Thrown Away

Chapter 16

"We need to get to the hospital. That baby is sick" Sally said snapping Myles and Tex out of the shock of what just happened. That wasn't the Finn they knew at all. Never had Finn called her uncle by his first name, nor had she spoken so harshly to Myles or Sally for that matter. "What?" Myles asked. "I saw Jai, he is grey, he is dehydrated. He was probably getting sick the other day when you snapped at Finn for his crying" Sally responded. She felt like an idiot, gastro had been going around the brothers at the club and Jai had probably picked it up.

"She had no right to speak to us like that" Tex finally stated. "She had every right. All we have done is order her around. Her son was sick and she has probably being dealing with it herself seeing we all fucked up. Remember that before running your mouth Texas" Sally barked. That was the most she had spoken to him since Finn locked herself in the granny flat. "I'm going to the hospital, if you can stop digging the hole deeper then you can come, but if not, stay the hell away" Sally barked before heading towards Tex's car.

Tama had barely pulled up at the hospital when Finn was out and running into the emergency room. "My baby he is sick" Finn called out to the nurse who immediately shot out of her seat. She took one look at the little boy and ushered Finn into the triage room. "Ok what's going on?" The nurse asked quickly while putting her gloves on. "He started vomiting three days ago after every feed, today he refused to feed and won't wake up" Finn rushed out. "Ok, I'm going to get the doctor and prep to put him on a drip" the nurse stated before rushing to get the doctor.

Finn sat there by herself bouncing her leg in worry. Had she left it to late to get help because she was angry at the club? No she refused to think like that. It had only been in the last two hours when Jai took a turn for the worst.

Tama walked into the hospital scanning for Finn, when he couldn't see her he was worried. "The girl that came flying in with the baby, where is she?" Tama asked the guy behind the desk. "Oh are you the father?" The man asked just as Tama spotted Finn in the room. Tama nodded his head once and headed over to Finn. "What did they say?" Tama asked. Finn was chewing on her lip and just shrugged her shoulders watching the other door waiting for the doctor or nurse to come back.

The doctor came in quickly with the equipment for a paediatric drip to be inserted. "Ok I'm Dr Norris, I'm going to insert this into bubs foot and get some fluids going. Then we will work out what's going on" The doctor stated. "How long will he be here?" Tama asked. His phone had been blowing up with messages from Myles asking what was happening. "Not sure but bubs is dehydrated and we need to work out what's causing him to vomit. You will be here at least overnight but could be longer" the doctor replied vaguely. Tama nodded and text Myles saying they would be a while as Jai was being admitted.

Jai didn't stir when the drip was inserted. Finn then carried him into the a room where she was asked to lay the baby on the bed so that the doctor could examine him. Sally, Tex and Myles turned up at the hospital wanting to see Jai and Finn but had been told to wait in the waiting area. Tama was updating them by text when Finn began to vomit too. "Well looks like you both have the stomach flu" the doctor said after Finn spewed into the bin. "Sorry" Finn whispered before wiping her mouth. "No problems, maybe you should go home to bed while your babies father stays with him" the doctor offered. "He isn't the father and I breast feed" Finn replied.

The doctor then asked the nurse for some ordansetron for Finn to help stop the vomiting and to set her up with a drip. She would have to stay with the baby. "Ok well your partner can leave you both here. I'm admitting the both of you" the doctor stated before kicking Tama out. The doctor didn't want anyone else getting sick.

Tama walked out seeing Sally, Myles and Tex sitting in the waiting room. "How is she? How is Jai?" Myles asked. "Stomach flu, both of them admitted" Tama mumbled. He was annoyed, he wanted to stay and help Finn. He was also annoyed that she had been on her own for the last three days dealing with a sick baby when she was probably sick too.

"I'm going in to check on her" Myles stated standing up to go into the room he saw Tama come out of. "Maybe you should just let her rest" Tama stated. "She is my sister and Jai is my nephew. I'm going to check on them" Myles replied. He hadn't seen or spoken to his sister in days and the first thing she did was snap at him. Finn never snapped at him, not once had she spoken to him like that and Myles didn't like it one bit. He needed to see his sister and fix his mistake.

"Knock knock" Myles said softly walking into the room Finn and Jai were in. Finn was laying in the bed with Jai on her chest. Jai was sleeping while Finn was rubbing his back softly. Finn looked up thinking she would be in trouble for having Jai on her chest. The nurse had put a cot next to the bed and told her Jai was to sleep in there because Finn needed rest as well. She glared when she saw it was Myles.

"What are you doing here Myles?" Finn spat. She didn't want nor need him here. "I wanted to check in on you both. Finn, I am so sorry for what I said" Myles rushed out. "Get out Myles. As you can see we are both where we need to be. I don't want you here" Finn harshly replied. She remembered every word that Myles had said and she was hurt and mad. "Finn you don't mean that" Myles said while smiling at his sister stepping closer into the room. "I fucken do. Get out and stay out. It's me and Jai from now on. So go back to your fucken MC and stay the fuck away from us. My son and I will never cause trouble for you all again and tell Texas and Sally the same" Finn spat with venom.

"Ok Finn, I deserve that, I said some fucked up things. But we are family Finn, please Finlay forgive me?" Myles asked. Tex and Sally were standing outside the door and had heard everything. They both had never heard Finn speak like that and it hurt them both. They knew they had done this to her which made it worse. They had all treated her badly.

"You all are like the snipers. You may not of thrown me away, but you treated me just like they did. I was a possession to you all. Do this do that. I'm not a fucken puppet to control. I won't have my son around people like you" Finn spat. "Wow Finn that's a bit harsh" Myles stated. "Is it? When have you ever treated me like a human being who could do things for herself? When have you treated me like your sister since we have been at Tex's club? When have you let me choose what to do and when to do it?" Finn asked.

Myles was shocked and went to reply but stopped himself. Was it bad he couldn't answer that? "That was for your safety" he finally replied. The minute it was out of his mouth, Myles knew it was wrong. It was the same excuse that Taylor had used when Finn was 11 and he and Jarrod got Finn the hell out of the club and away from their father. "Ok Taylor junior. Guess the branch doesn't fall far from the tree. Get the fuck out of my life Myles. I am not a member of your club so you don't need to be here. As soon as we are out of the hospital, Jai and I will be leaving your life for good" Finn spat before turning her back to her brother. She would not let him see the tears in her eyes.

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