The Vampire Teacher (GirlxGirl)

Chapter 88: Girlfriend

I was suddenly shaken awake, as i yawned feeling a headache running down my brains making me cry out. I hold my head as i try to lift up my sore body which i couldn't understand why everything was so sore as flashes of yesterday running through my mind giving me another pain in my head, i grabbed my hair holding it tight between my fingers waiting for the pain to go away.

"My love are you okay, should i call the doctor?" jacky's sweet voice ask me out in concern.

I try to look up at her, i move my head slowly towards her direction seeing her sweet soft beautiful face with her beautiful blue eyes looking at me making my heart skip a beat so fast.

"yes I'm fine thank you." i smile looking away feeling the heat rise on my cheeks, "is just everything hurts thats all" i told her.

"Its fine dear, is just the after effect but im glad you fine, you scared me yesterday", she told me caressing my cheek as she turns my face to look at her.

I didn't know i would felt for her so soon and so hard. feeling this way towards her my heart just couldn't stop beating every time i look at her. It's like she takes k my breath away just like that. My brown eyes met blue ones as we both just stare at each other saying nothing as i can't wipe away this burning feeling on my cheeks as i blink my eyes a few times seeing her smile making me look away from her again.... "You beautiful", she spoke in the most beautiful angelic voice turning my face again to look at her, "i really care for you chrissy and i want you to be my girlfriend", she asked a gasped escape through my lips as i look at her with widening eyes.

I blink my eyes still staring down at her to make sure that's she is not high or anything and that's she is talking the true and not trying to take me for a fool but nothing. All i see was concern and love sparkling down in her beautiful eyes. A beautiful smile crossed on her lips feeling her cold hands taking mine in hers feeling goosebumps rising on my arms. My eyes land on our hands as she holds tightly on it, "Chrissy do you mind being my girlfriend?" she asked me this time sounding so serious.

A lump trap down in my throat making it impossible for me to swallow as i try to get out the right words. I'm sure what I'm feeling and what i felt for this beautiful creature in front of me but who will really want so a destroyed, damaged girl as me. I can't let my past hold me back to be happy and everything. I look back up at jacky as she looks at me with more love and more i try to get out the words, "yes", i said... "yes it will be an honor to be your girlfriend", i told her when i was caught off guard with a hard hug making me giggle.

Happiness and all funny tingels running through my hole body, my head feels so heavy my heart was beating so fast. i can even feel some movements just under my left breast making me swallow down the lump i have been holding back so long as i take slowly breaths to calm down my heart.

"You need to calm down my love, i can hear your heart beat", she said laughing down at me. As she kissed me all over my face as giggles running out of my mouth.

"Im trying but its just impossible while you so close to me", i told her while i take the blankets off me to get ready for fir the day.

"Is that so?" she asked looking at me with her left brow raised.

"Yes my darling love, whats happening today?" i asked,

"oh yes your beauty almost make me Forget why i was here in your room at the first place", i heard her making me furrowed my brows.

"So you not here because you want to check on me?" i asked her looking sad.

"Uh oh no no, i didn't mean it like that baby, i was here earlier but you look so beautiful when you sleep i didn't want to wake you. You see we all needed down there right away and you still need to go and wash that stingy sleepy breath of yours", she said making me gaspe she close her noise making me laugh at how silly she is.

"hey, I do not stink", i yell at her.

"All humans does and this is one of the things I hate being a vampire, we smell everything and its so disgusting", she said making me throw my pillow at her.

"You so nasty and since we do stink, no more touching and kissing me for this hole year", i told her and walk of towards the bathroom and lock the door behind me hearing her scream at me.

"You mad you know and it was a just joke", she said banging down on the bathroom door. I really didn't mean it baby girl come on I'm sorry. "she pleaded at the door making me smile.

I brush my teeth waiting for the shower's water to warm up I'm really in the mood for a hot shower to calm me down.

"Chrissy open up this door, please baby im really sorry", i heard jacky.

I undress my self and throw my clothes in the laundry busket walking to the door and open it just a little and peek through it seeing her her sit down on my bed just before i could close the door she use her speed and slam the door open holding me up the wall with my arms above my head looking at me. I really sometimes forget that I'm inlove with a vampire. I feel her breath on my neck as she kiss down on my soft spot as i try to get out of her hold.

Having her this close to me was having a huge effect on me and she is enjoying it so much. My eyes close as i fell her soft cold lips running down my neck and on my collar bone smeling her honey scent. I gaspe feeling her cold fingers strailing up and down my naked body feeling how the coldness and the goosebumps rising on my body.

