The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 213

King Braedon POV

"Honey I hate to leave you here, but I need to go speak to the warrior and then I plan on getting some work done and maybe even some patrol," I told Blair who nodded in understanding as she glanced around the nursery with a small smile on her face. I felt hesitant but I knew she understood, despite my reluctance to leave her.

"Why don't you get some rest?" I urged her, aware of her pallor and the way she swayed slightly on her feet, acknowledging that she must be tired.

She hesitated "I might have a nap" she allowed begrudgingly.

I reached over and kissed her longingly on the lips, tasting her sweetness as she wrapped her arms around me and gave a low moan that shot directly to my core. My wolf wanted to grab her and ravish her, disappointed when we stepped back and let her leave into our bedroom alone without us. He was entertaining all sorts of images that flickered into my mind on what he would like to do to Blair and I almost groaned out loud, my own arousal spiking despite myself.

I'd rather be with our mate he complained, sulking as we headed downstairs and toward the study.

So would I Lucian but we are the Alpha King, we do have to do work on occasion and she needs her rest. She's exhausted. Don't forget she's pregnant with twins. There's plenty of time for other stuff after the births.

We would have cuddled her afterward he insisted as I gave a low growl at him in warning. The wolf was stubborn and defiant.

Not the same thing and you know it. Our mate needs proper rest. When the babies come she's going to be tired and we need to help her as much as we possibly can.

I know, I can't wait to meet our pups he said brightening, practically wagging his tail with excitement, much like a puppy would.

I fought back a laugh at his exuberance and entered my study, where James and the warrior were patiently waiting for my arrival. I sat behind my desk and motioned for the warrior man to sit, studying him thoughtfully and slightly critically. He was dressed rather shabbily, his clothes covered in patches and slightly too big for him, almost as though they were hand-me-downs. His skin tone seemed slightly off too, as though it was darker than usual, but that could be from getting too much sun the last few days as he traveled, I mused thoughtfully. His hair was a raven black and long, with shaggy and disheveled strands and his beard was messy and unkempt. He was also covered in dirt and his eyes were difficult to see let alone discern. It gave me a terrible sense of anxiety, but as I pushed my aura out at him, out of reflex and in a challenging manner, I didn't sense anything pushing back. This man did not appear to be anything stronger than a warrior and I relaxed, although something about the man did seem familiar, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It was niggling in my mind though as I stared carefully at him. He reminded me of someone, I just couldn't remember who that might be. It would come to me, I thought grimly, hopefully, sooner rather than later. For now though, I was suspicious to this man's motives.

"I'm afraid I didn't get your name?" I asked the man who was staring at the ground and avoiding meeting my eyes directly. "It's Nate," he said in a low tone of voice, hoarse and gruff.

Strange, I was certain I had heard that voice before. Then again, his voice was like a lot of other men's. I was probably overthinking it.

"What brings you to my pack Nate?" I asked, leaning back into the chair and studying him closely to see if he would lie. "I'm merely passing through to visit family in another pack that's close by and was hoping to rest on my way, with your permission of course Alpha King," he said tightly. It wasn't an unusual request, by any means. I looked at James who had a slight frown on his face.

"What pack?" I asked deliberately.

"Mystic Falls," he said immediately without hesitation.

It was two more days of travel away as a shifter in wolf form, more if he traveled in human form to reach that pack. I relaxed slightly. James still frowned. I coughed. "We can offer you a night or two of rest," I said agreeably, still feeling reluctant "but you must be aware that the top floor of this pack house is off-limits to any visitors or other pack members."

He bowed his head "Of course Alpha King. I am happy to be set up wherever is convenient" he said hoarsely. "May I ask where your Luna is? I have heard that she is quite a beauty" he added, making me frown at him.

"She's resting," I said abruptly, not certain I wanted this man anywhere near Blair, my wolf growling in agreement, restless and decidedly feeling anger towards the man for some inexplicable reason.

"That's a shame," the man said with a small smile "Perhaps I will meet her some other time" he added as I glowered at him.

Not bloody likely if I had anything to do with it, I thought gloomily.

I said nothing. "James, mind-link an omega to take this man to a spare room" I instructed.

I looked sharply at the man and gave him a warning "Our omegas are to be given the same respect as any other woman and not to be touched or hurt, is that understood?" I asked him meaningfully.

Something in his eyes flashed and then was quickly gone as he bowed his head respectfully, acknowledging the subtle threat. "Naturally King Braedon" he answered politely "I would never dream of doing such a thing" he added, while I drummed my fingers on the desk.

A knock on the door. "Enter" I called and a young omega girl poked her head in.

"Sandy," I said with a smile, "please take this gentleman, Nate to a spare room to rest and recover in. Any of the ones on the bottom floor that are all ready to go will do" I added, deciding that I wanted him as far away from Blair as possible and even Sarah as well. There was just something about this man that I disliked, and it wasn't just the way he looked, but the vibe he was giving off as well. Perhaps James would have something more to offer about this man?

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