The Vampire Teacher (GirlxGirl)

Chapter 89: Lifeless

Chrissy POV

We were all sitting together in the sit room just saying nothing, waiting for Mr and Mrs swartz. I wasn't really in the mood to be here. Jacky she dragged me down here.

Everything just seem so boring and lifeless, I felt so bad because my two families wasn't here and I feel out of place. I felt Jacky shift next to me as she take my hand and interlace it with hers making me smile. I face her seeing her smile at me as I smile back at her.

"you fine? she asked me.

"Uh mm, I hope so", I told her playing with her beautiful long white fingers. Dirty thoughts consuming my mind while I think how this finger will feel somewhere else feeling how my cheeks burn out for thinking this at times like this. I shift my mind to think something else.

I felt uncomfortable been in the presence with Mr maasdorp I look to his direction when I felt someone was staring at me something about him is very familiar and I don't like the vide he is giving off when he look at me.

Ever since what happened with Brenda slaughter almost every one, everyone was on the outlook when she's going to breakdown again. We still don't have any clues where the people may have taken Lucia and it's working on all of us. I didn't see aunt Cathy since everything happened and she wasn't here this morning but luckily Naomi is here but her mind doesn't seems to be here.

The house has become very silent, I can even hear the birds from outside and the sound of LJ playing games on her phone. She look very peaceful and beautiful sitting on her mom's lap.

I couldn't stare long at the beautiful view of them when I flince seeing Brenda's red eyes lande on me feeling like someone was choking me as I struggle to breathe. Dark shadows was surrounding them giving the room a dark light.

She must be really in a bad state. She isn't looking like herself any more.she look more pale, Her mind wasn't even here, is like she has blocked everything and everyone out. She is just in her own world, it's really heart broken seeing her like that.

I wonder what's happening with Lucia at the very moment, I hope that she is really okay and no one is hurting her. I can't take it not knowing what's happening to her while we just seat here doing nothing. I can't take it anymore, I can't.

I shifted feeling a huge pain running down my heart not knowing the state my lovely sister is in right now. Who could have taken her and why. My eyes starts to get wet, I blink my eyes trying to hold back my tears. My throat is closing. I swallow the lump sitting in my throat as I move from Jacky's grip and barried my head in my hands.

"Darling you okay? I heard Jacky's small sexy voice ask me, she moves her hand up and down my back trying to calm me.

"I can't", i said and stand up from the couch to leave but just when I was about to leave the room, Mr and Mrs swartz was walking down the hall with the people who I assumed is the elders of the supernatural councils

"Chrissy! Jacky called after me as I look back at her not really wanna be here anymore.

"Come on please, it won't take long", she told meclooking at me with her beautiful eye driving me insane.

I sight and went back and sit down on the couch beside her. "Good day guys we really sorry for taking so long", Mr swartz spoke walking into the room with Mrs swartz behind him and the others.

A small growl make me flinch coming from Brenda as her eyes was fix on the councilors who just stand still at the door looking so lost but so demand.

"Brenda is not the time please", her father said.

"If you going to act like that how will we find your mate, their here to help us and please respect them their your elders after all", Mrs swartz said as she went and stand next to her angry daughter who still stares at the elders.

Im not feeling so safe around Brenda since that day but I understand what's she going through shame. It must be devastating really for her to act like everything is okay when is not.

I rest my head on Jacky shoulder feeling her wrapped her arm around me and caressing me with her cold finger through my hair as I relax into her touch.

"brendac we really sorry, we should have look into this matter correctly but as it seem like this people knew what they were doing and we here to help you getting your mate back but going around and killing people is not going to bring your mate back", one of the council spoke he look more strong and respectful more then the rest with his black suit and his black comb back hair with a small piece of Grey hair at the front looking at Brenda who hold her daughter as she lays with her small head on her mother's chest.

"Thank.." just when Mr Chris wanna say something we heard the doors open as we look towards the door waiting for the person who enters as Jerome walk in with a smirk on his face.

