The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 130

Third Person POV

She mind-linked some omegas who reluctantly opened the doors, several dragging the bodies away with fearful expressions on their faces. Brynn exhaled, pinching her nose. Her mother patted her shoulder "Don't worry, we'll find more girls" she said calmly. "I know, but this is just such an inconvenience" Brynn complained "The only good thing is that the truck was stopped at a place that could have led to several packs but we need to maintain our security and ensure nobody is caught snooping around the pack. If anybody starts asking questions, I want them killed immediately" she told Ashton who nodded tightly.

"What about...?" Bianca asked and Brynn gave a short laugh "Except for him. He is of course family" she said a little bit upset.

"I'm going to go and see him now," Bianca said smoothly, somehow still pristine, except for the blood on her nails. Brynn handed her some tissues and Bianca wiped the blood from her hands and then tossed the tissue into the wastebasket. "I'll come with you mother," Brynn said tiredly. Ashton chose to remain, supervising the omegas who were beginning to enter the room again in order to scrub the blood off the walls and the floor.

They walked silently downstairs, entering the basement which was cold and dim. Brynn shivered slightly, the atmosphere bleak and confining. The stairs gave ominous creaking sounds as they made their way to the base and they walked to the far corner of the room, their eyes adjusting to the darkness as they made out his figure, sitting on the threadbare mattress, his figure slightly drawn, dark circles beneath his eyes and the beginning of a beard forming. He looked haggard, his clothes slightly ripped and he turned his head, looking at the two of them with nothing but contempt. "Father" Brynn said quietly.

Johnathon stared at his daughter silently, his eyes filled with condemnation. Once a proud man, he was now weakened by the constant wolfsbane being given to him forcibly by the warriors who begged his forgiveness, fearful they would be killed by the current Alpha and Luna if they dared to defy their orders.

"I am no father of yours" he told his daughter who flinched, even as she tried to smile at him "what you are doing is disgusting" he added, glowering at his wife who raised an eyebrow at him.

"Why? Because she has the guts to do what you couldn't? Because she has the initiative to make money and take the power readily available to her? With all the contacts she's making, it's only a matter of time until she can start to take over even more packs and create a stronger pack of our own."

Johnathon stared at his wife as though seeing a stranger. "I always knew you were ambitious but I never thought you would go this far," he said slowly "I never thought you would harm innocent women in order to rise above your status. How can you live with yourself?" he asked her in disbelief.

She sneered at him "Money Johnathon, is more than enough to make me do what I do. You were never ambitious enough, always happy to treat the omegas with kindness and you even hated punishing Blair even though she was so damn pathetic. You're too soft for your own good. I hate the fact that we thought we were fated mates and ended up becoming chosen mates. Because you've never truly loved me have you?" she demanded and he looked at her, unable to deny it.

As hard as he'd tried, there had always been something that had caused him to hold part of himself back. Some part of her that had turned him off of her even as he'd tried to hide it and she knew.

"Father" Brynn said, bringing his focus back to her "if you could just see what we're trying to accomplish, become a part of it, we could let you out of here and you could be free again. All you have to do is pledge your loyalty to me and to Ashton as your Alpha and Luna in the ceremony and all will be well again."

He eyed her. Shook his head. "I don't know where I went wrong with you" he said regretfully as Brynn went speechless "I guess you get your mean and cruel streak from your mother" he added hatefully "but I will never pledge my loyalty to you and Ashton for as long as you continue to traffic women and go against the Alpha King. It will only lead to your demise Brynn. You still have time to stop this and make it right" he told her firmly.

Brynn sighed. Biance just shook her head "I knew you would never change your mind. You and your damn morals Johnathon" she mocked "Well guess what, I have had enough of it. All of it" she said her eyes beginning to gleam and a crazed look appearing on her face. Brynn felt a sense of foreboding. Her mother looked on edge. She tried to cough, to dispel the tension. She hated that her father was in the dungeon, but the other alternative was to kill him and she couldn't bring herself to do it. He'd cottoned on to what they had been doing and they'd had no choice. If her mother hadn't had the foresight to drug him, he might have managed to alert the authorities. As it was, he had one other person in the cell with him. Although he was still unconscious, lying in the corner of the cell, his eyes closed, breathing peacefully. Brynn smirked. Beta Cody had thought he was being subtle with all his questions but Brynn knew that he was up to something. She'd drugged his water bottle and the fool had drunk it. Only half an hour ago had he been dragged down here to join her father by the warriors under her command. His plan to go to the Alpha King had been foiled, just in time too.

"Mother, what are you doing?" Brynn asked her as her mother moved closer to the cell, so close she was practically touching it, her eyes staring right into her husband's eyes as he rose to his feet and stood there proudly.

"I hate you" she whispered and Brynn grimaced at the hatred in her mother's tone.

"Mother" she began, wanting to leave now and not wanting to look her father in the eye any longer but her mother wasn't finished yet.

"I Bianca Ryker, reject you Johnathon Ryker as my mate, now and forevermore" she hissed and Bianca's mouth fell open as her father let out a scream, dropping to his knees and watching as the mark on his neck slowly, painfully, began to dissolve from his neck. "I thought you were fated mates" she whispered shaking.

"We were chosen ones," her mother said with a snarl "that convinced ourselves we were fated because we loved each other."

Her father looked so pitiful as he knelt, his mouth open in a silent scream, the mark fading from his neck completely as he let out a small sob, his eyes meeting Bianca's whose were narrowed as she waited.

Her father looked resigned now. "Do it" Bianca taunted, her voice hoarse, her body tensing as she prepared herself for the inevitable pain "Do it already Johnathon" she rasped.

Johnathon hesitated and then slowly clambered back to his feet, staggering slightly. He coughed. He stared his ex-mate right in the eyes, contempt filling them. "I guess you made your decision then" he spat out and his wife looked at him as though she was bored.

"I Johnathon Ryker, accept your rejection" he blurted out and watched with no sympathy in his gaze as Bianca fell to her knees, a hand clutching her chest as she gave a scream, the mark on her own neck beginning to slowly fade, while she sobbed. The pain must have been excruciating. Johnathon turned away, unable to bear looking at her any longer. He looked down at the poor Beta who continued to remain unconscious and sighed, sitting himself back down again and rechecking his breathing.

"Mother" Brynn whispered, leaning down and helping her up "are you okay?"

Bianca gave a cough, her tears beginning to fade. She leaned on Brynn, her eyes watery, and looked back at the cell as they began to stagger towards the stairs.

"I'm better than okay" Bianca breathed, taking deep breaths "I'm finally free" she whispered, "to do whatever I want to do with my life."

She threw her head back and began to cackle as Brynn helped her up the stairs, the tears of sadness turning to tears of joy as her daughter looked at her in consternation "Let's go fix this problem we have in regards to the girls and lack of them" she said with a giggle, throwing open the door "and celebrate with a drink."

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