The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 20

Trigger warning: This episode may prove triggering to some. Please do not read if this may prove triggering to you. POV


The dungeon and I were old friends by now. Its familiarity was little comfort though. I was still angry about Ashton and humiliated by what he'd done to me, or at least attempted to do. He had some nerve, I seethed, thinking that I would cow down to him and cry because he'd rejected him. No doubt, it had all been Brynn's idea and he'd gone along with it. I bet he wasn't expecting me to reject him first though. I smirked, remembering the look on his face, the way he'd clutched his chest in pain, the paleness of his pallor. His pain had been worse, far more than mine, and I relished the devastation I had wrought, even though it had caused yet another term of confinement in this blasted cell.

As time passed, my fury didn't abate. I sat on the floor, idly playing with my hair, eating the basic bread, and drinking the bitter-tasting water they provided. The longer I was there, the more concerned I grew. As I was panicking, Brynn and my birthday drawing closer, I heard Luna Bianca's voice as she came down the stairs, full of glee and dripping with satisfaction. She came closer, her eyes gleaming as she observed me. I stared at her, refusing to submit and she gave me a vicious grin.

"I see being in the dungeon hasn't taught you respect" she hissed.

"It works both ways" I snarled, as the guards gave a gasp.

Luna Bianca's eyes flashed and for a moment, I saw her eyes go dark as she fought to control her temper. I wasn't afraid. If she lost it and her wolf came clawing out, perhaps it would kill me and I wouldn't have to worry about being a breeder. She bit her lip and then her eyes returned to normal. She looked at me pityingly, feigning concern.

"Oh Blair" she sighed, "do you really think that if you provoke me, I'll end your suffering for you?"

Damnit. She took a key out of her pocket and gestured to the guards, handing it to one. He placed it in the door and turned it, opening the cell. I got to my feet and walked forward. Luna Bianca grabbed my arm, her nails digging into my flesh. "You're coming with me," she said with a sickly sweet tone that had me on edge immediately "We have to get you cleaned up and looking presentable."

"Why?" I asked bluntly, trying to resist her tugging me towards the stairs, my suspicions rising "What does it matter how I look?"

Her strength was superior to mine and I stumbled as she dragged me to the stairs, barely able to keep my balance. "Because, you stupid girl" she panted, her eyes turning to slits as she focussed on using her strength to pull me unwillingly upstairs as I planted my feet, "you need to look your best for Alpha Daxton."

She pulled me so hard by the arm that she almost dislocated my shoulder. I went flying through the door, into the main part of the pack house. "Alpha Daxton," I said bewildered "but he wasn't due for..." I trailed off as I saw the look of triumph on her face.

"He's here early," she said sharply "so we need to get you clean and dressed."

No. This couldn't be happening. I thought I had at least another day or two to prepare myself. It was too soon, I thought, feeling desperate as the Luna unceremoniously summoned three omegas to help her, shoving me into the nearest bathroom. They all piled in and she shut the door, locking it behind her. My eyes darted between all of them. Luna Bianca folded her arms across her chest.

"Get undressed, or they will do it for you," she said with a sneer.

I hesitated. The omegas looked uncomfortable but unwilling to risk the Luna's anger at refusing her. I slowly began to peel my clothes off. Luna Bianca watched, before reaching into the shower and starting the water, gesturing for me to get in. "Make sure she washes herself thoroughly and is sparkling clean" she spat out, the omegas nodding. She opened the door and slipped out. No doubt she was waiting on the other side. I cringed in the shower, feeling vulnerable. The omegas were careful to block the window so that I couldn't attempt an escape. One kindly looking one handed me a bar of soap and a washcloth. I took them with shaking hands, quietly washing my body, while another one grabbed the shampoo and conditioner, motioning for me to get my hair wet so she could help. I felt degraded, as they all made me do their bidding, not satisfied until I was practically looking like a prune all over, before they would allow me to exit the shower and begin to towel dry my hair, wrapping a towel around me.

One omega opened the door. "She is ready Luna Bianca."

"About time" Luna Bianca snarled, opening the door wider as I clutched the towel tightly to my chest, afraid it would drop "Follow me" she barked while looking at another omega who dashed off in a rush.

What was that about? Being n**e with no other option, I hesitantly followed behind Luna Bianca who strode towards a guest room. What was wrong with my room? It had all my clothes in it, I thought still confused. Were they moving me for the next few days because of Brynn's birthday preparations? I bit my lip, feeling my stomach turn rock hard as dread swept through me. Was Alpha Daxton waiting on the other side of that door?

I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw there was nobody in the room, just a freshly made bed and for some strange reason, a spare sheet sitting atop of it. I walked inside, while Luna Bianca gave me a chilling smile. The omega who had left earlier in a hurry came back, handing something to the Luna, which she passed to me.

"Hurry and put it on" she snapped, as I held it out in front of me.

It was a simple white sundress, with spaghetti straps and a sweetheart neckline. It looked pretty and youthful, but not exactly my kind of style. It looked like something an innocent girl would wear. Was this because I was meeting Alpha Daxton?

"Do it" Luna Bianca said icily.

"You um, didn't give me any underwear" I protested thickly.

She gave me a scorching glance "You won't need it" she said cryptically "and that dress doesn't need a bra either."

"Why would I not need underwear?" I asked accusingly.

Were they going to let Alpha Daxton bed me right here and now? Bile rose in my throat. I thought Alpha Johnathon would have at least wanted the other Alpha to wait until we got back to the other pack. No wonder Luna Bianca was looking so happy. b***h, I thought, glaring at her with contempt. I bet she set this up.

"Blair, if you don't get into that dress, I will summon the omegas again and personally hold you down so that they change you," she said sardonically "It's your choice."

I stared at her, wishing I could wrap my hands around her neck and wring the living daylights out of her. She raised an eyebrow. I took a deep breath and then dropped the towel, pulling the dress over my head and wriggling into it. It was tight. Especially around the bosom. It flared out around the hips, going down to mid-thigh, and stopped. I blushed. Without underwear, no doubt one wrong move, even just slightly and my bare a*s would be showing. Luna Bianca nodded approvingly.

"Yes, just like that" she murmured, "he won't be able to resist you."

"You can't do this" I shouted, "he should be waiting until we are at the pack house."

Luna Bianca threw back her head and laughed. "Oh stop it" she hissed "Don't get your panties in a knot. Not that you have any" she giggled to herself "He's not going to rut you right now if that's what you're being such a frightened little girl about" she added, rolling her eyes "no dear, that will wait until he takes you back to his pack."

I relaxed slightly. Her eyes went glazed as she mind-linked somebody. Her lips curved upwards as she motioned to the bed. I frowned, not understanding. She gave a huff. I saw a woman coming towards us, an older-looking matron, with a grim expression on her face, scowling darkly. I instinctively flinched. She looked like bad news.

"Get on the bed," Luna Bianca said quietly, standing in the doorway as I stared at her mutely "and put the blanket over your knees. Alpha Daxton wants a virgin to be his breeder," she said slowly and carefully as I listened in horror, my terror mounting "and as per his rights, he's demanded an examination. It's only fair he gets what he asked for. Don't you think?" she asked and the blood drained from my face. Without thinking of the consequences, I tore towards the doorway, my mind intent on nothing else, but getting the hell out of the room, no matter what it took.

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