The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 147

King Braedon POV

I watched the blood drain out of Blair's face, the glass she was holding crash to the ground, shards splattering across the ground. Her body began to topple forward and I leaped forward to catch her, her eyes dazed and confused. She felt hot to the touch. I cursed out loud. Somebody had spiked her drink. I swept her up off her feet, cradling her across my chest, my feet propelling my body out of the marquee with amazing speed as Blair hung limply in my grasp, her breathing shallow and uneven. "Son of a b***h" I roared, my anger increasing with every move I made, the hospital looming in the distance.

We should have been on our guard, but I never would have anticipated that somebody would have taken the risk of dosing Blair's glass with something during the summit of all places, where the marquee was literally swarming with security. I clenched my jaw, my rage increasing with every step I took, my eyes darkening further as I fought back my wolf which was struggling to release itself from the confines of my mind and attack everybody in sight for the harm that had been done to our precious mate. "Our baby" Blair whimpered, her voice cracking, her body moving restlessly in my arms.

"It's okay sweetheart, you're both going to be okay" I murmured, trying to convince myself as much as her.

She sobbed as I darted into the entrance, the doctor on duty hastily waving me into an empty room. The woman immediately began hooking Blair up to an IV as I placed her tenderly on the bed, Blair began to seize as I held her down, my heart feeling as though it was breaking.

"What did she have?" the doctor, Celia Smith asked and I shook my head, feeling helpless, even as I mindlinked James, instructing him that nobody was to leave the marquee.

"Something was in her water," I said numbly, as the doctor gently disengaged my hands from Blair who was beginning to still.

The doctor swore "It could have been any number of things. The Luna Queen is pregnant, is that correct?" she asked grimly.

My voice hitched "Yes" as I answered, staring down at Blair, before I turned and punched the wall, putting a large hole through it as the doctor continued to check Blair's vitals, unperturbed by my anger.

"Please, do something," I said, fighting back my wolf, who was beginning to despair at the possible loss of our pup and mate.

I knew that the loss of our mate would only end in me becoming feral. I dreaded to consider the possibility of that happening.

She glanced up at me, even as she injected Blair with something, Blair's breathing became slightly easier and less shallow. "I'll do my best, but if it's poison and I can't discern which one it is..." she trailed off, her voice becoming grim.

I didn't have to complete the sentence. I grabbed my mate's hand. "Fight Blair" I urged her thickly, rubbing circles on her palm, "damnit fight. For our child's sake and mine. I can't lose you" I told her, sensing somebody in the doorway and looking up to see Sarah whose eyes were welling up with tears "Not now damnit."

Sarah walked forward tentatively and I broke down, turning to her and burying my face in her shoulder as she held me. "I'm so sorry" she murmured glancing down at Blair, while the doctor continued to frantically delegate different tasks to the

nurses popping in and out of the hospital room "What can I do to help?" she asked looking hopeless.

I stepped back and maintained my composure "Get some fresh clothes for Blair" I asked quietly "She's going to need

them and let Sierra and Josie know she's here. No one else" I instructed her quickly "if something happens, she's going to want her friends around her."

Sarah nodded, "James is already questioning everybody at the event" she offered as I nodded tightly "I could stay with her if you wanted to go back to the marquee and help" she suggested.

I shook my head. I was not going to abandon my mate or unborn child. I gripped Blair's hand again, the doctor now hanging up blood. "Alpha King" Dr Celia said quietly "While a blood transfusion may help, if you donated your blood it would go a long way to helping her heal and may even help your baby" she advised me. "Do we have your permission to take yours?" she asked.

I began to roll up my sleeves without hesitation as a nurse approached me. "Take as much as you want," I said gruffly, the nurse leading me to the chair in the room.

Hell, they could drain me dry, so long as it meant my mate lived.

The nurse was silent, quickly draining my blood as I tensed my arm, Sarah leaving the room. Blair seemed oblivious to us all and I saw the doctor frowning as she checked Blair over. Suddenly Blair made a gurgling sound and then retched, Dr Celia moving to place her head to the side as blood splattered the floor. I felt panic take over me.

I almost ripped the needle out of my arm. The nurse placed a forbidding hand on me, preventing me from moving. "She's coughing up blood" I snarled, gesturing to my mate "Help her."

"We are helping her as best we can Alpha King" Dr Celia murmured, anxiously taking some blood from Blair as she lay back on the bed, flopping onto it exhausted, her expression almost delirious.

"Is she dying?" I demanded, as the nurse finished taking my blood, my voice rising higher as I stared at the doctor, willing her to answer.

Dr Celia hesitated. "Not yet, but I don't like her vitals. Whatever she ingested has caused serious damage to her internals. I'm about to transfuse your blood and mix it with hers" she advised "Hopefully it will allow her to heal quickly. She also has the advantage of being an Alpha wolf, had she been an ordinary shifter, there is no doubt in my mind that she would be long dead by now and your unborn child too."

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