The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 89

King Braedon POV

I sighed, wanting to know what Blair was up to. Maybe I should just go out and see for myself, I debated, glaring down at the offending paperwork. At least Alpha Cody had left the pack, but that didn't make me feel any happier. I was about to get up and storm off when James knocked lightly on the door and then sidled in, without waiting for me to answer. I glowered at him "You could at least wait until I tell you to enter" I snapped.

He raised an eyebrow at me "Were you busy, I could come back?" he offered drily, looking down at the paperwork I had neglected.

I swallowed. Avoided his gaze. "No it's fine," I said resentfully, plinking back down on the seat and staring at the desk "I was just taking a break" I lied.

He chuckled. "Liar, but I'll pretend you were working hard for your benefit" he teased as I fought the urge to throw something at him "if you're that concerned, why don't you go and check on Blair for yourself? You know she is capable of looking after herself, Hell after what I just saw, she can really kick a*s" he enthused.

Wait, what? What the hell was he talking about? I looked at him suspiciously. "James," I said with gritted teeth, the man grinning like a lunatic "What are you blabbering on about? Why are you saying such things about my mate?" I demanded icily, pinning my gaze on him. Jame's grin grew wider. "Well as you know, Malcolm got me to go and keep an eye on those participating in the hunt to ensure that nobody cheated and went against the rules."

I nodded. I was aware of this, I had sent James down and I also donated the money that went to the winners, but I was still having a hard time connecting this to what this had to do with my mate. James smirked and leaned against the doorway. "Well you won't believe what your mate did," he said gleefully.

Oh boy. I hoped she hadn't offended Malcolm. The man was notorious for handing out extreme punishments when you made him angry. I was already bracing myself for having to intervene against Blair's wishes but James snorted taking me aback.

"I couldn't believe it myself," he said with laughter in his voice "but if anybody could convince Malcolm to do it, it was Blair" he shook his head, looking at me with admiration.

"What did she do? You're not telling me she participated in the hunt?" I growled.

The hunt was dangerous. The hunters could be aggressive when they hunted down their prey and since Blair didn't have a wolf I had naturally assumed that she wouldn't be taking part in it. Perhaps I should have confirmed that for myself. Damnit. She better not have gotten hurt I thought scowling. James burst into laughter holding his sides. What was so bloody amusing?

"Oh man," he said wiping tears from his eyes "Oh gods, it was so f*****g funny. Your mate managed to convince Malcolm, the one who is so steadfast when it comes to traditions and the old ways, to reverse the roles of the hunters and the prey. The women" he said looking at me with amusement "were the hunters this time and the men were the prey."

Say what now? James was still chuckling. I stared in disbelief. Never in the whole history of that game, had the women ever been allowed to be anything but the hunted, and now James was telling me that Blair had managed to change that with just her presence. What had she done? Managed a revolt? "She was damn good too, she found her prey just before the hour was up," James said, looking at me with shiny eyes "and to my shock, most of the women did. We've done them a disservice never letting them hunt before. It was a real eye-opener," he said nodding and looking thoughtful.

I gaped. "Did my mate get hurt?" I demanded, slamming a hand on the desk and startling James.

He immediately shook his head "Just dirty" he said reassuringly "and that was so she could camouflage herself. You should be proud of your mate. Even wolfless she managed to keep up with the other shifter women. I admire her" he admitted "when I get a mate, I hope I get one like yours. Brave and willing to stand up for what she believes in."

I sighed "Be careful what you wish for. My mate has a perchance for mischief and getting herself into trouble, not to mention being as rebellious as hell. Just ask poor Julia" I pointed out making James laugh even harder.

"But wouldn't life be boring without her?" he wheezed and I reluctantly had to admit that he might be right about that.

"I guess the women are happy winning the money," I said with consideration "but how did the men take it losing to the women?"

James gave a shrug "Let me find out."

I saw his eyes go cloudy and assumed he was mind-linking Malcolm. I sat back against the chair and patiently waited, envisioning my mate stalking into the forest like some kind of chick version of Rambo. I shuddered. It wasn't a pretty picture and I hastily made the image disappear from my mind. James's mind cleared and then he fell to the floor laughing as I looked down at him in dismay. I knew it. I knew it was only a matter of time until my Beta lost his mind. It was all the stress of the job. I shook my head sorrowfully. I would have to find another Beta that could handle the demands of the job without losing their sanity. James had tears in his eyes and he was clutching his stomach. I wondered if I should call a doctor. It didn't look like he was going to stop anytime soon.

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