I calm down and relax into her touch trying to forget about everything. Just the two of us hearing the water running of the shower, feeling the hotness down there making me moan as her lips got in contact with mine, she kiss me slow taking in my lips biting and sucking on them.

"Jackie! i call through the kiss.


"I to go get ready",

"Okay then", she said as i felt a gust of wind making me scream when i feel the warm water running down my face and body. My eyes widen in shock Jacky was naked but i didn't see her undressing.

I wiped the water from my face and throwing my already wet hair back not knowing should i look at her of not. She grabbed my dove coconut wash and pour some on her hands.

"Its okay baby girl everything is yours now, you can look as you want", she told me feeling the heat rise again on my cheeks.

"I didn't look at you", i said rolling my eyes at her as she washed me which i really don't have a problem with me and lucia we always bathing or showering together. Something painful caught up in my heart, feeling a huge pain raining through my head as i think about her.

My heart starts to beat as i try to relax, i turn around not wanting jacky to see me like that but she already did.

"Baby Girl you alright? She asked feeling her cold hands moving up and down my back tears streaming out of my eyes. My body already felt better all my muscles has relax, but i couldn't get rid of this lump in my throat.

"Will we ever fi..nd her, som..etimes it doesn't even feel like she is gone, who would have take her and why, why her? i asked, my voice cracking as so many emotions running through my mind, what she must going through while I'm having fine with someone i love.

"Darling, baby girl look at me", she spoke turning me around as i try to look at her through the water running down my face. I'm not sure is it the water or my tears but I don't care i need lucia, i need her to be safe.

"We will find her, hopefully she is alive and as you can see how Brenda has break down already, hell will be pay to those who has her. We will kill everyone who we came across having a link with her disappearances, that i promise you." she told mevhugging me tight as I holding her too.

"We all need to be strong and be there for Brenda and Cathy, is not easy for them we can't break down like that. Lucia needs a family to come back home to", she said holding me tightly feeling a cold wind running down my body.

I open my eyes and see we back in the room making me jump seeing me sit down on the bed..."please tell me when you do this", i ask her looking at jacky smiling and blushing as i look down at her sexy strong body.

"What? she asked going through my wardrobe.

", This. "i said still looking at her. Is all vampires so sexy? i asked looking down on the floor as she walks up to me with clothes in her hands.

"Am i sexy? she asked with a smirk on her face drying my body.,"thank you for this but i could have done it myself", i told her, getting from the bed and dress the clothes that was taking out for me. "Yes you are", i said, smiling at her.

"Thank you, but So are you my beautiful baby girl." she said kissing me hard on the lips. When you done can we go"? she asked holding out her hand for me to Take making me smile at her. "You so kind, thank you", i said taking her and walk out of the room.

We walk down the hall while i stop outside the room of my sister feeling sadness overwhelmed me as i look at the door hearing a soft melody play in the inside of the room, as i look at jacky seeing her shrugged her shoulders also not knowing what's going on.

"Brenda and LJ is in there", she whisper close to my ears making it possible for me to feel her cold breath against my face.

"I hope they okay", i spoke feeling jacky's cold fingers stroke down on mine.

"They will darling", she convinced me as she kiss me on my right cheek, "aslong as LJ is next to her she will not lose control like that again",

"But they also need to be downstairs, isn't it? i asked looking at her.

"Brenda is not supposed to leave the room on what happened nor the house because we really not sure what her inner animal can do since yesterday. We not save around her, when Brenda her self is not in control babe", she told me as she dragged me on so that we can go.

"I don't understand, who's in control then if is not Brenda ?, i ask.

We will talk about that another time my sweet girl, but for now just know that the person you see as Brenda is not my sister", she whisper again as we walk down the steps while my mind trying to think what Jacky talk about.

"We will never know when it comes to you guys", i said as i stop half way on the stairs as flashes of yesterday flooding through my head like someone is inprinting it into my head giving me huge pain making me Scream as i hold down on my head. Blood is all see people laying down on the floor screams and cries.

"Darling", jacky call feeling her try to make me look at her, as i just couldn't stop the pain as more flashes of my past coming in sight too, oh no its not happening to me again.

"It hurts", i cry out still holding tight on my head as i can't get rid of the pain.

"Someone please get the doctor now! i hear jacky growl as i flinch by how hard she sounds."Baby girl you going to be okay", she spoke as she lift me up feeling a cold wind giving me a dizzy feeling in my stomach.

"Oh my God chrissy, what happen to her"? i heard someone asked but it sounds so far away.

"Don't." i heard another growl coming from Jacky as she puts me down on something soft as i still holds tight on my hair.

"She getting flashes", i heard someone said wait let me see if i can help",

"No." I said another's growl coming from the person i love.

