’re not at the hospital if that’s what you’re asking. You are somewhere safe, and maybe this room looks like a hospital,” he glanced around at all the medical equipment scattered around the room, “but you are far from civilization.” He smirked.

The more the Alpha spoke, the more I took in his facial features. He wasn’t as polished as Holden in regards with shaving, but it gave him rugged masculine look that complimented his short jet-black hair.

His skin was sun kissed, like he spent most of his time outside and thick dark eyebrows hovered evenly over his broad face. He was wearing a white V-neck t-shirt where I could make out several tattoos climbing up from his chest. He was very casual, like a common man, but something about him made me quake in fear.

He was the complete opposite of Holden, but at the same time, he reminded me of him. It was strange, but I felt like we were two magnets being pulled together.

I shivered in anticipation as I continued my assessment of his body. He was built like a tank, like a much bulkier version of Holden. I could see the definition of his muscles push through his shirt and denim jeans as he casually leaned against the wall. I felt myself breathing heavily as we both studied each other like exhibits in a museum.

As I looked closely to his face, I realized he had a small scar straight under his eye, it wasn’t a big mark, but enough to notice close up. Why did this seem so all familiar?

“You.” I gasped in realization.

He was the man from my dreams!

“Me?” He raised his eyebrows curiously.

I tried my best to contain my emotions and kept a straight face, but inside, I was jumping in excitement. I finally figured out the puzzle, but I still needed to figure out what it all meant for me.

Was he my destined mate or was he tricking me? If he was my destined mate, why didn’t I recognize him the night he came to the house? My guard was up, but at the same time, I couldn’t help myself to feel the growing electricity between us.

The mixture of fear and arousal started making me heat up between my legs and I repulsed at the thought knowing that I already had a mate. I had to stay strong and withhold myself from him, but once I figured out he was the man from my dreams, my imagination was running wild.

“I want to go home.” I said blankly, trying my best to keep a straight poker face. My feet began to twitch underneath the bedsheets in discomfort, scared he was going to pick up on my arousal.

“You’re not going anywhere little one, you are MINE,” He replied with a deep serious tone. “I can smell you from here, you can’t ignore the feeling.”

“You drugged me; this is impossible.” I crossed my arms in denial.

“So, tell me little one-”

“It’s DIANA.” I gritted through my teeth.

“Ok, DIANA.” His face lit up as he said my name, “Tell me, do you feel drugged? Do you think I would kill one of my men just so I can go out of my way for some Crimson pussy?”

“Excuse me! Watch your tongue with me you DOG!” I was beyond frustrated and I could start to feel my veins popping out of my neck.

“It’s... DAMIAN.” He aggressively stepped forward as he narrowed his gaze at me.

“Ok DAMIAN. Tell me, you said I was your mate? Well, you’re a little too late for that!”

“Oh yeah?”

“YEAH!” I responded in an equally serious tone.

“Is that right Diana? My little Diana.” He let out a crazed laugh as he stepped closer to me.

“I’ll die before I become your mate.” I growled.

Suddenly, in one quick move he was hovering over me, pinning my arms above my head while holding the rest of my body down with his weight. It felt like a ton of bricks were on top of me. I was unable to move at all, but I struggled regardless, squirming the best I could to get myself loose.

I shut my eyes tightly and turned my face away from him. His face was only inches from mine to the point where I could feel his warm breath against my skin.

“Seeing you struggle is turning me on little one, but if you insist, I’ll show you what I mean.” He whispered into my ear.

“You’re wrong.” I shivered.

Suddenly, he placed his lips on my neck, not too intrusively, but enough to get a taste.

“Don’t you-” I couldn’t form the rest of my sentence as my mind spiraled out of control. The next thing I knew, I was paralyzed to his grip.

I wanted to leave, I wanted to run away, I wanted to go home, but for some reason, THIS FELT SO RIGHT.

For someone so hell bent on murdering people he had the softest lips. The kiss he left behind felt like a warm electrical spark full of pure ecstasy. I gasped with pleasure while he kept trailing his lips on my neck, working his way down towards my chest.

I never felt this with Holden and I was so confused. Why did this feel so pleasurable? It warmed me to the core, and I shivered in anticipation when he suddenly stopped.

“Get off of me.” I let the words slip from my mouth, but I wanted more of him. It was like my mind and body were in a desperate struggle for control, and slowly, my body was winning to his touch.

Have I gone completely insane?

“How did I not see this before?” He muttered under his breath.

Damian was looking at something that caught his attention, and eventually I turn my face down to see what he was looking at.

Shit, it was my mark. I already assumed he saw it before, but based on his reaction, it was new to him.

He immediately jumped from me in pure rage. I screamed as his arm plowed through the wall above my head. His once honey golden eyes turned to complete blackness as his body shook in anger.

“I’M GOING TO KILL HIM!!” His roar echoed the room, piercing my eardrums.

His voice sounded like he was in physical pain, like someone was stabbing him in the heart. I held my hand to my chest as I gasped, but this time, I wasn’t gasping in fear.

I was feeling his pain.

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