The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 186

Blair POV

"You're sick" I breathed "twisted."

She huffed "No, I was realistic. A pathetic mutt like you would only weaken the bloodline and cause embarrassment. Not to mention make the pack look weaker than it should have been. Many packs would have drowned you at birth, what I would have done was no different." "That will be changing" Braedon's voice came from behind me, strong and confident as he stared my mother down "I will be establishing a law that forbids that from ever happening again. Wolfless shifters or those born with any defects will be protected from now on and allowed to live in their packs without fear of being harmed or killed. I'm disgusted that such a law should even have to be made" he added, shaking his head "for far too long packs have prided themselves on the strength of its members and dismissed the other qualities that pack members can bring to their pack."

I gave my mate a watery smile. Luna Bianca glowered at him. "You think that you can change the mindsets of the packs with just one law? You're dreaming" she scoffed.

"Perhaps, but at least he's implementing change" I told her, straightening my shoulders "and I'm going to make sure that the consequences for killing another pack member for such a pathetic reason are dire enough to make shifters think twice about doing it."

I looked at my mate, "I love you" I told him.

He kissed the top of my head. My mother grunted.

"I feel sorry for you," I told her softly and she gaped at me, looking incredulous and slightly indignant.

"Sorry for me?" she said scornfully "Don't be. I have no regrets."

I gave a dry laugh. "I feel sorry for you because you never got to know me. You lost a vital part of yourself and you missed out on being a part of my life. You will never get to see your grandchildren. Your life has been nothing but filled with vanity and shallowness. It could have been so much better if you had only accepted me. You could have had the privilege of having two daughters instead of just one. Things might have turned out differently for you" I said quietly.

For a moment there was a look on her face, almost like regret, but then it was gone just as quickly. She merely glowered at me. I sighed. I couldn't bear to look at her. The cruelty she had inflicted on me my whole life weighed heavily on me. There was no chance she would ever change and I felt no loyalty towards her or remorse for what I was about to do. She had made her choice and now I was making mine. I reached for Braedon's hand, taking strength and courage from it. My mother's eyes narrowed as she took the look of resolve on my face.

"I want her executed tomorrow at Dawn" I announced, loud enough for her to hear as well "for all her crimes. For trafficking innocent women for her breeding program and for the attempted murder of a Luna Queen. I don't want her shown mercy, but I also have no desire to t*****e her." For a moment triumph lit on my mother's face. I stared at her stony-faced "I'm not granting you mercy, but it would be a waste of time torturing somebody who is only going to die anyway. Some sentences are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on Jo bn Visit Job to read the complete chapters for free. Fill her with wolfsbane and restrain her with silver cuffs" I instructed Braedon who nodded grimly "The entire pack will be present for the execution. No doubt her old pack will want to watch her die for themselves."

I turned on my heel. My mother began to shout from behind us. "You're going to regret doing this Blair. You're not like me" she screamed "You're going to have nightmares. I'll haunt your dreams, I'll be in your mind every waking moment. My blood will be on your hands. Do you think you can live with that?" she shrieked beginning to laugh madly, as I shuddered and climbed the stairs "will your heart take the strain of seeing me dead, and knowing you engineered it? Will you live with the guilt" she continued as I opened the door and blindly walked into the house, Braedon behind me.

Her voice faded as Braedon shut the door and locked it, before holding me to him, stroking my hair. "I'm so sorry my love" he murmured as I clung to him.

I gripped his arms, breathing heavily. "She's a monster" I muttered, my stomach feeling like there was a lead weight inside of it "Nothing but an evil monster."

"I'm sorry you had to hear that" he soothed, and I felt the tears that I had been holding at bay, for all of this time, begin to spring forth, like a dam bursting, beginning to trail down my cheeks, as Braedon reached forward and wiped them away with the thumb on his hand. "Tell me I'm not like her" I sobbed, as he stared at me incredulously "tell me I'll never turn into her."

He swept me up into his arms, cradling me close as I put my head on his shoulders "Honey, you are never going to be like that. You are one of the sweetest, kindest, most loving women I know and you're going to be the greatest mother to our unborn pup that I've ever seen. I know you, she's just trying to get into your head. You might share the same blood and the same DNA" he said gently as I turned my head upwards and looked into his eyes, feeling myself captivated by them once again "but there is one thing you don't share and that's the most important thing" he continued as I stared at him, not comprehending.

"What?" I mumbled, sniffing.

He smiled and kissed the tip of my nose "Your heart. You don't share the same heart" he reminded me, as I put my head back on his shoulder and began to softly cry again.

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