The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 280

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 117. 

✯ Cas⭑ 

288 Vouchers 

“I still can’t believe you did all of this.” I speak quietly to Rowan so that I don’t disturb Selena as she performs the ultrasound on Eva and the Pup. 

“Well I had help, the old ladies all knitted the clothes and some of the other women helped with the decorating.” Rowan leans against the door frame as he talks, “I just wanted to be helpful while you were down and when I called Fraction for advice on The Elder’s I got through to James.” I turn away from Eva and Selena to look at Rowan in confusion. 

“Beta James?” I ask him. 

“Yeah, he told me there wasn’t much they knew about The Elder’s but that he would send Thomas over to try and help.” It makes sense now why Thomas was at the hotel when we got there, “then he gave me some advice on what to do with an expecting Luna.” 

“Ah so I should be thanking James.” I nod my head as I smirk at him, he just laughs before punching me on the top of my arm. 

“Alright, all done.” I quickly turn back to the ladies to see Eva sitting up and Selena wiping the bell off her round stomach. 

“How is she?” Me and Rowan ask at the same time, it seems he’s just as worried about his Luna as I am. 

“You’re fine.” Selena says to Eva instead of me, “I do want you to go 


His Rogue Omega: Chapter 117

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and get some sleep though.” 

‘I need to talk to you.‘ Selena says over the Pack link without taking her eyes off Eva, understanding that she wants to speak privately I turn to Rowan. 

“Help Eva down to the basement while I get the house locked up? I want to check some stuff.” Eva looks at me with a slight frown as I hold my hand out to help her off the bed. 

“Can’t you do that later?” She asks me in a quiet voice while rubbing her stomach. 

“I won’t be long.” I tell her as I place a k*ss on her forehead, I look over at Rowan to see him staring at Selena with a stoney face and gladly eyes, “Rowan?” 

“Come on Luna, I’ll get you settled then come kick his butt along to you.” I watch as the two of them leave, I wait until their footsteps fade away before I turn back to Selena. 

“Tell me.” I brace myself on the bed Eva just vacated as Selena pulls up the scan of the pup. 

“You see this dark area?” Selena runs her finger across the underside of the pup, “it’s blood. She needs to have the pup soon or they will both be at risk.” I feel my heart rate speed up as I watch the little bl*p on the recording, the pup’s heart is beating hard and fast. Maybe a little too hard. 

“Will you induce her?” I ask in a low voice without taking my eyes off 

the screen. 

“I think it’s best we go with a c–section. I need to get some stuff from the hospital but I can do it here. It’s less risky with a shifter, her wolf 


His Rogue Omega Chapter 117 

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will start to heal her before I’ve even finished.” I drop my head as panic. starts to TUD 

through me, I’ve looked online so I know how difficult these things can be. 

“Why hasn’t her wolf healed this?” I don’t understand how her wolf can heal her from a c–section but not this. 

“She is, that’s why the pup is still alive, the bleeding is just happening so fast her wolf can’t keep up. I want to do this tomorrow,” I shoot my eyes up to her, she looks set in her decision and if Selena thinks it’s for the best then I it must be. 

“Alright, I’ll be there, the whole time.” Selena looks like she wants to argue but after a minute she just nods her head, “do you want me to tell her?” 

“I think we should tell her together in the morning, let her get a good night’s sleep and I’ll come over in the morning.” Seeing her eyes go over my head I turn around to see Rowan standing in the doorway. 

“Alright, in the morning.” I take one last look at my pup on the screen before turning away and heading to Rowan. 

“You good?” Rowan asks in a low voice, I just shake my head and push past him and into the hall. “Come on, let’s get some air.” I don’t even second guess him as he puts his hand on my shoulder and directs. me through the kitchen and out of the back door. 

Once outside I tilt my head back and look up at the stars, I can feel the panic rising inside of me like a thunderstorm getting ready to strike. 

‘Breath Cas, let it wash over you.‘ Storm whispers to me as I feel myself start to shake with the panic. 

I’m going to lose her.‘ I tell him as it becomes really hard to breath, its 

His Rogue Omega Chapter 117. 

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like the panic is swarming me from the inside, I can understand now why Selena didn’t want to tell Eva yet. 

‘No, we won’t. I won’t let it happen.‘ As much as I love Storm I know there is only so much he can do in this world, he’s not infallible, he cant change what is happening no more than I can. 

“I could lose them both.” I say to the stars. “how is this far? How can I keep getting hold of her and then for her to sl*p through my damn fingers.” 

“You won’t lose them. Selena is good at what she does. if she says she can save them both she will.” I feel him walk up beside me so I drop my eyes down to see him staring at me with a worried expression. 

“I hope you’re right,” I glance up at the stars again, closing my eyes and I send up a prayer to the Goddess. “I need you to be right.” We stand in companionable silence as I keep sending prayers up to the Goddess, I pray for my mate, my pup and my Pack. 

“Alpha?” Heath’s voice pulls me out of my prayers, opening my eyes, I watch as Heath jog over to us from the cells, he looks confused to see 

  1. me. 

“He only got back a few hours ago, we had to get Luna checked over.” Heath looks from me and then to Rowan before nodding his head and sighing deeply. 

“Well I hate to pile on but any idea when The Elders are coming to take Jeremy?” I feel my brows furrow in confusion, I thought The Elders took Jeremy when they took Eva, I had no idea he was still here. I guess I really did drink myself into a stupor while Eva was 


“He’s still here?” Both men look at me as if I’ve lost my mind, “he’s still 

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 117. 

in the cell?” Rowan nods his head as I start walking forward. 

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“Alpha?” Heath asks, sounding a little concerned. honestly finding out Jeremy is still here is the best news I’ve heard all night. The pup coming early I can’t fix, Eva’s wolf not being able to heal her I can’t fix, beating Jeremy to mush? That I can do. 

“He needs this. Come on.” I hear Rowan say to Heath as I get halfway 

across the garden, the only thing I have on my mind right now is finding an outlet for my anger and fear. 

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