The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 144

Blair POV

We entered and immediately there was silence as the crowd turned to regard us, every Alpha, Luna, omega, and pack member that was present immediately bowed their heads and submitted their necks to us. "Welcome," Braedon boomed, holding my hand tightly as I smiled nervously at the crowd "I wish to present your Luna Queen and my mate Blair to everyone officially tonight."

Gasps in the crowd as some of them looked up before swallowing and looking back down at the ground. Some of the women looked envious. I saw Sierra and Josie smiling and Sarah was grinning and waving.

"I want everyone to enjoy tonight and remember that nobody is to lay a finger on anyone, no matter their status. It is a time to negotiate treaties and a time for peace between all of our territories. Eat, drink, and be merry" my mate declared loudly and the crowd began to clap politely, as we headed directly towards a table in the back, Braedon pushing out a chair for me and sitting me down.

"Would you like a drink?" he asked and I gave a tentative nod.

He signaled an omega who came over with water and grabbed two glasses, handing me one. I sipped at it grateful for its coolness and refreshing taste.

A rather large burly man and a thin, slender woman with red hair and green eyes came waltzing over. "Alpha King Braedon," the man said bowing his head "It is a pleasure to see you again."

"Alpha Jerome," my mate said pleased, shaking his hand "Luna Serena" I am glad to see that you've made it" he added and then gestured towards me "This is Luna Queen Blair," he said formally. The Luna tentatively took my hand and shook it. "A pleasure," she said demurely, while the Alpha shook my hand, his strength coursing through me.

"It's lovely to meet you both," I said gently.

The Alpha was c*****g his head and regarding me "An alpha wolf, that's interesting" he murmured.

"I knew you'd be able to tell," Braedon said evenly "Is it that obvious?"

Alpha Jerome laughed, sitting down, Luna Serena doing the same. "Her aura is definitive. Anybody who can call themselves an Alpha should be able to sense it" he said dismissively.

"You wouldn't happen to know who might have abandoned a child about eighteen, nineteen years ago?" Braedon asked intently.

The Alpha and Luna looked thoughtful. Both shook their heads apologetically "I'm afraid not, why do you ask?"

"Because my father and mother abandoned me as a child" I supplied wearily "and we were hoping to discover who they might be."

Luna Serena looked at me sadly "I can't fathom what would make a mother abandon her own child" she said stiffly "and I am sorry that you've had to go through that. If we hear anything that may be of use, rest assured that we will inform you at once. Perhaps we can make some inquiries" she added, looking at her husband who nodded quickly.

"I would be grateful," Braedon said and I nodded too.

"Any information would be helpful" I added as the Luna took my hand and squeezed it.

"She's beautiful Braedon" Luna Serena said looking at me "And I can sense how strong you are" she added to me "You are the perfect Luna Queen" she added kindly.

"Thank you" I breathed. She smiled and then took her husband's hand.

"I believe I would like a drink husband of mine," she said conspiritionally and he laughed, winking at Braedon and hopping to his feet. They walked away, hand in hand. "They seem sweet," I said, sipping my water.

"They are old friends of mine," Braedon said easily "and they will keep their promise. If they find out any information, they'll let us know." Some music began to play. I swayed gently to the sounds and then glanced up as my mate got to his feet, holding out his hand. I blinked. "Would you do me the honor of this dance?" he asked me.

How could I refuse? I took his hand and he assisted me up, leading me out to the dance floor. I felt his hand wrap around my waist, his other hand engulfing mine in his, his body leading me gently around the floor as other Alphas and Lunas joined us. He drew me in closer, his head resting on top of mine and I closed my eyes. It was heaven. He stroked my cheek.

"I wish we could stay like this forever" I murmured.

He chuckled "I wish we could too. Just having you in my arms, makes me happy" he added and I blushed, nestling against his chest as I watched the unmated females glare at me from the sides.

I saw Sarah attempt to walk past with tears streaming down her face. I stiffened and then slowly peeled Braedon's arms off of me. "Let me go check on her" I whispered, nodding towards her as she practically ran out of the marquee.

He sighed but loosened his grip "Maybe I should go too" he suggested but I shook my head.

"No, I think this calls for a girl's touch," I told him honestly and zipped out of the marquee.

Sarah was standing, facing a tree, her shoulders heaving up and down. She was crying. I could hear her gentle sobs and my heart broke. What had happened in the short amount of time she had spent in the summit? I reached out and touched her shoulder, making her jump. "What's wrong?" I whispered and she turned to me, her lower lip trembling, her eyes wide and puffy.

"He rejected me" she whispered "My mate rejected me" she almost keened, sinking to her knees "he doesn't want me."

My heart broke as she sobbed. I reached down and hoisted her up. "Did he give a reason?" I asked tightly, wondering if I could find the bastard and tear him into strips.

She laughed bitterly "he's already taken a chosen mate."

I deflated. I couldn't blame the man for rejecting her. Not if he'd already taken a chosen mate, as much as it pained me and Sarah. "Did you accept it?"

She glanced at me tearfully. "Yes" she sniffled "but it hurts so much" she wailed.

I wiped her eyes, "Listen, that man didn't deserve you. You; 'll find somebody else who appreciates you for who you are. Somebody who loves you and cherishes you" I said fiercely as she blinked at me "Do not let this bastard think that you're crying over him." She whimpered, still clutching at me. Suddenly her nostrils began to flare and I watched her eyes widen again.

"Do you smell that?" she asked confused.

"Smell what?" I asked sniffing.

She looked at me bewildered "It smells like chocolate chip cookies and peppermint" she groaned.

I perked up. Was there some delicious dessert being served in the marquee? My mouth watered but no matter how hard I sniffed, I couldn't smell it. I glanced at Sarah who was still sniffing away, her nose high in the air. Realization dawned. Could this possibly be? So soon after her first mate rejected her?

"Sarah," I said gingerly as she looked at me, her feet beginning to move "Sarah, I think that you might be..." I trailed off.

She wasn't listening anyway. I watched as the flaps to the marquee suddenly opened wide and somebody came storming out, looking frazzled, sniffing madly.

"Where are you" they muttered.

Was it me or was that voice familiar? Oh boy. No way, I thought wickedly, this was just awesome. Sarah and his eyes met and there was an unmistakable roar as the man yelled out, Sarah's in conjunction with his "mate." I doubled over laughing. This was too perfect for words.

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