"Good day, I hope I'm not late", he said looking at us all while he lean on the doorframe.

"I wonder what you up to for not even trying to be on time, is something good and something about finding this future queen of the clan", Mr swartz said looking at his son.

"Uh mm...", He clear his throat scratching the back of his head."Sorry Mr swartz for being late, i tried my best to be on time, so here I am", he said throwing his arms in the sky.

"Jerome can you please take a seat or do you prefer to stand? his mother asked who still didn't move from her daughter and grandchild.

"If it's okay with you my dear Mother, I prefer to stand just here", he said.

I groan into Jacky neck as I hit my face there while kissing her, her cold lips came in contact with my forehead making me smile. This is where I really wanna be and not in this meeting who seems not to go anywhere.

"okay, Mr Chris you told us over the phone that you guys have a link about where your daughter in law can be but first before we going to talk about that, we have bad news. We know is hard when someone lost his mate but we also concern about the safety of our people and what happen yesterday wasn't the right way of solving this problem we sorry but we really need to bring down the Supernatural unite policies protection to guid this place because we don't know when Brenda is going to lost it again.."

I didn't know what happened but she lost it, the councilor didn't get a chance to finish his sentence when a loud growl rip through the room making me flinch as I hold tightly onto Jacky who also hold me close to her.

"This is my Mate who is missing and please don't tell me what to do...I'm going to kill everyone in my way even if I have to burn down this fucking world just to find her, if I don't find her soon you will be hold for what I'm going to do, so don't come here and disturbing our peace by telling me you going to bring the police here, they suppose to be out there looking for my Mate and it seems that you to weak to do your job",. she growl making me scream Into Jacky neck as I was to afraid to look what was happening around me.

"Brenda please stop it.." Her father growl.

"Mommy", I heard LJ call out for her.

"Oh no my dear sister is losing it again", Jerome said

"Jerome shut up this is not the time", his father said through greeth teeths

"You should have been Charged for the murder of that people but here we are because we care and because we know what you going through but it seems you have lost your mind", a voice said which I don't remember but I think it should be the woman who is also from the counselor.

I lift my head from Jacky's neck when I heard things were falling and breaking. Brenda was a messed she is destroying everything in the room by the way she is moving so fast. everything was so blurry little LJ was crying holding her ears as she couldn't the take noise her mother was creating.

Catherine moving in her unnatural speed towards her granddaughter and pick her up to calm her down and away from the things. The beautiful class table was brojen into shattereds.

I was shock tears roll down my face when I see aunt Cathy standing at the door looking so terrible she was a messed she was wearing one of Lucia jerseys her eyes was red, black shadows under her eyes. she look more tiny then I use to know her.

Lucia's kidnaping is really going to drift us apart, is going to kill us slowly but slowly. There was no life in her eyes, no love, her beautiful eyes was cover with redness, everything just seems to fade away to leave everything lifeless as It is at the moment.

"Cathy", Naomi said as she move so fast to keep her mate safe from Brenda but she also stop when she sees her mother in law in the room.

She walk passed Naomi towards the men who brenda almost kill making Naomi growl." I...dont c...are what y..ou do, just bring her back alive", she cry while she look at the men in the black suit.. "bring back my baby", she cry out as I get a pain in my heart to see her like this and to hear her cry like that.

Naomi move closer to her mate and turn her around so that she can face her. She put both her hands on both sides of aunt Cathy's face looking at her. "I don't wanna promise but we will find her darling, just be strong for her", she said hugging her tightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sor...ry, I'm so s...o s...orry", Brenda cry out loud as she falls down to the floor siting with her head between her legs crying...."i couldn't protect her n...or save her, I'm sorry, I'm sorry",

This was so emotional, so heartbreaking, I couldn't stand to look at this really it was having a toll on me as I removed myself from jacky's Girp and run out of the room with jacky calling after me.☐☐☐☐

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