Chapter Who Was That Man!

Amy strolled out of the airport with her kids and Elena, as they stopped a cab. They gave him the direction of where they were going as he zoomed off.

Amy's mind still raced as she kept on recalling what had just happened at the airport. Her thought were so deep and immersed.

That man had made her feel what she couldn't explain, she also noticed he had Same facial expressions as her son. Her heart sank.

She wanted to wave this thought of her mind, but she remembered his cold green eyes that pierced her's.

His touch, when he had her made her have butterflies in her belly. As she remembered this she noticed that she was smiling at herself but when she recalled how he pushed her she heaved a sign her mouth twisted irregularly her eyes in total disappointment. "Amy, are you okay?" Elena chipped trying to study her face.

"I am fine just because the city brings back so many bad memories," Amy scoffed as she tried to hide the sadness in her face with a fake smile.

"You just sign out so loud, and your face is moody!" Elena squitted as she tried to scrutinize her.

"Mom! We are sorry for leaving your side. How I wished we stayed at your side so that man wouldn't have pushed you the way he did." Liam said his voice was calm and pitiful.

"We are sorry mom I hope you didn't sustain any injury?

What mannn!? Elena said her eyes rolled from Amy to her kids, her eyes demanding for explanation.

"I bumped into... Amy was about talking when a voice disrupted her

Elena had anticipated an answer as she was not aware of what had happened earlier at the airport.

"We are here ma'am." The cabman announced as the car stood motionlessly on the road.

They came down and walked into a beautiful estate as they walked into Elena's main building. It was quite a very big and beautiful house though.

Amy had told Elena to book a hotel for her until she found a comfortable House for her and her kids. But Elena has insisted for them to come stay with her as her house was large enough to contain them both and she also wanted to spend time with her and her kids. Amy had accepted because Elena was her very close friend in second school.

The kids walked into the building with their mom and aunt. It was a very big comfortable building with quality furniture. One could tell that Aunty Elena is an average rich lady.

The house was neat, well arranged, cozy and of course attractive with no trace of a dust having a sweet saint. Their eyes rolled round the house as they jumped on top of the couch before she could welcome them.

"You are welcomed to my small apartment." She said as she turned around and was spreading around as though she was pointing at anything in particular.

"Thanks Aunty, your apartment is so beautiful." Liam exclaimed, his eyes still rolling around.

"Thanks Aunty and of course it is not a small building." She said her eyebrows furrowed as she voiced

"Hahahahahhh, they all burst out laughing.

"It's indeed not small, this is exactly like the apartment we stayed in when in London.

Amy just stood by all this while as she was lost in thought still thinking about the man and who he was.

"Amy!" Elena tapped her and she flinched as she calmed back to reality.

"Is everything alright?"She asked sounding worried

"Yh everything is fine she said as she tried not stammering her word. Ohhh thanks for the accommodation. You are indeed a friend.

"Don't mention." Elena said as she gave her a contagious smile.

"Okay." Amy could find herself saying.

"Can we go in? Elena said as she pulled the suitcase with her.

Yh we can Elena followed her behind

Come upstairs kids so you can freshen up and come down for dinner. Elena's voice could be heard as she climbed the stairs carefully with the suitcases.

Okay Aunt the kids who were already engrossed in the cartoon they were watching hurriedly went upstairs.


Elena could be seen in the kitchen. It has gleaming marble countertops, sparkling chandeliers, and sleek appliances adorn this opulent kitchen, where every surface shines and every utensil has its precise place, exuding elegance and refinement.

She was preparing meat in ball pasta as she was still contemplating and asking herself questions of the man the kids had talked about in the car. She couldn't wait for them to finish dinner as Amy owes her an explanation. She was done, as she set the dining room and went to invite them for dinner. The kids were hungry because they had a long day already.

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"Please, you guys should come down for dinner." Elena stood at the staircase and screamed so loud so can hear her

They hurriedly came down, they were already famished and needed to rest. They settled around the table to have their meal.

"Father bless this food in Jesus name." Ella said after her mother had given her a sign short prayer.

"Amen!" They all answered.

"This food is so delicious." Liam said after taking two mouthfuls of the food, swinging his tongue around his mouth. "She cooks so much like mummy!" Ella retorted as she continued eating.

"Thanks my cuties.," Elena said as they complimented the food.

"You guys should hurry up with your food so you can go to bed you are going to a register at a new school tomorrow

Wow! That is so nice I can't wait Ella screamed out excitement all over her face and could be heard in her voice.

"Mom, are we not going to continue our modeling as we did in England? I want to be seen on television. Liam said, his face looking sad as he dropped the spoon.

"Yes that is true."Ella scoffed

Amy noticed this and she was not happy at the way their faces were now cold. "I will get a company for you guys to continue modeling per time

"You don't need to be sad. I will give your mom a form so you guys can apply to a big company in town. Elena chipped in and she was happy that the children were helpful to their mother. Though they did it because they just love it, it brings Amy's money. The children were really adorable and smart with a good accent.

"Thanks Aunty," they said as they picked up their spoon and started eating once more.

"But we are going to a new school tomorrow first, later we can fix in your modeling "Okay mum, they reply happily.

Elena just sat down smiling all the while as she thought that her friend is lucky to have them.

Amy took the children to the room and read their bedtime story.

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"After gaining the power they need, Cinderella and her prince live happily in the castle ever after." Amy said this as she closed the book she had used to read the bedtime story. By then the kids had slept off so she went downstairs to discuss with Elena.


At the sitting room Elena and Amy could be seen discussing. " Are they asleep? Elena asked Amy as she came into the sitting room.

"Yh, they have slept." She said

Amy sat down on the couch opposite Elena. " Who was the man that pushed you? Elena said, her eyes demanding an answer.

Amy explained everything that happened at the airport.

"You really mean he pushed you? Elena sneered. Amy nodded slightly. "Is that why you have been moody? She said, still looking at her in confusion.

"I think I have met him before but I don't know where, his voice sounded familiar, and his scent. He also has the same facial expressions as Liam and his presence made me feel.....

"Amy, you have to stop this! I know where you are driving out. It's been five years now and you have to forget that stranger you had a one night stand with and move on.

Amy was not listening to her, she was lost in thought, the thought of the stranger made her feel cold.

Some people look alike, sometimes it's nature.

She said as she stood up and went to her in a tight embrace. Amy was happy that her friend was always there for her so she wiped off the tears that had streamed down her face and embraced her tighter. "You have to go to bed now," Elena said to Amy, withdrawing from the hug. They said goodnight to each other and retired to their various rooms.

Amy went to her room, her children were already asleep and she gave them an affectionate kiss on their foreheads. She took her laptop on the table beside her room and sat on the bed to search for a good school for her kids. She succeeded

in finding a good one. She was happy the payment was online, just that she had to carry the kids to the school to give them the invoice and also take some of their material. She was happy that she found a good school with ease as she dropped the laptop and retired to bed.


Amy screamed as she was having a nightmare. Her body was sweaty as she fled up from the bed.

This man again!?

"She woke up with a start, her heart racing. The nightmare lingered, its darkness seeping into her room. She gasped for air, her eyes scanning the shadows. Something was watching her. She felt it. And then, she saw it. A figure standing in the corner, waiting. Its eyes gleamed in the dark... "You have to be strong for your kids.

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