Two Alphas, One Mate

Chapter Inside Job


“What the HELL happened?!” I slammed my fists hard into my desk causing one of the legs to rupture. Anger wasn’t a good word for how I felt right now.


The group of men gathered in my office remained silent, and their eyes all drawn to the floor in submission. No one had to balls to explain to me how the rogues got as far as they did.

Diana was still unconscious in my bedroom as our pack doctor attended to her. She had no visible wounds, but she was barley clinging to life.

Was this my punishment for leaving her alone? I was foolish for thinking anyone could protect her but myself. I wanted to murder this whole pack after putting my mate at risk.

“They came out of no where Alpha.” Alex muttered from the corner of the room.

“I find that hard to believe. Rogues are like mosquitos, we swat them out of the way before they bite onto our skin. All of this shouldn’t of happened. If anything, just on our borders. Not at the house. This is unacceptable for Fenrir. If I didn’t come back when I did….” I ran my hand through my hair as I contemplated telling them about their new Luna. They deserved to know, but now wasn’t the time. I needed to get clarity with her before I introduced her to the pack. Diana would stay a secret for the mean time.

“I’ll look into it Alpha.” Eric stood next to me as his eyes shifted on the screen of his hand held device, most likely looking over surveillance footage. Eric was probably thinking what I was thinking.

This must have been an inside job, but who was the traitor?

“If you don’t mind Alpha. Who is she? How did she… You know?” Adonis glanced over at Eric who was standing beside me, looking as healthy as ever. I had a million questions myself, but it will remain unanswered until she wakes up.

“There was nothing unusual about it Adonis. I healed and that’s that. She was a mere bystander.” Eric interjected.

“But...” Alex opened his mouth and I glared at him.

“What is it Alex?” I growled.

“Nothing Alpha. Just like Eric said. A mere bystander.” He looked away. He obviously didn’t believe me.

“I’ll be investigating this fuck up. I’ll follow up with you all tomorrow.” Eric kept his eyes on his device and walked out of my office.

“Thanks Eric.” I was unsure what else to say because Diana was still my secret. After all, the threats were eliminated and in my warrior’s eyes, they succeeded in defending our territory. This wasn’t the first-time rouges attacked, and I knew it wouldn’t be the last.

I looked up at everyone’s faces. Looking battered and exhausted from fighting the rogues all night. Maybe I was being unnecessarily aggressive, but at the same time, there was something strange going on. If they only knew they almost got their new Luna killed.

“Dismissed.” I shifted my eyes to the window. Birds were chirping and the sun was shining through the trees. It was beautiful outside, but I couldn’t help to feel the dread of what was going on inside this house.

“Yes Alpha.” I heard Adonis speak but kept my eyes focused on the window. “Let’s go.”

Their footsteps faded away and the office door was closed.

I was finally left alone to think.

I’m sure everyone was going to avoid me for the next few days out of a fear of my wrath. I was so pissed; I was so angry and all I wanted to do was enjoy my mate, to make her happy, but that asshole screwed everything up for her.

“FUCK!” I whipped my arm in frustration plowing through anything that got in the way. Papers, books, pens, even a lamp smashed into the wall, breaking into tiny pieces.

My trip alone has left me with more questions than answers, but I knew one thing was inevitable.

I was going to kill Holden.

It’s been days since she fell into a coma.

I continued watching her sleep in my bed, hoping she would eventually wake up. I couldn’t sleep much and I was mentally exhausted.

Most nights I would lay beside her, hoping she would feel the sparks against her skin as I gently grazed my hand down her arm. Sometimes I spoke to her, hoping she would hear my voice to come back.

I would run my fingers gently through her long black hair while I listened to her soft purrs. I felt so at peace when I was with her that sometimes I would fall sleep, holding her small body in my arms.

She had no idea what power she held over me. She could bend me to my knees and all that I desired was to serve her for all eternity.

Tears fell from my eyes as I imagined her being lost without me for so long. The moon goddess brought us together by fate and I knew it wasn’t going to be an easy task showing her Holden’s true intentions. He was using her for her power and nothing else.