"jacky there's no time for you playing bodyguard and all, we know you care for her but let Kat help her, she is in pain look at her, i remember the voice as Catherine.

"It hurts, it hurts", i scream as the flashes still flooding, seeing how my parents been killed in front of me, the men walking slowly and slowly with a huge smirk on his face looking at me closer to me as i cry out for help.

Can their just stop with the growling and yelling, "please help me", i cry out.

"You not hurting her",

My hands was pull away from my head by struggle as i give up, "chrissy you need to relax, its going to hurt a little but it will help", i heard someone said.

I wasn't ready for another pain but if its going to help then its fine and its not like I'm not use to feeling pain.

"What flashes could she see thats making her like this poor girl",

"Will you be able to see her flashes, her memories!? Uncle Godfrey asked as I try to remember the voice in my head but it hurt every time I wanna try, why does this voice sound so close to me like i have heard it before. Is not because he is Lucia's father, the voice i know it from somewhere is just hurt to much thinking about it.

Yes so that i can change it with her good ones", Kat spoke

"No isn't it wrong going into her someone's mind without their knowing or against their will? he asked.

"Ahhh no, nooo, it hurts, it hurts please", i cry seeing the men who kill my parents riping my beautiful dress from my body I'm so going to have fun with you. "he said hearing them Laugh at me my parents was laying there as i cried out for them m to help me to save me from all of this pain.

"Mr Maasdorp if she going to black out, i won't be able to save her from the darkness of her bad memories i need to help her",

"Kat doing it now", i heard Jackie growl but it was sounding so far away, all i could see was darkness trying to take over my body the pain of the men hurting me so badly. The pain was all over my body i try to open my eyes slowly but all i see was darkness

"Chrissy baby you will be okay." I feeling my heavy head being lift up and cold hands stroking through my hair as tears roll out of my eyes. My body was weak. I couldn't fight the darkness the pain was just to heavy, i try to relax into the cold touch stroking on my hair.

"I'm not letting you going into your her head without her consent, is not right! i heard a growl.

"But darling don't you see this poor girl is in much pain, what's wrong with you why do exactly care.... "shut up grace, she is like a child to me and i know what's she going through. she grow up in my house and i command you not to look into her mind since cathy is not here",

"Cathy cathy, is always her you not married to her anymore, so you have no say in this girl life",

"Mom and dad is not the time okay", norma speak.

"What's wrong I came as soon as i heard you want me", a women spoke.

"Kat can you just relax the pain? jacky asked still feeling her hand stroking my hair helping the pain.

"Okay then", i felt hands on both side of my head as another pain ripped through my head making me scream.

"I didn't say hurt her", i heard jacky growl i could feel the pain down there like it happened just all over again. I was tired, i just Want to sleep, i just want lucia here. I want her to hold me.

"Chrissy darling", i heard jacky voice feeling her stroking my hair.

"I think she needs rest", i heard a women said.

"Chrissy baby, if you hear us open your eyes? Catherine asked. I wasn't going to open my eyes can jacky just take me to the room already.

"Baby girl please", jacky pleaded as i lift my right arm touching my head, "I'm fine thanks just tired.

"Okay then baby, jacky you can take her to her room and stay with her, i will asked the maids to take your food up", jacky's mother said as i felt relieved knowing I'm going to my room.

I still can't shake this feeling off that i know Godfrey his voice. I suddenly stop thinking of it when i felt another pain. It felt like the pain is trying me not to remember, is like someone is not letting me to remember where i know this voice from by giving me this pain everytime i try to remember.

"You can open your eyes now", i heard jacky spoke. I try to open it as it hurts seeing that I'm back in my room looking at Jacky a ugly look as she just smiles her beautiful smile.

"Sorry but you really look tired down there, so i really didn't wanna waste time", she said shrugging her shoulders.

"Its okay, thank you and im sorry", i spoke playing with my fingers.

"No,no darling dont be sorry", she said. Its okay bit I really wanna know what trigger you to go out like that, everything was fine just moments ago, please are you really okay?, she asked laying on the bed opening her arms for me.

I move into her arms and lay my head down on her chest, "i really don't wanna talk about it", i said feeling bad to hide this things from her.

"Okay then but please when ever you wanna talk don't push me away, i wanma be here for you always okay? she told me kissing down on my head as i put my arms around her body hugging her. "Thank you so much for being here, i really don't know what would have happen", i spoke feeling her hands running through my hair down on my scalp.

"Oh no darling i will always be here for you and i should thank you for being here",

"Where's the food? i asked hearing how my stomach growling hearing her laugh at me.

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