The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 281

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 118. 

✰ Eva ✰ 

288 Vouchers 

Wake up Eva!‘ I startle awake at Ghost’s worry, my hand instantly flies out to the side of the bed to find Cas but his spot is cold and unruffled. He hasn’t come to bed yet. At first I’m a little disorientated. Instead of taking me down to the basement, Rowan led me upstairs. Turns out the room next to the new nursery is the old Alpha’s bedroom which Rowan also had redecorated and the bedroom furniture moved up. It looks exactly like the basement except it’s bigger and has windows, the moon light streaming into the room is what confuses me. 

‘What’s wrong?” I ask her as I rub my stomach, I can feel the pup moving around and apparently she’s on the move because right now she’s kicking the hell out of my kidney. 

‘Something is wrong, you need to get to Selena or even Cas.‘ Now she mentions it, I can feel something pulling on my side, feeling around I can’t feel anything but there is a definite pulling sensation. 

“The pup?‘ I ask her as I pull myself up and struggle to my feet, as soon as I stand there is a gush of wetness, I can feel it warm and thick as it runs down my legs. Looking down I almost scream out when I notice the fluid that is running down my legs is tinged pink with blood. 

‘Move, now.‘ I nod my head as I slowly start to shuffle across the hard wood, I make slow progress as I try to contact Cas via the Pack link. He seems to have closed himself down though because I can feel him but there is like a fog blocking us, I can’t seem to penetrate it no matter how much I try. 

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 118 

288 Wouchers 

“Ahhhh!” I scream out in pain as I make it down the first set of stairs, the pain in my stomach has gotten worse. It’s like a tightening that is also coupled with a clamping band wrapping itself around my stomach. 

“Luna?” Francis’s voice sounds on my left as I lower myself to the step and clutch at the banister, “Luna, what’s happening?” I feel his hands. on my shoulders as I hunch over in pain and squeeze my eyes closed. 

“Pup.” I manage to gasp out, “get Cas!” I feel another gush of something warm between my legs, it feels thicker and much warmer than before and I’m suddenly terrified to look. 

“Stuart, go and get the Alpha. Ben go and wake Selena, go now.” I feel hands under my legs and at my back a split second before I’m lifted into the air, I push my face into Francis’s bare chest as another pain racks my b*dy. 

“Francis, the blood.” Stuart sounds panic as he confirms the one thing I didn’t want to know, I can feel my heart rate beating a drum as Francis starts to carry me down the stairs. 

“Shut it, go now!” Francis growls at him before I feel two bodies push past me and run down the stairs, “don’t worry Luna. I’ve got you.” I want to answer him, I want to tell him that I appreciate his effort but I want Cas. I need my Alpha, my mate, but all that leaves my mouth as a scream of pain as I feel Francis speed up. 

“Put her on the bed.” I hear Selena bark at Francis as he carries me into 

the office. 

“How did you get here so fast?” Francis asks her as he lowers me onto the hospital style bed, 

“I was already here, go and find Cas. He’s out in the cells with Rowan and Heath.” I let go of Francis’s n*eck as I feel Selena’s hand rub across 


His Rogue Omega: Chapter 118 

288 Vouchers 

my stomach, “don’t panic Eva, I’m here.” Her voice is soothing but I can still hear the tinge of worry under her calm voice. 

“What’s happening?” I ask her as another pain hits my side and travels right down between my legs, “it hurts!” I scream out as I clutch at the sheets below me. 

“Your pup is coming, the bleed has gotten worse and Ghost can’t heal it. Eva look at me,” I force my eyes open to see her sun k*ssed face staring down at me. “You need a c–section, I need to get this pup out now or you and the pup will be in serious trouble.” I can feel the sweat beading on my forehead as I nod at her, I trust Selena and if she says she needs to cut the pup out then she needs to. 


“Please, save my baby.” Selena’s l*ps form a tight line as she nods her head and starts to turn around. “Listen to me.” I grab her hand, forcing her to stop and look at me again, “you save my baby, I don’t matter. This pup is 

is all that matters, it’s the one truly good thing I have ever done in my life. It’s not been tainted by hurt, pain or kidnappings, it’s not seen me bloody and bruised, it doesn’t know the me that I hate. This pup will only ever know love and for that it needs to be born so it can know it’s Pack, it’s family. 

“You’re both going to be fine. Now I need you to sit up so I can put an injection into your spine.” I shake my head as another pain crashes into my b*dy, “Eva. Look at me,” I pull my eyes open again. “What you’re feeling now is contractions, if you don’t sit up so I can numb you then you will feel everything I do to you and it’s going to hurt.” The look of pure panic on her face has me trying to sit myself up, using my hands I push against the bed but I barely move an inch. 

“I can’t.” I tell her as I flop back down on the bed. 

“Yes you can Angel,” I hear Cas behind me but I can’t tilt my head 


back to see him. “Get off me.” He growls at someone a split second before he’s looking down at me, he has a smear of blood down the side of his face and he smells like the decay of death. “Sit up Angel, let me help you.” He reaches for me with a bloody hand, his knuckles are split and are openly weeping. 

“What happened?” I ask as I hesitate to put my hand in his, Selena grabs my arm and starts to yank me before Cas can even answer me. 

“Sorry Luna but we don’t have time.” Between the two of them they have me sitting up on the bed, Cas quickly comes to the foot of the bed and holds my arms as Selena pulls my top up so my back is bare. 

“Were you lighting?” I ask him quietly as I feel Selena’s fingers slide up my spine. 

“We can talk about it later, take a deep breath Angel.” I hold his green. eyes as I feel a sharp pain in my spine, I grit my teeth as I feel myself try to tighten up against the pain. 

“Alright lay her back down, Eva, that’s going to work really quickly and it’s going to feel like your whole b*dy has gone numb.” I nod my head as Cas starts doing little breaths in and out, I find myself following his breathing without even consciously realising it. 

“Why is this happening?” I ask as I feel the feeling in my b*dy start to recede. 

“The bleeding I found a few weeks ago has gotten worse, I was worried Ghost wasn’t able to heal it so I was going to do this in the morning.” Selena starts to drape me in blue fabric, the view of my large stomach is soon gone. 

“You knew?” I ask Cas, he looks guilty as he nods his head. “And you didn’t tell me?” I can’t keep the hurt out of my voice, I thought we were past keeping secrets from each other. 

“We thought it best you had a good night’s sleep beforehand “Cas glances over at Sclera as if asking her for back up but she must be buy getting reads to cut into me 

“So what” You decided to go and beat the shit out of someone instead” 1 shent at ham. I’m suddenly filled with an irrational anger that sn’t complete my own He actually looks down at his hands as I scream at him like he’s only just realising what he’s done 

“Alright, deep breath Eva You will be meeting your pup in a second Selena interrupta, our argument before we can really get going, moving my eyes off Cas I rest my head against the pillow as I get ready for Selena to pull mi pap from me 

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 118 

288 Wouchers 

“We thought it best you had a good night’s sleep beforehand.” Cas glances over at Selena as if asking her for back up but she must be busy getting ready to cut into me. 

“So what? You decided to go and beat the shit out of someone instead?” I shout at him, I’m suddenly filled with an irrational anger that isn’t completely my own. He actually looks down at his hands as I scream at him like he’s only just realising what he’s done. 

“Alright, deep breath Eva. You will be meeting your pup in a second.” Selena interrupts our argument before we can really get going, moving my eyes off Cas I rest my head against the pillow as I get ready for Selena to pull my pup from me. 

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