The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 212



Sarah and James walked in.

I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes. I jumped at Sierra and hugged her while Braedon looked resigned. "Thank you" I whispered, just as Josie came walking in, looking very impressed "That means so much to me. You and Josie are going to be great aunties and Sarah too" I added as "Wow Sierra, you've really covered all your bases," James said impressed while Sarah nodded, looking at the cameras around the room.

"Just wait till I do your nursery," Sierra said smirking "I haven't forgotten you guys either."

She dug in her pocket and handed Braedon back his card, beaming widely "I have everything I need. Hope you don't mind, but I picked up some new weapons while I was at it."

"No problem," Braedon said lamely, looking flummoxed.

Sierra grinned. I wondered what kind of weapons she had picked up and then decided I was better off not knowing. James grinned at Sarah as she picked up some of the stuffed animals, her hand wandering to her own stomach.

"When do you find out the gender?" I asked her "Or are you planning on keeping it a surprise?"

Sarah looked at James, a wry grin on her face. "We find out in a few weeks but we're not sure about finding out the gender. I want it to be a surprise, but James doesn't think he can handle the waiting."

"I can understand that," Braedon said unexpectedly "I don't think I could bear to wait either. It's nice knowing what you're having and being able to decorate the nursery for them. Not to mention you still have to think of a name after all that," he said to his sister who was starting to nod in agreement.

"See," James said with a knowing grin as Sarah indignantly pretended to glare at him "I told you" he added smugly.

Sarah rolled her eyes, but there was a wide smile on her face as James leaned down and kissed her on the cheek, her face turning a becoming pink. She swatted at him.

"Sarah if you don't want James to know, I'm certain I could persuade him," Sierra said, digging through a backpack and withdrawing, of all things, a hand grenade.

We stared. James gulped. Sierra glanced at us confused at the expressions on our faces as she continued to hold the grenade, the other hand continuing to rifle through her backpack. "What's the matter with you?" she asked confused.

"Um Sierra," I said, the boys glancing at each other "Honey is there a reason you have a grenade? Are you thinking there's going to be a war of some kind?"

She looked at me amused and pulled the pin. "s**t" Braedon yelled, moving to grab me while Sierra giggled.

"It's a fake," she said, while the rest of us slowly began to breathe again "A replica. I thought it looked cool and wanted to use it to decorate my room."

"I think I s**t my pants" James muttered, making Sarah giggle loudly "Some warning next time Sierra" he growled. "Like I would be dumb enough to bring a live grenade into the pack house. Give me some credit" she said rolling her eyes. None of us said a word. The truth was, had it been a live grenade, it wouldn't have surprised us in the slightest. Sierra calmly put the pin back in the grenade and rolled it to James who stooped down and picked it up. It really did look quite real.

She pulled out a large hunting knife and brandished it triumphantly. The handle was black but the blade was pure silver. "Isn't this a beauty?" she sighed, glancing down at it adoringly "I had it specially made. It even has my initials engraved on it" she said lovingly, pointing to them. "It's very nice," Sarah said swallowing hard.

"It's cool," Josie said, walking closer and peering at it "The blade is so shiny" she added as Sierra showed off her new weapon.

I giggled to myself while Braedon shook his head and sighed.

"You know Malcolm is missing you down at training," Sierra said, looking over at me "he expects you back when those babies are born. Maybe we should get you a new weapon too" she murmured, handing the blade to Josie to look at more closely.

"I miss training too," I said regretfully "but I'll go back when I can. Josie you be careful" I warned the woman.

She smiled, moving the handle around, Sierra correcting her grip. "Ah Josie, you could be a vicious little shifter if you would let me show you how," Sierra told her.

Josie hastily handed the blade back, looking at Sierra with a shocked expression. The poor woman didn't really have a vicious bone in her body, except for when we had done the hunt. Since the miscarriage, she had gotten really timid. I sighed feeling sorry for her. "I think I'll pass on that but thank you Sierra" Josie told her quietly.

Sierra shrugged and grabbed an ankle holster from the backpack putting it on underneath her pants and safely securing the blade. We breathed a little easier. I saw Braedon's eyes go cloudy while somebody mind-linked him. It had to be patrol because James was already in the room with us and the Gammas were once again away on pack business. I missed the twin brothers.

"What's going on?" James asked Braedon, as his eyes returned to normal.

Braedon frowned. "Nothing too important," he said calmly "We've had two shifters enter the grounds. The patrol has already interrogated them. One is merely a warrior on his way to another pack" he sounded nonchalant as this happened more often than one would think "and the other is a maid looking for work. I've advised patrol to send her to the head omega since it appears we are understaffed in the housekeeping department."

"We're certain that it's not Brynn?" I asked concerned.

He nodded at me "I asked for detailed descriptions of both. Neither of them matches anyone we're looking for. Trust me, Brynn's looks would stand out and this girl is in shabby clothes, her hair is dark as are her eyes and she looks dirty and really down on her luck. If you're that worried though, we could personally go down and see her" he suggested.

I hesitated. "I could go" Sierra quipped, patting her ankle meaningfully "I want to go and eat anyway. I'm starving after setting all of this up. I can get a quick look at her as the omega takes her around the pack house and shows her what to do. If she looks like Brynn I'll let you know" she suggested "Josie how about you come too? Have a cuppa, and discuss some things. Maybe you and I should go and visit some packs in the future and find us some sexy hunks to have one-night stands with?"

Josie blushed. Sierra cackled and took hold of her hand "Come on" she said steering her out the door "we can't be old maids forever. I have a hankering for a boy toy and I've heard that the Midnight Mystic Pack has some sexy hunks in it. What do you say?" she coaxed, poor Josie glancing helplessly at us over her shoulder as Sierra ruthlessly shoved her through the doorway and led her towards the kitchen.

Sarah giggled. "Poor Josie."

"She'll be alright," I said with a curve of my lips "Sierra might be a force of nature but she's a loving and caring friend."

Braedon was still looking around the room, eyeing all the stuffed animals with suspicion. "How do I know which ones to trust?" he mumbled to himself, beginning to pick them up one by one and examine them closely "How many did she put cameras in? What is safe for them to play with" he continued to utter, a look of panic coming over his face "and what isn't? Gods, why did we let her do this?" he said, rubbing his stubble and groaning out loud "I'm terrified to give my child a stuffed toy and now all I can think about is hearing Sierra's voice come through the microphones. I'm never going to be able to sleep peacefully at night ever again" he complained and the whole room burst into laughter, while Braedon shuddered, looking like he was in the midst of a nightmare of his own making.

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