The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 27

Third Person POV

The roar was so loud that even Cordelia heard it from where she stood, making the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. One word, but it was loud and clear enough to make out and it instantly filled her with panic. "Mate."

It was Braedon's wolf's voice. She felt panic fill her. This couldn't be happening. God no. Not now. She instantly tried to run into the forest but the driver blocked the way, looking determined. "I can't let you go in there, my orders were to remain here with you," he said stiffly. He was not about to have his head ripped off for disobeying orders, especially not for this horrid woman.

"You have to let me pass" Cordelia almost shouted in exasperation, not knowing what she was going to do, just that she had to get to Braedon before it was too late and she lost everything.

It wasn't possible. Not after all this time. She had never thought this day would come. Not after all these years. She had been banking on him never finding his mate and taking her as his chosen one. She clenched her hands into fists and began to pace back and forth, ignoring the infuriating driver who watched her every move. What was she going to do? She had been so close to becoming the Luna Queen. It had almost been guaranteed after this stupid party. She even had something in her suitcase that would have helped make it a success. She bit her lip, fighting back the tears. Maybe this girl wasn't high-ranking, she thought with a tiny glimmer of hope. Maybe, she was an omega. If that was the case, then Braedon would no doubt reject her. She prayed, so hard, her knuckles turned white, that, that was the case, her eyes constantly going to the forest, waiting for Braedon and the others to come walking out. She felt like she was going insane as the seconds passed and they still had yet to appear.

Eventually, they emerged from the shade of the trees. Cordelia saw Braedon, naked, covered in minor scrapes, carrying a thin, weak-looking girl in his arms. He had a fierce expression on his face and his eyes were dark. She came to his side, ignoring James who glared at her. She peered down at the girl, eying her carefully. The girl was dainty. She had long brown hair and brown eyes, porcelain skin and she was almost malnourished looking. She sniffed and frowned with confusion. Cordelia couldn't discern a wolf. She sniffed again. Her eyes lit up with glee. There wasn't one. This girl, this shifter girl, was wolfless. Cordelia wanted to dance with joy. There was no way that Braedon would take a pathetic girl such as this for his mate. Her lips curled into a smile, even as she feigned concern. She couldn't believe her luck. Her status as Braedon's chosen mate would remain untouched and unchallenged.

"Oh no, what happened?" she asked with fake concern.

The girl was almost naked and it wasn't difficult to discern that she had been sexually assaulted or almost. Braedon's eyes shifted to Cordelia's and she almost shivered at how cold and glacial they were. "Get her one of my shirts from my luggage" he instructed the driver, who hurried to obey his command. He needn't have bothered. James had already opened the trunk and fished out clothes. He threw one to Braedon who caught it one-handed. He strode to the limousine and gently lay the girl down, carefully undoing whatever still clung to her and flinging it away, before placing the shirt on her, dressing her like a child as Cordelia gaped at the tenderness he was showing. Not once, had he ever shown that type of caring to Cordelia and it pissed her off. This girl was nothing and yet he was treating her as if she was some sort of precious jewel that could break with just one touch!

"Catch" James shouted, now fully dressed and Braedon caught the clothes, sliding into them as the girl lay unconscious on the limo seats, oblivious to her surroundings.

"Braedon" Cordelia said faintly, looking down at the pitiful girl with annoyance "What are you doing with this girl?" her voice was accusatory.

He paused in the act of doing up his buttons. "What does it look like I'm doing?" he said irritably "We're taking her with us to the Dark Rising Pack to get medical attention."

James spoke up "About that. What if she came from the Dark Rising pack?" he asked his King who hesitated "Do you think they would be happy to see her back? Or that she's your, well you know..." he trailed off the meaning explicitly clear as they tried to hide the knowledge of the girl being Braedon's mate from Cordelia.

A bit stupid of them considering how loud Braedon's roar had been. You would have had to have been deaf not to hear it.

Braedon frowned. "That did occur to me" he admitted, finishing his buttons up "So I expect you to keep a close eye on the girl James" he added, shooting his Beta a look as James nodded respectfully "Don't let her out of your sight." His voice was tinged with concern.

"That might prove to be a bit difficult" James acknowledged "seeing as it's someone else's pack but I will do my utmost best to ensure her safety King Braedon," he said with determination. Nothing would happen to the future Luna Queen, not on his watch.

"Would it not be better to just leave her there?" Cordelia enquired, trying not to appear too nosy or too self-righteous.

"She will be coming back to the pack house with me," Braedon said icily "Is there a reason you are asking Cordelia?" he added, with a look of condemnation.

He did not like the questions she was asking at all. It was not her place what he did with the girl. She needed to remember that. His eyes narrowed as he stared directly at her, challenging her.

Cordelia stared at the angry expression on his face. If she angered him now, it was a possibility that he might leave her behind and force her to make her own way home. If she at least pretended to be ignorant, she might be able to keep her eyes on the girl and come up with a plan to prevent Braedon from taking this girl as his mate. She took a deep breath, forcing a fake smile onto her face. It was time to act for all she was worth, she thought with a grimace.

"Of course not Braedon, I'm merely wanting to establish what we are doing and how the plan might have changed," she said sweetly.

He frowned and then motioned for everyone to get inside the limousine. They all filed in, Cordelia glowering as she was forced to sit next to James, Braedon bringing up the rear. They all had to sit on one side, to allow the girl, whoever the hell she was, to be able to lie comfortably on the opposite side. Braedon regarded her with fascination, reaching forward to tuck a loose hair behind her ear. The driver calmly got back into his seat.

"Drive very carefully," Braedon told him firmly "I do not wish to injure this poor girl any more than she already is."

"Of course Your Highness" the driver agreed, glancing over his shoulder and nodding respectfully "I'll take the road very slowly. Please, inform me, if you require me to slow down at any time" he added, before he slowly pulled out and accelerated, Braedon's hand automatically reaching forward to hold the girl in place so that she wouldn't slide off the seat. His hand lingered, his eyes gazing upon her face as though he was trying to memorize every single detail. Cordelia seethed, glaring out the window.

James was displeased about having to sit beside her, but delighted to see that his friend had finally found his mate, even though he worried that Braedon would not take her as one due to being wolfless. Braedon tended to worry more about status than his own feelings and it saddened James to think he would do the same when it came to his mate and the bond they shared. James could sense Cordelia's fury though and it amused him.

He leaned back in the seat and gave a loud sigh. "I'm looking forward to seeing Dark Rising Pack and this party," he said gleefully, ignoring the sharp look that Braedon gave him "Something tells me that it's going to be quite the event." Especially since Cordelia's face looked as though she had swallowed something unpleasant. James smirked. Yes indeed, this was going to be fun and he couldn't wait. One way or another Cordelia was bound to lose it eventually and he was going to be there when it happened.

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