The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 220

Blair POV "Where's James?" I asked Sarah confused "I would have thought he would be by your side, considering..." I trailed off unsure how to phrase it.

"Considering that my father was killed yesterday after trying to murder my brother in front of me?" she supplied "I told him to go about his usual business. The more he tried to distract me, the harder it was to forget it. Besides, I've long considered that man to be anything but my father" she scowled darkly "as far as I'm concerned I'm grateful he's dead. But I am sorry Blair" she fixed her eyes on me as I raised my eyes in surprise "you should never have had to be the one to make the killing blow. I should never have put that responsibility on you. I should have stayed behind."

"I'm glad that you weren't there. Sarah, you shouldn't have been faced with the decision of having to take the killing blow either" I said heatedly "The only person who seems to have a problem with it is Braedon" I added with a snarl, glaring down at my hands as I cupped my mug tightly "he was angrier than a hornet's nest last night and he took it out on me." Sarah reached over and touched my hand "I know my brother and sometimes he comes across as angry instead of worried. I'm not excusing his behavior but trying to explain what he was probably feeling. He's concerned about you and the pups Blair. You're growing bigger by the day and soon you'll be giving birth. He's afraid for you. I understand that. James feels the same way towards me. It's in their nature to protect us and they don't like it when we do the same for them. They are so possessive" she said shaking her head.

"Don't forget stubborn and occasionally douchebags" Sierra cracked, making the table laugh.

An omega placed a plate of savory pastries in front of us and I eagerly grabbed a croissant, biting into it and moaning loudly as the delicate pastry hit my lips.

"Wow Blair, remember you're eating, not making love" Sierra teased as I nudged her with my elbow.

"This is better than making love" I moaned.

"Wow, Braedon must be really bad in bed" Sierra whispered to Josie who blushed and swatted at her. "I'm joking" I coughed, trying not to choke, glowering at Sierra who blinked innocently at me.

Josie giggled and reached for one, biting into it delicately.

"So Sarah, when is your nursery getting set up?" I asked, leaning back in my chair.

"Next week" Sierra crowed "once yours is officially done. Oh, I can't wait" She rubbed her hands eagerly together as Sarah gave a wan smile "Your children are all going to be safe as gold."

"Probably safer," Josie said agreeably "But are they safe from you Sierra?" she asked, as Sierra looked at her askance "I mean, what protocols are in place in case you go crazy or lose your mind and try to take them?"

"None whatsoever," Sierra said calmly "I figure if I try to take the children, then I've killed the parents for whatever reason, presumably a good one and am trying to take the children to safety. Otherwise, I've been given a huge sum of money to turn a traitor. Maybe you should give me a raise" she murmured, as we all stared at her "just in case."

She burst out laughing "Gotcha. God calm down. Just shoot me if I try something underhanded" she advised us as we all relaxed.

A maid or new omega came walking in, keeping her back to us as she began to clean up in the kitchen. Her long dark hair was disheveled, half tied up in a ponytail that cascaded down her back. Her dress was slightly torn and threadbare. This had to be the new one that had come seeking work. She was quick to head back out of the kitchen and I narrowed my eyes. She had come at the same time as the new warrior, who had turned out to be Braedon's father. Was it a coincidence? Or something else. I glanced at Sierra and Josie who were looking at me with confused expressions. "That new maid, the one who came here, did you vet her out?" I asked quietly.

Sierra looked composed. "I had a look at her, remember? Josie and I both went downstairs to the dining room. She doesn't even closely resemble Brynn. She's completely different in coloring and acts like every other omega or maid here. So far the other omegas say she keeps to herself but that's normal when you're new" Sierra said with a shrug "Who knows the poor thing might have been abused or beaten at her old pack and that's why she went looking for work here. It's well known we treat our omegas and servants with respect and don't lay a hand on them."

"If only every pack was like that," I said as the other girls nodded in agreement "and while I'm Luna Queen I am going to do my best to have that rectified, so that omegas have nothing to fear, but it's going to be a hard and difficult one to make."

"But a worthy one," Josie said unexpectedly "Every woman deserves to go to work and feel safe. Braedon's started a change with the breeding program being demolished and now you can start something too. We also" she paused and then gave me a guilty look, but I motioned for her to continue "well, I just think that maybe domestic violence shelters should also be set up, that allows pack members to find sanctuary and safely reject their mates until such time as another pack can accommodate them and take them away from their violent partners."

"Men too," Sierra said softly "it's not always women who are the victims."

I looked at both of them. "Josie, that's actually a great idea. Women and men" I added "need to be able to find somewhere they can sleep and which prevents their partners from gaining access while the Alpha of the pack locates a new pack willing to take the victim in, without informing their partner of the new location. It's brilliant and it should have been set up long before now" I breathed

"We all know that it goes on behind closed doors" I added, Sarah, nodding in agreement "But it's never spoken about. It's not acknowledged. Women are expected to submit to their partners, but that's wrong. We aren't in the middle ages anymore. We need to progress with modern times. We need to start speaking up about the issues that matter instead of worrying that it makes the elders or Alpha's uncomfortable. Screw them. Their comfort should be the least of our worries. I want the two of you" I said looking at Josie whose cheeks were flushed, and a smirking Sierra "to be in charge of this, once I've brought it up with Braedon. Sierra, you would be brilliant at this, and you too Josie. I couldn't find anyone else I would trust with such an important issue."

I stood up and began to leave the room. Despite Sierra's assurances though, the first thing I wanted to do, was lay eyes on the new maid and see her properly for myself. After Braedon's father had disguised himself, I didn't trust that she hadn't done the same either.

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