The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 19

Third Person POV

Alpha Daxton approached the pack house with a small entourage, a grim expression on his face, one that lightened as he was greeted by an eager Luna Bianca and a slightly confused Alpha Johnathon from the Dark Rising Pack. "Welcome Alpha Daxton" Luna Bianca said sweetly, giving him a pointed look that he understood completely.

He was not to mention the new decree in front of the Alpha. He too had read the new official statement from the Alpha King, but he was desperate for a breeder and was not willing to let this opportunity go, not when Luna Bianca had seen fit to continue on regardless, providing her own incentive for him to go through with it.

"Thank you, Luna Bianca," he said cordially, inclining his head "Alpha Johnathon, I welcome you for allowing me to visit your pack and bring this contract to a close."

Alpha Johnathon smiled tightly. "You are most welcome, although I must admit, I was surprised to learn of your need to hurry this contract along," he said with a crease between his brow "I had thought that two more days would hardly make a difference." Alpha Daxton gave him a smile as Alpha Johnathon turned and led him inside the pack house, "I fear that I cannot attend in two days' time and it was better to do it sooner, rather than later" he said without explanation.

Alpha Johnathon looked a little disgruntled but Luna Bianca responded quickly "We understand and Johnathon as you just said" she said to her husband calmly "Two days is hardly going to make a difference" she said, repeating his words back to him.

This displeased her husband, she could tell, for he raised an eyebrow at her and grunted, before opening the door to their private study and motioning for Alpha Daxton to come in, seating himself behind the massive desk and regarding him for a moment. Luna Bianca stood behind him, her watchful eyes observing everything. Her lips curved back into a small smile. Finally, she was getting what she wanted all along. That b***h Blair was going to be gone for good and her pack would finally be peaceful again. Exactly the way she wanted it. She gave a deep exhale of satisfaction.

Alpha Johnathon began to rifle through his desk drawers, looking impatient. Out of respect, Alpha Daxton's small entourage stayed out in the hallway. Alpha Johnathon had a few guards of his own standing at the ready.

"Luckily I have the contract prepared," Alpha Johnathon said a little smarmily to the other Alpha who raised his chin, nodding slowly.

"I appreciate that Alpha Johnathon," he said respectfully "I know that you are a busy man."

Alpha Johnathon relaxed slightly. He found the papers he was looking for and pushed them at the other Alpha who took them with a firm hand, his eyes beginning to scan over the legal document.

"You and Luna Bianca are the legal guardians of this Blair Williams then?" he asked wanting to confirm.

"We are," Luna Bianca said smoothly.

"She is wolfless?" he murmured "but still of shifter blood. Is her heart condition genetic, as that would be a deal breaker" he added, looking concerned.

"It is not. The hospital has confirmed. She was born with it, but it will not affect any children that she has. It was simply unfortunate that she had it" Luna Bianca assured him and he nodded, looking back down at the papers in his hand.

Privately Alpha Johnathon thought he was being a bit pedantic. The Alpha was no spring chicken, at least in his mid-forties,, and was not exactly pretty to look at, yet was acting as though he was some sort of prince, expecting prime quality. He wanted to laugh.

"You put down that she is only to provide one heir," Alpha Daxton said accusingly "Why was I not made privy to this?"

Alpha Johnathon looked at him coolly "When we spoke, you told me that you were only after one child, so I did not see any reason to. Has that since changed?"

"Well no" Alpha Daxton allowed, relaxing "It just comes as a surprise" he admitted.

"You also want me to give her a property at the pack and to financially provide for her," he said exhaling "These are pretty steep stipulations, Alpha Johnathon, especially for a shifter with no wolf and with a heart condition, no less."

"It is precisely for that reason that these conditions are so steep" Alpha Johnathon countered while Luna Bianca privately agreed with Alpha Daxton, "Because of her medical condition I do not wish to see her used as a breeder until she dies in childbirth. As for the financial aspect, it is no more than what is traditionally asked in a breeding contract" he reminded the man tersely.

Alpha Daxton gritted his teeth. Alpha Johnathon waited patiently. Luna Bianca grew nervous. Surely he was not about to rescind the contract? Not after what they had silently agreed to? She bit her lip. Maybe she should offer more compensation, she thought, but then the other man spoke up and she felt relief shoot through her. He had merely been considering everything, thank goodness. Everything was fine. The man was just being stubborn. "The terms are reasonable" he growled as Alpha Johnathon gave a triumphant smile "and I will sign, providing that what I am signing for is in a perfect, healthy condition and otherwise untouched" he added snidely "She is untouched, is she not?"

Alpha Johnathon looked confused. Luna Bianca stepped in quickly, rolling her eyes at her rather obtuse husband. "He means is she a virgin Johnathon" she said, her husband blushing.

"She is, but if you would prefer a medical examination to ensure her purity, it can be arranged," she said dismissively.

Alpha Johnathon looked at her incredulously, slightly outraged by that but Alpha Daxton spoke out before he could protest "Yes. I would" he said firmly "The agreement was that I would be provided a virgin breeder as you recall Alpha Johnathon. I would like a physical examination done to ensure it and I would like to be present for it."

Alpha Johnathon cringed. He had said the girl was a virgin, knowing that Blair was saving herself for her mate. But this was encroaching on her privacy. But Alpha Daxton was well within his rights to demand proof as well. He hesitated.

"A physical examination will be provided but you will not be in the room," he said quietly "You can wait outside the room while a female examines her."

Alpha Daxton inclined his head. "I'm willing to accept that compromise, however, I wish for my own nurse to examine her," he said "I brought one with me. This way I know that you are not paying somebody to lie." "That seems fair," Luna Bianca said turning to a reluctant Alpha Johnathon "You did agree to this" she reminded him haughtily.

Alpha Johnathon knew he had no choice. He sighed. Luna Bianca's eyes glittered as she stood back and waited. He swallowed hard, feeling like a total heel. He reminded himself that as Alpha, he had to make difficult decisions. He turned to his wife who looked at him expectantly. He rubbed his forehead, the other Alpha looking at him curiously, wondering why he was so hesitant. The girl was an omega for heaven's sake. Who cared about her privacy or dignity? She was going to be a breeder! She was hardly going to be afforded those luxuries once she reached Alpha Daxton's pack. He tried not to smirk and retained his respectful expression. Thank god the Alpha was unaware that he was being tricked into this contract. If he knew about the new law...Alpha Daxton instinctively knew the man would obey the letter of the law. He was just that type of Alpha.

"Bianca" Alpha Johnathon said with a heavy heart as his wife gave him a loving smile, "please go and fetch Blair. Ensure she is clean" he said quietly as she nodded "and then ensure she is taken to a private room upstairs. There is no need to take her to the hospital, seeing as Alpha Daxton has seen fit to provide his own nurse. A room should be sufficient," he said, looking at Alpha Daxton who nodded. Luna Bianca immediately headed for the doorway "I shall ensure that she is appropriately attended to and I will take her to a guest room as soon as I possibly can. I will inform you when it is time" she said, her voice full of glee. She felt no sympathy for Blair on what she was about to endure, her thoughts only on getting rid of the pesky girl who had plagued and annoyed her for no end, far too long, a smirk on her face as she began to head in the direction of the dungeons, humming lightly underneath her breath, leaving the two Alpha's to continue conducting the rest of their business in peace.

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