Chapter The Unexplained Disappearance At School: Missing Twins

It was 5:00 am on Monday morning, the atmosphere was cloudy as though it rained at midnight.

Amy screamed as she jumped off the bed, her heart beating so fast, that it was as if her breath had seized.

Her blue eyes indicate the sign of fear, she had a nightmare. She saw a man threatening to take her kids away from her.

"It was the man at the airport! She was talking to herself not knowing her daughter was already awake, because her scream was so loud.

"Good Morning mum, what man please?" Ella said sounding drowsy, the way her mother shouted disrupted her sleep as she tried to blink off the sleep in her eyes.

Amy flinched as she shifted her gaze behind her back where her daughter was. "Good morning my love, I am sorry to have disturbed your sleep.

It is Still early to go to bed, her eyes focusing on the clock hung on the wall at the left hand side of the room. Trying to avoid the question her daughter had asked. "Okay mum. Ella said as she laid down, she knew her mother was avoiding her question.

When Amy saw that her daughter had slept, though she wasn't sure, she stood up and hurried to get things ready for the day's activities.

She hurried up to the kitchen to prepare breakfast without going to disturb Elena sleep.

Her heart was pounding so fast as she prepared the food she couldn't stop remembering the dream she had.

Amy was done preparing breakfast, so she hurriedly went up to Elena's room to tell her the nightmare, but she was sure Elena would call it a mere dream.

Though it looked real to her. She walked up to Elena's room, she knocked on the door waiting for a response.

"Come in a voice she heard from inside the room" It was Elena.

Good morning Elena, I hope you slept well, she said, trying to sound normal. She was sure Elena would ask her what was wrong.

Yes I slept well, how are the kids up already? Elena asked her was climbing down the bed

"I will go get them, I came to tell you that breakfast is ready.

Okay I was about coming down to get it ready, thanks.

Amy left the room still trying to get the nightmare of her head as she went to prepare the children.


Amy walked out of the estate with her kids, they all dressed stunning and looked good. They were going to the kids' new school. She stopped a cab and gave the old man the direction they were going. When they arrived at the school, It was a tal big magnificent building. The paintings were colorful and gave the school an impeccable look.

When they entered the gate of the school, the school had a beautiful garden, a field in which the grass was well cut and leveled. The school also has a basketball field, it was a very quiet and neat school. "Wowwwww! This school is so big and beautiful Ella exclaimed her eyes widened as she used her eyes to admire the stunned look.

It's more than amazing! I love it. It is as beautiful as our school in England.

Liam said as he peered around

I am happy you love your new school, now let's hurry and get some things done at the principal's office so you can resume tomorrow." She said to hold their little hard in her's and hasten her step.


When they arrived at the principal's office he welcomed them as he praised the appearance of the kids.

"This is a wonderful school, the principal said with a level of pride in his deep voice. It's one of the best schools in the city, I can assure you, that you made a good choice." "Hello kid"

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You are welcome to my school, I hope you are good children? He asked as he peered at their beautiful faces.

"We are more than good children, though we are pleased with the School surrounding us." Ella said, the boldness in tone is clear and straight.

"The classrooms are neat and organized, I am so happy to be here. My mom has always said cleanliness is next to godliness.

The principal was surprised as the five years old kids spoke English fluently, their tone Confident and steady.

"I am so happy you love your new school." The principal said as he was captivated by their look, appearance, boldness and aura.

He took out a lollipop from his drawer and handed it over to them. Amy was pleased with his hospitality.

The principal was an older man, with wrinkles on his face. The signs of his age were evidence though he was looking handsome.

The man's suit was outstanding, the fabric he wore was neat and well ironed. He wore a Rolex watch on his left wrist and, his diamond glittering ring he wore on one of his fingers an evidence of his wealth.

The school hospital, perfect library, neatness of the school, good educational facilities and prestigious students told me that I made the right choice for my kids.

Considering the fact that everyone has been nice to us since we entered, and the principal has told me that the school has strict rules and has assured me that strict rules against bullying, and that any incident would be taken seriously. Amy was assured that the kids were safe. She brought the kids to make sure their first day went smoothly and fine. And to also introduce them to their teacher and classmate, so It would be easier for adaptation. So they can settle in and see what their school looks like.

There were also some things she had to do, to make sure her kids are officially pupils of Harvard's Academy. She had thought she was done with the procedures but unfortunately she was not.

Putting on a contagious smile, Amy turned to the kids seeing that the lollipop had been unwrapped by them.

What are you supposed to say after receiving a gift? She scolded them trying to look stern, but she could feel a smile escaping her lips.

"Thank you sir, we really appreciate your kindness." They mumbled as they were engrossed and have forgotten to thank him.

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The principal smiled at them as he pinched her pointy nose gently. "Continue being good children and you will receive a gift from me." He said to them and their cheeks turned pink, their dark eyes piercing his.

"How is that possible!" The kids were curious to know, their faces feigned surprise

Mr. Bethy eyes glistened, as he smiled at them infectiously. "Obey the school rules and regulations and you both will be getting more lollipops from me."

"We are good kids and we remain good kids, we promise." They said and ran out to the school playing ground with the lollipop in their mouth. "Please sign the documents."

Amy was busy watching her kids as they ran outside playing with themselves. It took her a second to realize the principal was talking to her and was already stretching his hands handing her a document and a biro to sign. "Please sign on both papers." Mr. Bethel said, trying to arrange her children's files.

Amy signed and handed it over to him. He took it and adjusted his glasses trying to scrutinize if she had signed it in the right place.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Amber I must confess your kids are really smart."

Amy cheeks flushed pink as they principal made the statement, she was happy that she had them and she didn't regret it.

"Thank you Mr. Bethel. She said the smile on her face made her look so beautiful, revealing the gap between her teeth at the upper part of her mouth.

"I will communicate to you If I need any other information about them," he said.

"Okay sir." she stood up from the seat offering him a hand shake the smile in her face still radiating

As she exited the principal's office, she strolled to the playground, expecting to see her kids' bright smiles. But the playground was empty, and was quiet. Her heart raced as she scanned the quiet playground, her children nowhere to be found. "Where are they?" she whispered, her heart pounding so hard in her chest, panic creeping in."

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