As I got up from my office chair I grabbed the brown folder that was sitting on top of my desk.

When Diana wakes up she will find out the truth.

(Later that day)


“No, No, No! Holden…… Dami-….” I bolted up, gasping for air like I was drowning, but thankfully it was just a dream.

I looked around at my surroundings trying to remember what happened.

“Damian?” I could smell him everywhere. The balsam and pine; it was Damian all along.

I could sense he was nearby, but I wasn’t sure where. Maybe this was his room? That could only mean that the bed I was lying in was his.

I ran my hand in the soft linens, all cleansed with his aroma that I wanted to cocoon myself in. I wore an oversized black t-shirt, it was a few sizes too big, but extremely comfy. My legs were bare, but the shirt was long enough to cover my thighs like a dress.

I glanced around at the rest of my surroundings. Curtains covered each window to prevent the daylight from entering. The furniture looked masculine with dark colours and deep mahogany, a typical man’s room, but it felt like homey.

I wonder how long I’ve been passed out for? All I remember was trying to run away during the rogue attack and Eric saved me from those rogues and- ERIC!

I wonder what happened? Did he survive after I healed him? I was so drained of energy I couldn’t wait around to see if he was ok.

I got out of bed, my legs were shaking like I haven’t stood up in days. I opened the curtains on the other side of the room to let some light in. The sun pierced my eyes, burning them as if I’ve been living in darkness.

I squinted my eyes as I looked surveyed the room again. My attention was immediately drawn to a black wooden frame hanging on the wall next to me. It was a picture of Damian, possible when he was a teenager. His usual dark hair was shoulder length, and his body was little leaner with less tattoos, but I knew it was him. I could recognize his face anywhere.

He was standing with a man and a woman. Both of them sharing similar features to Damian. The woman leaning against his shoulder was smiling, her blue eyes looking directly at the camera. Her hair was an ash blonde; her skin was sun kissed, similar to Damian’s complexion.

The man standing with them had a similar facial structure as Damian, along with a full grizzled beard with hints of grey. His arms were covered in tribal tattoos, and his body, much bulkier then Damian’s, but they both stood at the same height.

I could only assume these were his parents, Alpha Zeus and Luna Soyra. Eric mentioned Damian’s parents before and it was nice to see a photo. Holden never had photos of his lying around and I always wondered why.

I kept looking at Luna Soyra; something about her seemed similar, or maybe she was a missing piece of a puzzle that I have yet to solve. The three of them wore pieces of black combat gear. Zeus and Sorya looked aged in the photo as obvious wrinkle lines covered their faces. I could only assume they had Damian later on in their lives.

After leaving the framed picture on the wall I decided it was best to find Damian and figure out what was going on. I would imagine he had a million questions after what the pack just witnessed.

My secret was no longer a secret. There hasn’t been a healer werewolf in centuries, and my mother and I were the spawn of its return. She spent her life hiding her abilities successfully, and now I completely messed it up. This pack knows, Holden knows, Red knows, the whole fucking world knows my secret.

Just as I headed for the door something caught the corner of my eye. It was a huge brown file folder placed on a desk beside a large mahogany armoire.

Was this purposely placed here for me to see?

I furrowed my eyebrows curiously as I held the dark brown folder in my hands. It didn’t have a label or title, but it was filled to the brim with documents.

“WHAT THE HELL?” My eyes penetrated the papers as I skimmed through the documents.

I carried the file and scattered the papers across the bed.

I sat crossed legged in the middle of the bed with the documents scattered all around me like I was trying to arrange a puzzle. One by one I threw the papers that I was finished reading and picked up ones from the untouched pile.

My eyes widened as I read and re-read transcripts from phone calls, emails and surveillance drones. Holden’s name was at the center of it all. Photos from years ago to just the other day were piled so high I could barely fit my hand around it.

Papers rained down to the floor until there was no more to read. I breathed heavily as I shut my eyes, allowing for the information to sink in. I had my suspicions, but seeing it in black and white made it all too real.

I sat on the bed silently as I meditated, all while a huge tsunami of papers circled around me.

“How could I be so stupid?”

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