The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 187

King Braedon POV

The sun's rays were just peaking from behind the clouds, as we stood on the grounds, the pack gathered around us, forming a circle, Blair beside me, a look of determination etched on her face. I studied her, noting the dark circles underneath her eyes, the paleness of her skin, and the listless way she moved. She had been restless last night, sleeping very little, and crying out in her sleep. Alpha Johnathon stood at the front of the pack, looking weary, although his strength was slowly returning, he too looked exhausted and run down, his jaw clenched as he awaited what was to come.

"We are gathered here today to witness justice," I said gravely as both my pack and the Dark Rising Pack listened intently "The woman known to you as Luna Bianca has committed a grave offense and knowingly broken the law. She has caused irreparable trauma to women who will never fully heal from what she has put them through" I continued, looking at the women who were nodding slowly, some with tears in their eyes.

Blair took a deep breath "Luna Bianca will not be given a trial. There is no question that she has broken the law. Several witnesses confirm it. To give her a trial would only prolong her execution and deny the justice that those she has harmed are seeking." The women nodded, looking grateful, some even bloodthirsty. I took Blair's hand, feeling it tremble in my grasp. "It is never easy to see a pack member face punishment let alone death and execution is a rare occurrence, but in this case, it calls for the supreme and swift consequence as an example to all who would go against the laws that we carefully establish to help all members of our packs."

I saw James and Sarah give each other sidelong glances. Sarah looked pale and I saw James lean down to whisper something in her ear. I cleared my throat "If anybody has anything to say in Luna Bianca's defense, they may speak now before she is brought out here to face the severity of her actions."

I waited. Blair scanned everybody's faces as the pack members glanced towards each other, looking suspicious. Blair was noticeably relaxed when she saw that nobody was going to speak on her mother's behalf. Not even Alpha Johnathon stepped forward, although his face contorted into an expression of such anguish, I could see how much it cost him to prevent himself from doing just that.

I mind-linked the guards to bring the prisoner out. Several minutes passed in silence before the sound of Luna Bianca screeching could be heard as she was dragged unwillingly to the front of the pack, to stand defiantly in front of myself and Blair. "Bastards" she shrieked, glaring at the pack while my warriors held her arms "All of you. This is the thanks I get for being your Luna?" she hissed, spitting out the words "Where is the loyalty? I did everything for the pack's sake!" "You did it for yourself" one of the pack members interjected sounding angry.

"You b***h, you dare speak about doing this for the pack's sake? I was raped over and over again because of what you did" one of the women screamed hysterically, another pack member embracing her as she began to sob "You should have to suffer what we went through" she sobbed "You should know what it's like. You disgust me" she hissed "you are no Luna of mine."

"You've always been a selfish Luna."

"You've never given a damn about the pack."

"You treated us like rubbish."

"You didn't care about us, you only cared about money."

The voices of her pack began to rise in earnest, voices filled with anger and undeniable pain. Luna Bianca growled, fighting against my warrior's hold, her eyes blazing with fury. "The pack would have been nothing without me. I am the one who made it strong. I am the one who made it something to be proud of" she shrieked "How dare you speak as though I did nothing for you."

"Quiet," Blair said sharply and Luna Bianca's eyes swung to her, a chilling smile coming to her face "Your protests will get you nowhere," she told her quietly.

"Ah yes, my so-called daughter," Luna Bianca said, stunning everyone into silence "It must please you to order my execution. You're finally getting your revenge on me after all these years of denying you as my flesh and blood. Don't pretend this doesn't make you happy" she sneered.

Blair met her eyes stone-faced "It pleases me greatly" she said, shocking the crowd "but I don't acknowledge you as my mother and I never will. You're here for one reason and one reason only, the damage you did to your pack and for disobeying the law." I was proud of my mate. She stood with her shoulders straight, refusing to buckle at her mother's venomous words. There was no hatred in her voice, merely a resignation. Luna Bianca wasn't finished. "I hope my death fills your dreams with nightmares. I hope that you find nothing but misery in your lifetime. I hope that when you close your eyes all you see is me and the blood that you spilled from my dead body. You don't deserve to have peace. You will never have peace" she hissed, causing the pack to mumble amongst themselves, several of the women from the breeding program growing angry.

"Kill her already."

"She poses a threat to everybody. Just listen to how she speaks and to the Luna Queen no less."

"Hear how arrogant she is?"

She has to die. I don't feel safe while she's alive."

"Execute her. Execute her now."

I nodded to the warriors. They dragged her down, to the ground, spreading her on the grass, so that her back was on the ground, her eyes staring up at me. Alpha Johnathon's face went pale and he glanced uneasily away. Luna Bianca gave a mocking laugh. "My death will be avenged, I know it will," she said with triumph in her eyes "and you will rue the day you did this to me."

Blair shook her head in disbelief "Brynn is long gone by now, she's not coming back to avenge your death" she said slowly, as Luna Bianca gave a sickening grin.

"I wasn't speaking about her," Luna Bianca said with a giggle "but by all means, I'm hardly going to tell you who it might be."

She looked over at the pack with condemning eyes. "I hope you all rot in hell," she said with disdain "you ungrateful, pack of wretches."

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