The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 226



I felt slightly lightheaded but fought to keep Brynn from noticing. What had she given me? It felt like a mixture of different sedatives. I could feel sweat beading on my brow. My hands began to shake slightly. Brynn gave a laugh and then disappeared for a moment, coming back with a large glistening knife that was sharp and pointed. She also had blankets. "What are those for?" my voice was shaking and wavery.

She raised a brow "The blankets are for the babies Blair. Your babies" she said slowly, like she was talking to a child "I need something to wrap them in."

I shook my head, struggling to comprehend what she was telling me.

"I'm not due yet" I protested thickly, my tongue feeling like it was big and swollen.

She looked at me pityingly and shook her head. "Oh Blair, haven't you realized what I'm planning yet?" she asked, coming over.

She grabbed my hair and yanked me backward. I fell onto my back, staring up at the ceiling of the cave, as she knelt next to me, her eyes glinting with madness.

My hands immediately rose to cover my stomach protectively, even as my body began to feel like it was being weighed down and heavy.

She trailed the knife down my arm. I felt the sharp pinprick of its pointed end as she giggled. "Oh this is going to be so much fun" she breathed, pushing my arms up as I struggled to fight against her. To my horror, I couldn't bring my arms back down again. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes. My babies. I couldn't protect my babies. I could feel my body trembling all over as Brynn traced the swell of my belly with her knife, looking at me with satisfaction all over her face.

"Not so high and mighty now are you Blair?" she said sweetly "Are you scared?" she whispered, leaning over me and speaking into my ear "Because if I were you, I would be very, very scared" she added, her voice dripping with malice.

"Don't do this Brynn" I whispered, turning my head to look at her even more closely as she began to kneel over me "Don't do this" I pleaded.

"Oh, but Blair, I'm going to take these babies and I'm going to give them away so that you will never know what happened to them. I'm going to leave you here, to bleed out, knowing that your death is inevitable."

"You'll kill them Brynn" I shouted, my voice echoing in the cave "They won't survive you cutting them out."

"Even better" she smirked, "that also suits me just fine."

I managed to move my arms down and she slapped me hard across the face. I felt my lip bleeding as she maneuvered me so that my arms were beneath me. I spat at her and she wiped the spittle off her face with a dangerous glint in her eye. She picked the knife back up and waved it at me menacingly. "You're going to pay for that Blair," she said threateningly as I wriggled on the floor, feeling woozy.

But all I could think about were the babies. Protecting them from Brynn's inevitable attack. I brought my legs up, kicking her hard and causing her to drop the knife with a curse. Even though I was lightheaded, I refused to give up. She gave a snarl and then lunged at me, straddling me with the knife in her hand again, using her body to keep mine down on the ground, the knife raised high in the air.

"b***h" she snapped "I'm going to enjoy this."

"f**k you" I growled, trying to buck her off to no avail "I'm going to tear you into a million little pieces when I get my hands on you."

"You'll be dead" she laughed, ripping my shirt up to expose the smoothness of my belly. She put a hand against it, nodding her head slowly. I kept an eye on the knife, my body tensing. If she cut me wrong, she could kill one of my pups. I was starting to feel disorientated.

Tired. So tired. I yawned, even as I continued to struggle, Brynn tracing my stomach with one hand. "Get off me" I yelled, feeling the sharp smack of her hand against my face.

"Shut it" she growled, the hand holding the knife beginning to descend.

I could feel myself panicking. Any moment now and that knife would be cutting through layers of skin and muscle. Suddenly I felt something wet trickle between my legs and heard Brynn swear profusely.

"Damnit" she growled, standing up as I stared at her in confusion, a large rippling pain shooting through my lower stomach, causing me to cry out in pain "you f*****g b***h" she growled.

I stared at her uncomprehendingly. Another pain shot through my stomach and I cried out, while Brynn reached into her pocket and grabbed a key, undoing the restraints on my ankles. "I guess I go with plan B" she sniped, using the knife to cut off my pants and panties while I groaned.

"Kick me and I kill you" she snapped.

"What's going on" I moaned, feeling sick to my stomach, the pain overwhelming.

Brynn looked pissed. "What's going on? What's going on" she practically shrieked, sounding aggrieved "You've gone into labor you f*****g useless b***h" she screamed "That's what's going on. I was so close" she griped "and once again you've ruined my plans. Once these babies are born, I'm taking them and leaving you here to die" she threatened, her face close to mine "but right now, I have to help you deliver these damn babies, you bitch."

My head lolled to the side. I was so tired. Brynn cursed. "Damnit Blair I will rip these babies out of you with my bare hands if you don't start helping" she shouted, her hands clenching into fists, her nails growing into claws as I stared at her. "My hands" my voice was weak.

She rolled me over so that I could gain the use of my hands again. She held the knife against my throat as I felt another rippling pain through my stomach. I gave a weak cry. "It hurts" I moaned.

It hurt so bad. Even with a sedative in my system, I could feel the pain growing more and more intense. Brynn had no sympathy in her eyes. She wanted these babies born so she could kill me. The knife dug slightly into my flesh, drawing blood. I swallowed hard at the look on her face. Her plans might have been ruined, but these babies were coming. Considering there were two of them, they were coming quickly and I wasn't sure how long I could delay. At this rate, it wasn't going to be long until I felt the urge to push and I knew once that was over and the babies were in her arms, I was a goner. I prayed Braedon found us before it was too late, a scream erupting from my lips as the most intense pain yet shot through my body, causing Brynn to snarl at me. I didn't have much time, and neither did these babies.

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