The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 224

King Braedon POV

The rogue got to its feet and lunged again. I dodged its attack and sideswiped it, gouging it deep across its abdomen. It growled, angry. I turned and jumped, landing on top of it, pinning it down, and tearing it into its chest with one paw, my claws digging deep and ripping the chest open as it screamed, tearing its heart out with my teeth and feeling its body go limp. I spat out the heart and turned my head, in time to see James dispatch his rogue. Both of us nodded at each other and headed further in, our noses high in the air, sniffing for the smell of rogue in our territory. The The patrol was taking out the last one as we arrived, tearing its throat out. James and I could no longer smell anymore and we shifted back to our human forms, eyeing each other.

smell of death hung heavily in the air.

"Not a very large attack," James said shrewdly "and not well executed. Random if anything. They were probably just hungry" he added, glancing down at the dead rogue and wincing. "Most likely" I agreed "Still it's worrying that they were able to get this far inside of it. Were all of the patrol at their posts?" I questioned suspiciously.

Patrol walked over, one hung his head "No your Highness. Samuel, the one who is now deceased" he said quietly "Back there, he was not at his post. I suspect he was about to meet a girl when the rogues attacked."

I gave a low growl of frustration. "This could have ended much more badly than it did," I told patrol disgustedly "How many times must it be reiterated that remaining at your post and doing the job properly is of vital importance? From now on, anybody not at their post will be immediately banished and made a rogue" I said as the men gaped "Perhaps then everyone might take it seriously."

James nodded in agreement. Patrol went dead silent. "I will be informing the whole pack about this new decree" I snarled "Now get to work getting rid of the rogue's bodies before they stink up my forest" I added growling ferociously and causing them to start moving.

I felt my side and winced where the rogue had gotten me. James noticed. "Do you need the hospital?" he asked in concern.

My lips curved up "It's a minor injury, nothing more. It will heal soon. What about you?" I checked.

He shook his head. "I'm fine. I want to go check on the women and see that Sarah is okay. She told me she is but she's shaky. How is Blair?" he asked.

Blair. I felt guilty. I had rushed into the forest after the rogues without a second thought and forgotten all about my mate. She should be safe, after all, she would have gone into the safe room with all the other members who couldn't fight. But I hadn't even tried to mind-link her. Some mate I was!

Blair, Blair can you hear me? Sweetheart? I know you're angry at me, but I want to make sure you're okay. Blair? Blair? Blair?

I glanced at James sharply, my brow creasing in worry. I couldn't reach her. Either Blair had a block up against me or... "Something is wrong," I told him, feeling it instinctively "I know she's angry at me, but she wouldn't answer my mind-link." He began to hurry his pace. We reached the pack house. The safe room was located down in the dungeon and we rushed to it, the warrior outside opening it. Immediately pack members began to rush out, along with children and the elderly. I peered inside. Sarah came out and flung herself into James's waiting arms, sobbing. But there was no sign of Blair. I got a sinking feeling inside my gut.

"Sarah," I said, turning to her as she moved in James's arms "Sarah, where is Blair?" I asked her sharply.

She looked confused "I don't know" she stammered, biting her lip "She never made it back to the safe room. I assumed she had done something wreckless like go into the forest after you two" she added lowly, her face draining of color, "are you telling me she didn't?" she whispered. "She wasn't in the forest, I would have picked up her scent" I growled, eyeing James.

"I thought I picked up a trace on the grounds" he answered "but it was faint."

"Is anybody else missing?" I asked Sarah "anybody else that should have made it to the safe room? Maybe Blair went after them?" My tone was hopeful.

She frowned. James was thoughtful. But I...I had a suspicion of my own. I swallowed hard, feeling like an i***t and feeling sick to my stomach. I had been so wrapped up with everything that had happened, my father, the rogue attack, Blair's pregnancy, that I had failed to see what was right in front of me. Another enemy in our midst. One that was cleverly disguised. It made sense. She hadn't been in the safe room. She hadn't been in the forest and she wasn't in the pack house at the moment. It could only have been her. Which meant she had to be the one person we never would have suspected. She had disguised herself well. Even Sierra and Josie hadn't seen through it.

"The new maid isn't here anymore," I said dully, as Sarah nodded in concern "the one that arrived coincidentally with my father. I knew I should have looked into her background more carefully and not been so damn careless" I swore, "how the hell are we going to find them both now? She must have taken advantage of the rogue attack to take Blair, which means she has a head start."

"She can't have gotten far though Braedon" Sarah said quietly, "and she's not exactly experienced with these lands. Start tracking them" she advised me, her eyes turning glacial as James stepped away from her with an apologetic expression on his face, his eyes meeting mine as we began to head up the stairs, her voice ringing in our ears "and don't stop until you get our Luna Queen back. Whatever she has in store for Blair and your pups will not be good, so hurry and oh Braedon" she yelled as I turned to glance at her "don't forget she never takes that bracelet you gave her off."

s**t, I really was an i***t, wasn't I? I had the means to track down my mate right at hand. Thank god for Sarah and her commonsense, I thought with a grin as James followed my eager footsteps. I really didn't know what I would do without Sarah sometimes.

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